* From “Preventing Antisocial Behaviour in the Schools” by G.R. By reinforcing the incompatible behavior, it creates a safety zone before returning to the interventions. Examples of Evidence-Based Behavior Interventions Handout 3: ... no brief increase in disruption that commonly follows treatments that involve withholding reinforcement from the student. receive more serious consequences such as Time Out, Detention, Parent ontact, or Restitution. There is a rich literature base on the use of NCR. DRA An effective way to get rid of a target behavior that may be causing difficulty for your student, preventing him or her from succeeding in gaining the skills they need is to find a replacement behavior and reinforce it. Extinction is the process in which previously reinforced behavior no longer results in reinforcing consequences, and therefore the behavior stops occurring or the frequency of problem behavior is reduced because it is no longer reinforced. National Center on Intensive Intervention Reinforcement Strategies—1 Implementing Behavioral Strategies Purpose: This set of behavioral strategies was developed for classroom teachers to usewith students who may require academic and/or behavioral support. Level 4 behaviors violate a school’s code of conduct or involve violence of some kind and require an ultimate consequence such as an office referral (Sprick, 2009). This makes problem behavior less effective than positive behavior for the person. A good general rule is that positive feedback should occur three times as frequently as negative feedback. Research has shown that positive reinforcement can lead to improved behaviour. The strategies are intended to support teachers working with students with primary academic deficits and challenging behaviors. For a consequence-based intervention to be successful, it must be in response to the function of the behavior. Effective interventions involve managing consequences so that reinforcement is given for desired behavior (e.g., use of replacement skills) and withheld in response to problem behavior. Antecedent-based interventions (ABIs) are strategies that involve modifying the environment to reduce undesirable behaviors among learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disorders. Often, antecedent and consequence-based interventions are used in combination to decrease the probability of inappropriate behavior occurring in the future. –Change or add reinforcement to affect the consequence of behavior –Provide the same of similar source of sensory (automatic) reinforcement. Behavioral Interventions and Strategies Series: orrective onsequences Page 1 The positive feedback does not always have to be verbal – it can also include praise, hugs, smiles, handshakes, nods, and eye contact.

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