The battle ended in a rout of the Union forces and cemented Forrest's reputation as one of the great cavalrymen. The modern Bethany Presbyterian Church is located on the southeast side of the crossroads. In order to draw Forrest back to north Mississippi, Sherman ordered Brigadier General Samuel D. Sturgis and his troops to move from Memphis to Mississippi, thus forcing Forrest to move his cavalry to meet him. The battle is commemorated at Brices Cross Roads National Battlefield Site, established in 1929. At the time of the battle, this congregation's meeting house was located further south along the Baldwyn Road. Brices Cross Roads is the only component of the National Park System designated a "battlefield site". By 11:00 a.m. Forrest, now reinforced, began to push the Federals back toward the crossroads. The battle was considered a major tactical victory for the Confederacy, but did not diminish the effectiveness of Sherman's campaign as supplies continued to flow. Battle Of Brice’s Cross Roads, Or Tishomingo Creek, June 2nd to 12th, 1864. Stay Inspired . The Battle of Brice's Cross Roads pitted a 3,200-man contingent led by Maj. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest against an 8,500-strong Union force led by Brig. About a half-mile east of the crossroads (2) the lead elements of the Federal cavalry met the Confederate Kentucky brigade about 9:30 a.m. and the battle began. It pitted a 4,787-man contingent led by Confederate Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest against an 8,100-strong Union force led by Brigadier General Samuel D. Sturgis. A major victory for Confederate forces under General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the battle is studied today by military officers. The Battle of Brice's Crossroads was fought on June 10, 1864, near Baldwyn in Lee County, Mississippi, during the American Civil War. Brices Cross Roads is an excellent example of winning the battle, but losing the war. Gen. Samuel D. Sturgis. This is the spot where the Brice family house once stood. The campaign of Gen. Sherman, with his infantry command, from Vicksburg to Meridian, Miss. By Stephen D. Lee. The Federal … The National Park Service erected and maintains monuments and interpretive panels on a small 1-acre (4,000 m 2) plot at the crossroads. The Battle of Brices Cross Roads (also called Brices Crossroads) was fought near Baldwyn, Mississippi, on June 10, 1864.
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