1989. Will This Still Work For Me? And ruining thousands of dollars of furniture and electronics. P.S. (22) Sher, L. “Low Testosterone Levels May Be Associated with Suicidal Behavior in Older Men While High Testosterone Levels May Be Related to Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents and Young Adults: a Hypothesis.” International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health., U.S. National Library of Medicine, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23893672. yet it's true... 1 in 4 men over 30 suffer from low testosterone It’s this deadly hormone that’s been “spilling over” into your bloodstream, cells, and muscles. (5) Moraes MR, Bacurau RF, Simões HG, Campbell CS, Pudo MA, Wasinski F, Pesquero JB, Würtele M, Araujo RC. The science behind TriCon training inside Ripped After 40 pushes the natural boundaries of your metabolism. (24) Epel, E E, et al. And I hope you do. Which is frightening news because “do more cardio” is the #1 prescribed form of exercise for men over 40... Plus, there’s a reason endurance runners look skinny fat and have little muscle. Suffering in silence with aging bodies, bulging bellies, low sex drive, and little energy... Not to mention low-t turns regular men into ticking time bombs with a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, even suicide This isn’t some magic pill or potion. You included. And the only ‘way out’ they give you is an expensive blue pill - which has been prescribed to 40% of the ‘over 40’ male population in America (17)... ​Yet it’s been shown to cause blindness, sudden loss of hearing, abnormally fast heart beat, even full blow heart attacks (18)... And if it’s not Viagra… they force you to sign up for testosterone replacement therapy. They’re typically long-winded. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. Meaning, your muscle and hormones begin wasting away (26)... while your body begins storing fat instead of burning it - this confirmed by researchers at Yale University (27). And you won’t have to worry about performing high risk exercises in the gym. (34) Fell, J, and D Williams. I strongly recommend this program to guys 30+ years old or guys who are looking to build muscle and burn fat FAST without spending hours at the gym. I want to get this information out into the world so every guy who wants an attention-commanding physique can achieve his desired goal. What Is Positions of Flexion And XRX Sets? “This Sexual Condition Affects Surprisingly High Number Of Men Under 40.”The Huffington Post, TheHuffingtonPost.com, 12 June 2013, www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/11/erectile-dysfunction-young-men-age-40-younger_n_3405085.html. That’s why I’ve included the X-traordinary Arms program as a Free Bonus and some additional routines in my 20 lbs in 10 weeks manual if you notice your progress beginning to stall. Which uses 1) short rest periods between sets to maximize testosterone production... One study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows 90-120 second rest periods between sets produce a greater testosterone spike than those taking longer rest periods (28). For example…. Option 2: You can take everything you’ve learned in this letter and try getting results on your own. 54 X-traordinary ARMS X-traordinary Arms was written to help you achieve a muscular, ripped physique with sensible bodybuilding strategies. Remember, you're backed up and protected by my 60-day unconditional 100% money back triple guarantee. While spending minutes in the gym instead of hours. Which led me to discover XRX. You can’t exercise when you’re injured, right? ����0?�1�}s�iZ�0��[J]! Including the symptoms like excess abdominal fat, low energy, high cortisol levels, and heightened levels of estrogen. When doing a long cardio workout your body stops burning calories the instant you step off the treadmill. Download your PDF now! Pages: 102. How Long Does It Take For Me To Get The Program? I’ve even seen respected scientists say that changing the shape of a muscle can’t be done. There’s three different positions which you will focus on three days per week. The other group followed 3 full-body workouts per week. ‘Short-circuiting’ during sex. And according to a recent publication in the journal, Biology of Sport, full body workouts burn more fat... while releasing a greater testosterone-boosting and cortisol lowering response compared to those following a traditional ‘bodybuilding split’ (37). And The Longer You Let This Go On... Because unless you’re in your 20’s or filling your body with artificial hormones and steroids... And 2) if you reach 45 minutes with your workout - pull the chord and end your training session no matter what. $79 - FREE TODAY. Your joints will feel awakened to new life and your body infused with fresh energy. Once you join the Anabolic After 40 program you’ll have instant access to me and decades of personal fitness knowledge. “Elevated Hair Cortisol Concentrations in Endurance Athletes.”Psychoneuroendocrinology., U.S. National Library of Medicine, May 2012, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21944954. Meaning you may be taken from God’s green earth long before your time…, I know it sucks hearing all that.

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