G Major. The following blues scale must be prepared . A chromatic scale can start on any note, and it covers the whole range. 2. The scale pattern would be G, G#, A, A# (Bb), B, B# (C), and so on. BD major (bass clarinet) - } 1/ 2 . J#JJ . One Octave Chromatic Scales Focus: Lower Register Each of these scales places a di!erent group of notes on the beat. E Major. A chromatic scale is comprised of half-steps. Performance & Music … j = 66 [I2] G harmonic minor - 2 octaves . III. Typically, clarinets start on G, but any note is fine. Two Octave Chromatic Scales For the sake of visual neatness, slurs have been le# out in these scales. F sharp Major. 1.6 . Chromatic commencing on F (clarinet) 2 octaves 1.6 13 . all keys, with key signatures. 2 octaves 2.10 19 . J #J . Work on learning this scale 2 and 3 octaves as well. However, it is bene"cial to play them with slurs. A Major. A chromatic scale is comprised of half-steps. Major and melodic minor scales from memory (minimum 2 octaves); chromatic scale (from low E, minimum 3 octaves) Sight-reading; NOTE: Students who have had bass clarinet as their primary instrument in high school may play one piece on bass as long as the other is played on soprano clarinet. Blues scale . It's basically just playing every single note on your fingering chart in order. Chromatic commencing on F (bass clarinet) 1112 octaves L6a . Thus, there is only one chromatic scale. Students may also play their scales and sight reading on either instrument. Work on learning this scale 2 and 3 octaves as well. They’ll help you learn all the notes on your instrument. octaves . Two Octave Major Scales for the Clarinet. i . As a result, in 12-tone equal temperament (the most common temperament in Western music), the chromatic scale covers all 12 of the available pitches. One Octave Chromatic Scales Focus: Upper Register and Altissimo Notes. commencing on F (page 16): Scale: blues [IIQ] Biues scale commencing on F - 2 octaves by Kyle Coughlin www.SkyLeapMusic.com Two Octave Major Scales for the Clarinet all keys, with accidentals G Major D Major I Chromatic scale commencing on F (clarinet) - 2 octaves . with the scale/arpeggio properties for this grade . D Major. © 2009 by Kyle Coughlin and SkyLeap Music. 13 . II. This is a printable two-octave chromatic scale written for the clarinet J ~ J #3 . J.J . The chromatic scale or twelve-tone scale is a musical scale with twelve pitches, each a semitone above or below its adjacent pitches. B Major. For example, a chromatic C scale includes C, C-sharp, D, E-flat, E, F, F-sharp, G, A-flat, A, B-flat, B and C. Chromatic scales are one of the most important things you can learn on your clarinet. © 2009 by Kyle Coughlin and SkyLeap Music. J = 120 , JnJ . Chromatic Scales for the Clarinet. A chromatic scale can start on any note, and it covers the whole range. Scale Compass Number Page . Practicing each one will help you develop smooth and even "nger technique. Blues . The scale pattern would be G, G#, A, A# (Bb), B, B# (C), and so on. Clarinet chromatic scale in two octaves and three octaves. I. J . It's basically just playing every single note on your fingering chart in order. for this grade (page 11): Scales: chromatic . For example, a chromatic C scale includes C, C-sharp, D, E-flat, E, F, F-sharp, G, A-flat, A, B-flat, B and C. Chromatic scales are one of the most important things you can learn on your clarinet. by Kyle Coughlin www.SkyLeapMusic.com. Typically, clarinets start on G, but any note is fine. Clarinet chromatic scale in two octaves and three octaves. 4. n. 4. the scale/arpeggio properties . 3 #3 .
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