Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. [36] We are not alone, for we have assurances that Minnesota, Georgia, and possibly Michigan and Kansas will walk out when we do". In Ohio, the state Republican Party held a primary on February 11. The Prohibition Party met in Columbus, Ohio on July 14th and 15th to nominate their presidential ticket. READ MORE: How the 1876 Election Tested the Constitution and Effectively Ended Reconstruction. [27] When it came time for the nominations, Leon personally nominated Martin Preston of Nevada, who was currently serving a twenty-five year sentence for the murder of Anton Silva. William Howard Taft was nominated with 702 votes to 68 for Knox, 67 for Hughes, 58 for Cannon, 40 for Fairbanks, 25 for La Follette, 16 for Foraker, 3 for President Roosevelt, and one abstention.[8]. However, Taft undercut Bryan's liberal support by accepting some of his reformist ideas, and Roosevelt's progressive policies blurred the distinctions between the parties. His campaign slogan, "Shall the People Rule? The following three years were a trying time for the party. This downward trend is at least partly due to the fact that even as the pool of eligible voters increased during the 20th century, new rules and restrictions made voting increasingly difficult for many of them. Hayes was able to keep these electors and become president by promising Democrats that he would end Reconstruction. [21] In early 1908, however, at least one member of the national committee believed that Senator Robert La Follette of Wisconsin would win the Populist nomination. They managed to delay the official organization of the convention all day. That year, a paltry 6.3 percent of that narrow field of eligible voters, or roughly 28,000 people, voted. Forty-six states participated, as Oklahoma had joined the Union less than a year before. In 1900, the year that Republican William McKinley won reelection, the voter turnout was 73.7 percent. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! That year, a paltry 6.3 percent of that narrow field of eligible voters, or roughly 28,000 people, voted. Of the 2,858 counties making returns, Taft won in 1,494 (52.27%) while Bryan carried 1,355 (47.41%). He was overwhelmingly nominated for the presidency on the first ballot, with Benjamin Hanford again named as his running-mate. The states varied in how they selected electors to vote for the president. [15], By late 1907, many Populists were hoping that Thomas Watson would agree to run for President again. The first time presidential voter turnout surpassed 50 percent … FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. The 1908 election was among the last where machines could still turn out voters. While increasingly dwarfed by the growing membership of the Socialist Party led by Eugene Debs and Bill Haywood, Daniel De Leon and his compatriots remained committed to maintaining their separate course, considering Debs and his platform as "reactionary". Over the next several decades, activists sought to change this. US 2020 elections could have highest voter turnout since 1908. [19] He had an altercation with an African-American porter on a train; when the porter said that he was unable to increase the train's speed, Watson hit the man in the face with the cap of his cane. In March, the Minnesota Democratic State Convention endorsed Johnson for president. Eugene Chafin was nominated on the third ballot in an open contest. The total vote increased greatly, by more than a million vis-à-vis 1904. When Democrats began to call for the nomination of Bryan in 1908, western Populist leader Thomas Tibbles announced that the People's Party would probably not support him since he had gone into the hands of the Eastern business interests. Moreover, nearly two-thirds of the vote cast for Bryan was from the fifteen states of the (Northeastern) Mid-Atlantic, East North Central, and West North Central sections, in which the Democratic candidate carried only one state (Nebraska). Taft had a majority in 1,325 counties while Bryan had a majority in 1,204 counties. The Socialist Labor Party met in New York, New York from July 2nd to July 5th in Arlington Hall, St. Mark's Place. Taft's triumph gave Republicans their fourth straight presidential election victory. With Roosevelt's support, Taft won the presidential nomination of the 1908 Republican National Convention on the first ballot. 14, No. Candidates pledged to Taft were printed on the ballot in a Taft column, and candidates pledged to Foraker were printed in a column under his name. READ MORE: How the Vietnam War Draft Spurred the Fight to Lower the Legal Voting Age. The 1908 United States presidential election was the 31st quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 1908. In this third attempt at the presidency, and in an election following one in which the nominee of his party polled only five million votes, Bryan had heavy support in every section of the country, and in every state.

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