When feeding an incubating female, the male may call to her softly. Pairs usually do not stray very far from each other. Mate feeding occurs when the male cardinal picks up a seed, hops near the female and the two touch beaks so the female can take the food. Other: "Anticipatory food-bringing" may occur in the later stages of incubation, perhaps as the male 'practices" bringing food to the young to come. The parents continue to feed them for 25 to 56 days when the young become independent and have learned how to feed themselves. That is such as sweet gesture. The chicks leave the nest when they are 9 to 10 days old. Cardinals will usually build the nests from twigs, pine needles, grass, and other plant material. Image of kiss, branch, bird - 71221671 They may begin breeding the next spring. Mate feeding will go on until the female lays eggs and incubates them. Young cardinals often join flocks with other young birds. Female cardinals are responsible for building the nests. Pairs of male and female cardinals remain with each other year round. Cardinal eggs have an incubation period of 11 to 13 days. Both parents feed insects to the chicks. Photo about Two cardinals feeding each other. Food: The northern cardinal's strong, thick bill is perfect for large seeds, and black oil sunflower seeds and safflower seeds are two of their favorites. Also see "helping" (cooperative breeding) where individuals other than the male–female pair help to raise a brood. Normally, pairs of cardinals stay together throughout the year and may breed for several seasons.
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