Conjunctions: als, wenn or wann. Nebensatz: als (ob) Bei einer Satzverbindung mit der Konjunktion als ob werden zwei Sätze verbunden, bei denen der zweite Satz die Aussage des ersten Satzes mit einem hypothetischen Vergleich ergänzt.. Standardsprachlich steht in Sätzen mit als ob der Konjunktiv II. wann . The conjunctions wann, wenn, falls, als and ob can sometimes be tricky because in English they could all translate as “when” or “if/whether”. Wann is a question word, used to ask when something happened or will happen. It goes after a. and also if you want to ask a yes/no question. When I get home, I'm going to cook something. Als can also be used to mean "as" or "than.". the likelihood of the event actually happening is lower. This can sometimes be confusing for language learners. als . Wenn du weiterhin nicht pünktlich zur Arbeit kommst, wirst du noch entlassen. This condition goes in the subordinate clause. (...aber der Wetterbericht sagt schlechtes Wetter voraus). I'll ride my bike tomorrow if it doesn't rain. Conjunctions Subordinate conjunctions Dass or weil Dass or ob Als, wenn, wann or ob Als, wenn or wann. Do you know what time the train is coming? erfüllt ist, tritt die im Hauptsatz genannte Folge zu. Wenn può anche congiungere una frase al passato se quello che indica è un'abitudine, un fatto ripetitivo. And now, I'd like to know whether you have understood it all. English "when" can be expressed in German by three different words: als, wann, and wenn.In the past tense, "when" is usually als: "Als er gestern ankam," or "When he arrived yesterday. It can be used in statements when referring to the specific time that something happens, such as in "I'm not sure when he will get here." (...but the forecast says the weather will be bad). can also sometimes mean "if". Nur wenn die im Nebensatz formulierte Bedingung wahr bzw. (Wann bin ich glücklich? La conjuncion ob se usa como pregunta indirecta: Could you tell me whether this laptop has got enough storage capacity? In this week’s Wort der Woche post on the word als, I touched upon the distinction between the words als, wenn, wann.. I’d like to explore the issue further and give a simple Q & A procedure for learners to follow to figure out which word to choose. questions. In English, we can use "when" to mean all of these things. In these exercises, you must choose to use either als, wenn, or wann in each of the blanks. If you could possibly say “whether” in English, in German you must always use, I don't know whether that's right. There is a lower chance that the condition(s) can be met. Beispiel: Ich bin so glücklich, wenn ich am Meer spazieren gehe. Sentence construction Passive voice Verb conjugation Vocabulary. Le congiunzioni als, wenn, wann e ob. Write the correct word in each blank. Voir les statistiques de réussite de ce test d'allemand Merci de vous connecter au club pour sauvegarder votre résultat. In this case, it's all about. Wenn Peter in Italien ist, trinkt er viel Wein. I'll visit you tomorrow if that's all right with you. These conjunctions can sometimes be tricky because in English they could all translate as “when” or “if/whether”. "But here we will concentrate on the two German "w" words for "when." It is a subordinating conjunction used to connect conditionals (If it rains, the sidewalk gets wet), express the notion of "whenever" (He'll call when he has time), as well as indicate the subjunctive mood (If I became a millionaire, I'd buy a Ferrari). I will call you when I am done with work. Zurück zum Kapitel: Komplexe Sätze Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis – Deutsche Grammatik 2.0. Wenn kann eine temporale (siehe ALS e WENN), oder eine konditionale Bedeutung haben.Um diese Zweideutigkeit auszuschließen, kann man es ersetzen: “wenn” temporal mit sobald, wenn es um eine … . Next grammar topic: Repetition II: wenn, falls, wann, als, ob. I did my A-levels when I was 18 years old. it is more likely that the condition will be met. Der Gebrauch des Konjunktivs ist hier obligatorisch. The first two, als and wenn, are subordinating conjunctions as described in the previous section, and they are each used for different senses of time. Could I ask you whether you use this app? English "when" can be expressed in German by three different words: als, wann, and wenn.In the past tense, "when" is usually als: "Als er gestern ankam," or "When he arrived yesterday. „irreale Komparationssätze“ bezeichnet . ich gestern im Kino war, habe ich Franz getroffen. He asked me whether I wanted to go to the cinema. Wenn, wann, als. Exercice d'allemand "Als - wenn - ob - cours" créé par anonyme avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! and when the action being talked about only happened once, even if it was something. Wann oder wenn? In these exercises, you must decide whether to use als, wenn, wann or ob. Use als when you are talking about a general time in the past: for example, "Als ich kind war...(When I was a child...)." It is also used to talk about something in the past that took place. It can be used in statements when referring to the specific time that something happens, such as in "I'm not sure when he will get here."

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