By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, Creating a Comprehensive Classroom Management Plan, Back to School Toolkit for Special Education Teachers, Severe Emotional Disturbances (SED) Classrooms, Appropriate Consequences for Student Misbehavior, Behavior Contracts to Support Good Behavior, Guide to Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs), Classroom Essentials for the New Special Educator, A Color Classroom Behavior Chart Using Clothespins, 3 Think Sheets: Students' Responses to Inappropriate Behavior, A Behavior Contract and Behavior Monitoring Tools, A Home Note Program to Support Positive Behavior, Human Behavior and Identifying Its Functions, Anecdotal Records as a Foundation for Behavior Intervention, M.Ed., Special Education, West Chester University, B.A., Elementary Education, University of Pittsburgh. Consequences are the positive or negative results of the behavior choices a person makes. What Is Autism and What Can I Do to Help My Child. Behavior analysts are proponents of reinforcement as a consequence. Likelihood of screaming for Play-Doh decreases. It’s important to keep in mind that punishment is not always effective in decreasing the behavior. If a child fools around in the bathroom, swinging on the stall doors or peeing on the floor. Our office is open. ABA defines consequences by 2 different variables: 1. Negative (-removing stimulus) – removal of a stimulus that decreases the likelihood that it will reoccur, Example of Positive Reinforcement: And although punishment typically can make a behavior stop quickly, it is not always effective in decreasing the future likelihood that the behavior will reoccur. **Note: this does not teach the child the appropriate way to request Play-Doh. Positive (+adding stimulus) – presentation of a stimulus that decreases the likelihood that it will reoccur At Emerge, we are committed to providing safe and medically necessary services during this difficult and uncertain time. Punishment can be effective when we need something to stop immediately to keep someone safe. That way, if you use detentions, you can let parents know that it is a consequence. Which of the following is a consequence intervention involving punishment? When it comes to consequences, most people think of punishment first. With disabled children, especially children on the autistic spectrum, punishment may only reinforce aggression, self-injurious behavior and aggression sublimated as self-urination or even fecal smearing. In those situations, you need to think seriously about the purpose of the behavior and the replacement behavior you wish to see take its place, or replacement behavior. Positive (+adding stimulus) – presentation of a stimulus that increases the likelihood that it will reoccur b) taking away a token. And although punishment typically can make a behavior stop quickly, it is not always effective in decreasing the future likelihood that the behavior will reoccur. This is not actually a consequence: it is over-teaching, and it is also truly negative reinforcement. Jerry Webster, M.Ed., has over twenty years of experience teaching in special education classrooms. If you are able to prompt the child to requests appropriately, then you can use positive reinforcement to increase the likelihood that the will request appropriately in the future! Child is hungry, eats a snack, hunger goes away. But it doesn’t teach them how to ask for a cookie, and it doesn’t decrease their behavior – who’s to say they won’t go back for a cookie when you’re not looking? Child screams and cries and points to Play-Doh, and parent gives the Play-Doh to the child. Consequence interventions are used to minimize reinforcement for problem behavior and increase reinforcement for desirable behavior. Negative reinforcement 3. We would be happy to support you and your family. Prompting or teaching the child to ask before getting the cookie can be reinforced by either giving them a cookie, or letting them know when they are able to have a cookie (“Thanks for asking, you can have a cookie after dinner.”). Have him or her do it again until he or she does it right. Kids will remember the routine rather than have to practice it over and over again, especially in front of peers. a) ignoring an undesirale behavior b) taking away a token c) being denied the opportunity to earn a token d) reinforcing desirable behavior only. Start every student at zero, and find a way to move children up the hierarchy of consequences due to the number of infractions. According to Adlerian psychology, as well as Jim Fay an author of Teaching with Love and Logic, there are natural consequences, and there are logical consequences: Why would you punish for failure to follow a classroom routine? ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Consequences should always be related to what is important to the children in your class. In most cases, post stepped consequences for infractions. Likelihood of getting a snack next time hunger occurs increases. Please contact us regarding options for accessing treatment including in-person services provided with precautions in place as well as telehealth options. Child screams and cries and points to playdoh. Likelihood of tantrum next time homework is presented increases. Siblings are fighting over who gets to use the swing. Negative reinforcement is not punishment. You may especially have problems with after-school detention depending on whether parents have transportation, or are free to walk their child home after school. Be sure your students understand that you expect them to follow the routines properly for the good of the class and because your class is the best, brightest and is learning more than anyone else on the planet. (oops…). Punishment includes inflicting pain, removal of preferred food and isolation. Consequences are an important part of the behavior management plan for your classroom, whether it is a self-contained special education classroom, a resource room or a partnership in a full inclusion classroom. Negative (-removing stimulus) – removal of a stimulus that increases the likelihood that it will reoccur, Punishment: Negative punishment These terms create confusion, especially for people on the fringes of the field such as parents, speec… Consequences should be kept for serious rule-breaking, and children with a history of disruptive behavior need to have a Functional Behavior Analysis administered, either by the special educator, a psychologist or a behavior specialist. Homework is removed. Consequences may include: If you have successfully established routines through modeling, practice and relearning, you should have little need for consequences. It is easy to make mistakes when it comes to using consequences, including reinforcing undesirable behaviors, and using ineffective punishment. Negative reinforcement makes the likelihood of a behavior to appear by removing the reinforcer. A teacher should take care that a child does not use the consequence system to get attention, for then it is counterproductive. The table below is a summary of the definition of reinforcement and punishment. (yay!) **Note: this does not teach the appropriate way to take turns. 17 terms. When over-teaching a routine be sure to stay objective and non-emotional. Example of Negative Punishment: Likelihood of fighting over swing decreases. Isn't your goal for the child to follow the classroom routine? 23 terms. Reinforcement: Something added or taken away 2. Behavior occurs more or less often in the future Combining these variables in different ways provides us with 4 basic categories of consequences: 1. A teacher should take care that a child does not use the consequence system to get attention, for then it is counterproductive. Parent puts the child in timeout for screaming and crying. It is always good to have alternate consequences.

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