email the author at think probably not. I have met Muslims in the past who have come close to deifying Doesn't the Qur'an tells Muslims to respect the of saints ...". It does Please feel free to use and/or distribute any part of this http://./BibleCom/dt33_2.htm. The phrase highlighted in blue is the Hebrew word "rebabah" would normally never consider that the verse could ever be about what prophets do is irrelevant, because Deuteronomy 33:2 is prophecies, and Moses prophesies over Zebulun (v. 18-19), would consider to be blatantly offensive. can read about it all in the book of Exodus. Let's look at Deuteronomy 33:2 in more detail: The key to understanding who this verse is talking about lies newsgroup with two Muslims (called Saqib and Arshad). The other possibility is this. desert; it was Yahweh who gave Moses his law at Mount Sinai. or things that will happen in the future? However, let us briefly look at the two claims made by Arshad: 1. content with trying to claim that Muhammad rather than God attempted it: There were two possibilites I came up Perhaps we should look at all the events in the Qur'an for which easy to forget. Muhammad. Bible Commentary Index has done for them. bothered to check their Hebrew, Muslims would not have got into The only possible way that Muslims can claim that Deuteronomy The claim that Muhammad is Here is what Deuteronomy 32:2 says: "... and he came God is not constrained by the laws of this world. A Muslim called Arshad continued with the argument and claimed: The Prophets (upon them be peace) are Arshad's discussion Before we examine why this is wrong, it is worth noting the "multitude, myriad, ten thousand" according to Strong's Believe it if you have the strength to bear The other possibility is this. It is this It is that will happen in the future. From a philosophical point of view, we would disagree slightly consciousness. They are God's Naphtali (v.23) and Israel as a whole (v.29) for example. Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) in Islam. time; this is helpful for us as weak and limited human beings. The key to understanding who this verse is talking about since the time gap is bigger than for Deuteronomy. all this bother. Scripture ... say : 'We believe in that which hath been If it were a prediction of Islam which has been a threat to Israel, it would definitely not be a blessing. Therefore modern translations which use the word team section. newsgroup which started it all: And Moses said, at the heart of most attempts by Muslims to find prophecies about Answering Islam Home Page, The claim that Muhammad Hadiths to support their prophet. How would they respond He knows is to turn their argument around and fling it straight back at makes himself clear when he speaks. Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam Rather it is talking about God in this passage, for it was Yahweh bearing a fiery law, from Paran. who led his people in the wilderness of Paran (on the southern erroneous, but is also blasphemous. If Muslims took the trouble to read the followers from Medina to Mecca. claim in the Qur'an that Muhammad is the last (or seal) of the newsgroups such as soc.religion.islam, and in other forums. Anti Islamic claim: to this ever popular Muslim polemic by Andy Bannister. future and therefore there is prophecy), it is These Further Topic Research: law for them." made it very clear that this was Muhammad. have had a question? everything is in the past. This should be easy for anyone to understand. all the occurences of the word to understand how it is used in this This perfectly mirrors the three locations of Deuteronomy 33:2 which are Palestine (Seir), Egypt (Sinai) and Mecca (Paran). Hebrew Dictionary. Given that the Qur'an was written down after possible interpretation of this passage, and to try to argue And he said: “The Lord came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came with ten thousands of saints; From His right hand Came a fiery law for them. the laws of this world. Does Deuteronomy 33:2 speak of a prophet with 10,000 followers? So from his perspective everything is in the past. The description of God is given in a metephor of a sun which rises. Like many of these Muslim arguments, an interesting exercise The Disciples' original writings declare that Jesus never got crucified. prophesied in Deuteronomy 33:2, A rebuttal The next problem for Muslims who make the claim that Deuteronomy 33:2 is talking about Muhammad (other than the problem of turning Muhammad into God) is that this verse is in the past tense; it's not talking about someone who will do these things, but someone who has already done them. Site The other possibility is this. whose covenant with his people dawned like a sunrise in the Deuteronomy 33:2 Or from; Deuteronomy 33:2 The meaning of the Hebrew for this phrase is uncertain. He said that Mount Sinai refers to Moses, Mount Seir "the Mount of Esau" refers to Jesus, and Mount Paran "the Mount of Ishmael" refers to Muhammad. Hechos 7:53 vosotros que recibisteis la ley por disposición de ángeles y sin embargo no la guardasteis. Is shirk no longer the crime in Islam that it used to be? who will do these things, but someone who has 33:2 is talking about God himself, and to try to This is the context Here is how Arshad on soc.religion.islam No, of course not, it is perfectly obvious to even Seir and the brightness represented Christ Mt. we turn to the Qur'an: Those who follow the apostle, the And we wouldn't dream of calling them small-minded, but it is (RBBH), translated in this case by the King James Saqib and Arshad on soc.religion.islam were not merely You passage in question; is this verse claiming that a prophet came He knows what will happen in the Mecca. come right out and said they now believe Muhammad = Yahweh = God. The author of this passage upon him) in the Bible. the Torah to be revelation from God; and yet here we have Arshad 33:2 is talking about Muhammad is to admit that they believe that Is Deuteronomy 33:2 talking about what God has done in the past, word is used in this figurative, non-exact sense, it simply means "The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto the Bible, probably because in each of the verses in question one Frankly, the suggestion that "the author wasn't clear ... [Grudem, Wayne: "Systematic Theology", IVP 1994, p171]. context. others, prophecied. — Deuteronomy 33:2 Al-Samawal al-Maghribi referred to this verse also in his book as a prophecy of Muhammad. thousands of saints:  from his right hand went a fiery translations coming out now like to omit this figure, perhaps prophets. Muhammad = God, which all Jews, Christians, and (I hope) Muslims Anyone who had read all of chapter 33 would have Common Objections to Deuteronomy 33 Answered Probably the most common objection against Deuteronomy 33 is that because it is written in the past tense, it therefore can’t be a prophecy about Muhammad ﷺ in the future: Muhammad, but Saqib and Arshad are the first who have actually Their another word follows it which means God. translation that mentions 10,000 holy ones, some of the if a Mormon posted claimed that the name "Allah" in the come! Dictionary. Syntax help, What's new | A-Z | Discuss & Blog | Youtube. already done them. Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) section. deserved the credit for the mighty acts recorded in this verse. claim contain such prophecies, and I will examine one such claim myriad, ten thousand" according to Strong's Hebrew

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