Irinotecan Hydrochloride: Pale yellow to yellow crystal- Freely soluble in water; practically insoluble in acetone and inline powder. The information is provided for those who use, prepare, and dispense drugs, solely to indicate descriptive and solubility properties of … 2.1 … 0
1 Reference Tables DESCRIPTION AND SOLUBILITY Description and Relative Solubility of USP and NF Articles Add the following: Add the following: • Cetirizine Hydrochloride: White to almost white powder. Insoluble in alcohol. 696 0 obj
cally odorless powder. ALCOHOLOMETRIC TABLE. section of . Also seethe . USP Monographs. Acacia: Is practically odorless and produces a mucilaginous sensation on the tongue. C. 3 Reference Tables: Description and Solubility, below. 2. and section . ATOMIC WEIGHTS. Relative Atomic Masses and Half-Lives of Selected Radionuclides ( 1998 IUPAC). For example, specific rotation values, calculated on the anhydrous basis and determined on a 1.0% (w/v) solution, usually are between 25 and 35 for Acacia senegal and between +35 and +60 for Acacia seyal. Dietary Supplements. Description and Solubility - Y. The presence of any alkali hydroxide reduces its solubility. INTRINSIC VISCOSITY TABLE. ��fW�IO ��.���\Q`s�����]L�L� ��#�30�0 ��
Reference Tables, Description and Solubility. Dissolves with effervescence in 1 N acetic acid, in 3 N hydrochloric acid, and in 2 N nitric acid. Its solubility in water is increased by the presence of any ammonium salt or of carbon dioxide.
664 0 obj
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USP 35 Reference Tables / Description and Solubility1135 1.462 and 1.464 at 40°. The “description” and “solubility” statements pertaining to an article (formerly included in the individual monograph) are general in nature. NF category: Solvent; vehicle Pentobarbital:White to practically white, fine, practi- (oleaginous). h�bbd```b``�����d
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Optical rotation varies depending on the source of Acacia. Description and Solubility - Z. SOLUBILITIES. Description and Relative Solubility of USP and NF Articles The “description” and “solubility” statements pertainingand other particulate matter, unless limited or excluded by to an article (formerly included in the individual mono- definite tests or other specifications in the individual ������F�v1�%(�ma����\��!~���~.6�u�}���*�fN� �m���]4��$����8�29��M�[j����� 7�qX�4��Lٸ��ұu|. Description and Relative Solubility of USP and NF Articles The “description” and “solubility” statements pertainingand other particulate matter, unless limited or excluded by to an article (formerly included in the individual mono- definite tests or other specifications in the individual Solubility in water varies according to the sugar-to-starch ratio. Practically insoluble in water. NF Monographs. NF category: Vehicle (solid carrier). USP–NF, General Notices 5.30 Description and Solubility. Description (Chemical Information) This section refers to the drug substance only. Insoluble in alcohol. May occur in a polymorphic form Pectin: Coarse or fine powder, yellowish-white in … Is stable in air. endstream
h�b```�y,�k@(� Sulbactam Sodium: White to off-white, crystalline powder. Freely soluble in water and in dilute acid; sparingly soluble in acetone, in ethyl acetate, and in chloroform. THERMOMETRIC EQUIVALENTS. 648 0 obj
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