Erfahre mehr darüber, wie deine Kommentardaten verarbeitet werden. The threshold of human hearing is typically 0dB at 1000Hz, meaning that you won’t be able to hear anything quieter than that, and the threshold of pain is around 140dB at 1000Hz. By shortening the dynamic range of a buss, the elements within the buss are perceived as sharing the same space, even if your listener can’t quite place their finger on the reasoning behind this. The first compressor is there to catch the transients and tuck them into place. I’ve also seen compressors that have the ability to automatically set attack times; although this is less common. Wie Dir sicher schon aufgefallen ist, gibt es da draussen hunderte Hardware-Kompressoren sowie Kompressor-Plugins. Upwards compression boosts the volume of a signal when it reaches below a threshold; it reduces dynamic range. Die Release bestimmt, wie schnell sich ein Audio Kompressor wieder „erholt“. When placed into sidechain mode, the audio running through the compressor will continue to pass through the device, but it will have no effect on how the compressor behaves. Ich möchte mich bedanken bei dir. I personally like to use a compressor rich with flavor and character on my drum buss, like the Vertigo VSC-2. This is just an extreme form of limiting with ratios ranging from 20:1 all the way to inf:1. It’s good to note that you don’t need to use all of the bands on a multi-band compressor. By mixing the level of the duplicate track back in with the original, it’s easy to strike a balance between a dynamic and a compressed signal. Limiters are typically set with short attack times, but this isn’t always the case. A buss is a point in your signal flow where multiple inputs merge into a single output. One of the nice side effects of applying compression is that it provides you with more headroom. Auf den einzelnen Spuren, also zum Beispiel auf der Kick, Snare, Synths, Vocals. Am Ende des Artikels nenne ich Dir noch ein super Tool, mit dem Du dein Gehör zum Erkennen  der verschiedenen Einstellungen eines Kompressors trainieren kannst. There are certain parameters you need to set in order to make it behave the way you want. Ich gehe hier jetzt einmal davon aus, dass du weisst was eine ADSR-Hüllkurve ist. Nach den Transienten folgt der Bauch eines Signals. Upwards expansion boosts the volume of a signal when it reaches above a threshold; it increases dynamic range. The second compressor is there to thicken up the tail end of the vocals while leaving the transients untouched. Check your inbox to get started. Mit dem Make-Up-Gain kann der Ausgangspegel eingestellt werden. These are by no means fixed rules you must adhere to, but rather good starting points. It’s one of those mysterious devices that everyone uses, but lots of people don’t understand. As the audio signal increases throughout the range, the ratio increases. In this guide, I’m going to be going over the fundamental concepts you need to know in order to understand compression. If your threshold is set to -20dB, your compressor will progressively respond to incoming signal within the range of -30dB to -10dB (reaching 10dB below the threshold and 10dB above the threshold). When linked the compressor will respond to the joint signal between stereo channels. 2. Auf dieser Ebene gibt es zwei grundsätzliche Beweggründe einen Kompressor einzusetzen: In reality, compression isn’t what makes sounds loud, the makeup gain is what makes them loud. Now imagine that you’re having a conversation with your friend but in a giant crowd of people who are yelling (acting as the noise floor). Downwards compression attenuates the volume of a signal when it reaches above a threshold; it reduces dynamic range. You’ve likely noticed that as you play higher notes with your bass that the gain tends to increase. Wie soll ich ihn einstellen? Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht.

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