Individual minerals of the biotite series are distinguished by their Biotite with other micas are sheet silicates – their structure is composed of many sheetlike layers which are connected to each-other by weak chemical bonds. Google Scholar Biotite (another name is iron mica) is a rather soft and elastic mineral that can be easily machined. Chemical composition Biotite comprises a series of monoclinic minerals of the mica group that may be represented by the generalized formula : K(Mg, Fe2+)3-1.5 (Al, Fe3+)0-1 (A11-1.5 Si3-2.5 010) (OH, F)2 (Tröger, 1969). The chemical composition of biotite as an i ndicator of magmatic fractiona tion and me tasomatism in Sn- specialised granites of the Fichtelgebirge (NW Bohemian massif, Germany). Machev, P., Klain, L., and Hecht, L. (2004) Mineralogy and chemistry of biotites from the Belogradchik pluton - some petrological implications for granitoid magmatism in north-west Bulgaria. Canadian Mineralogist: 41: 1381-1396. Ayati F, Yavuz F, Noghreyan M, Haroni HA, Yavuz R (2008) Chemical characteristics and composition of hydrothermal biotite from the Dalli porphyry copper prospect, Arak, central province of Iran. Biotite, a silicate mineral in the common mica group. Biotite is regarded as a mixture In the crust often lies near muscovites and feldspars. Miner Petrol 94:107. That gives rise to the most characteristic feature of micas: perfect basal cleavage. From it, you will also learn where this stone is used and what healing properties it has. It is abundant in metamorphic rocks (both regional and contact), in pegmatites, and also in granites and other intrusive igneous rocks. Biotite is an important silicate mineral that can be used to decipher the physicochemical attributes of magmatic or hydrothermal systems. More information about the origin, varieties and properties of the mineral biotite will tell our article. For chemical formula and detailed physical properties, see mica (table). The chemical composition and charge of the biotite near-surface, in contact with NaCl bearing aqueous solutions at 25 °C from pH 1 to 12, have been derived via zeta potential measurements and potentiometric titrations performed for 20 and 60 min in batch reactors. Shabani, A. and Lalonde, E. (2003) Composition of biotite from granitic rocks of the Canadian Appalachian orogen: a potential tectonomagmatic indicator? Biotite is one of the two most common members of the mica group. The other one is muscovite.

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