This cheat sheet will help you with that: Let me summarize: A compressor controls the volume of the source when it goes above the set threshold. Use this cheat sheet to get you started on compression; What Does Compression Do? So always avoid over compression for any type of vocals. Download it to your desktop for easy reference, or print it out and hang it on your studio wall. A punchy sound can come from your performance, your instrument, or the effective use of compression (or all three). Apply – Listen – Tweak . Meet your new best friend for fitting those fantastic frequencies! Usually attained by adding 2- to 5-kHz frequencies. Although compression is generally perceived to make a signal louder, in all actuality the compression-induced attenuation is lowering the output. You can use the output gain to “make-up” for the attenuation done by the compressor. Plosives: The result of saying or singing p or other stop consonant sounds(t, g, k, d, b). Don't be afraid to experiment often, a horrendously compressed piece of audio can give a very dramatic effect. Compression Cheat Sheet. When it comes to EQing it’s very important to know the main frequency ranges and how they sound. Remember! Punchy: A nice attack and sense of presence. Know it. A ratio of 1:1 is the lowest and it represents no attenuation. Love it. And you will find the best version. EQ Cheat Sheet for Over 20+ Instruments. It’s effectively a smart volume control. If you’re new to audio production you’ve probably heard all about compression but you may be a bit unsure on how to approach it in your mixes. Rap Vocal Compression Settings ‘Cheat Sheet’ Here is the cheat sheet for rap vocals that you can initially apply and then tweak as per your need. Ratio – 5:1; Threshold – -15dB EQ Cheat Sheet. The ratio has to be adjusted with the Threshold to get the perfect compression in the audio signal. You are saying “when this audio goes above -18dB, turn it down a bit”. Study it. What the knobs do: threshold - sets the level where compression begins above the threshold, the output increases at a lesser rate (the lower the threshold, the more the signal gets compressed) Ratio - how much the output changes after the threshold ex. Always check the sound in context of the mix as well. Compression ratio is a quite confusing thing. Tips. Equalization (or “EQing”) is an essential process to a great sounding mix and knowing how to do it right will definitely make your mixes sound better. This is where “output gain”, or “make-up gain”, comes into play. Presence: A nice balance between an instrument’s attack and its main tone. This instrument chart is just a starting point. You can see some numbers on compression ratio knob, ie; 1:1, 2:1, 4:1 etc. Compression as with other FX, is very much a listening choice. Always go with the below process. Try starting with these figures, & then adjust things until it sounds right. First, it’s absolutely essential that you have an understanding of how compression works. It specifies the amount of attenuation to be applied to the signal.

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