linkages between industrial and trade policies in Zambia. Today’s complex challenges—from stemming the spread of disease to preventing conflict—cannot be tackled neatly in isolation. Zambia’s economic situation has improved in the last decade, driven by economic and public sector reforms initiated in the 1990s and propelled by rising copper prices. The expansionary fiscal policy driven by the need to invest in infrastructure development has resulted in a significant resource gap which has hampered SDG financing and threatened the country’s debt sustainability. Employment Creation Policies and Strategies in Zambia, Prospects, Challenges and Future Outlook A Presentation made at the GRZ-ILO-IMF National Conference on Economic Growth Strategy for Employment, Decent Work and Development in Zambia- 21st May 2012, Lusaka, Zambia. Minister of Finance in November 2017. The Centre for Trade Policy and Development(CTPD) is a non-profit, membership based trade policy think tank established in 2004. This Ministry is key in providing and facilitating the provision of equitable social protection and quality primary health care services to communities in order to contribute to sustainable human development.” National Alcohol Policy (NAP) National Alcohol Policy (NAP) provides a framework within which the Government of the Republic of Zambia in association with other key stakeholders wants to develop targeted alcohol action plans in the best interests of all the people of Zambia. In order to grow and transform the financial sector, Government developed the Financial Sector Development Policy, which was launched by the Hon. Development, International Labour Organization, World Food Programme, Irish Aid, DFID, UNICEF, ZAPD, CSPR, CSO-SUN and PSP Zambia for leading the civil society consultations. It contains a review of the macroeconomic and trade performance … From Sub-Saharan Africa, Zambia is compared with Angola and Malawi, which have HDIs ranked 148 and 174, respectively (see Table B). As Zambia's Second National Development Plan gradually comes to an end and the country prepares to embark on its Third National Development Plan (hereafter TNDP), in January 1979 both the regime members and policy planners will more than ever before be confronted with the ominous task of matching intentions with performance. The Investment Policy Review of Zambia was initiated at the request of the Government of Zambia and was financed by the Governments of Germany, Italy and Norway. The Centre’s Study Series presents in-depth analyses of major development issues. Increase agricultural production , productivity and value addition 2. Ministry of Sport, Youth, and Child Development. Zambia’s 2019 HDI of 0.584 0.631is below the average of for countries in the medium human development group and above the average of 0.547 for countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. ^D.M. Zambia’s long-term vision is universally accepted and is directed by medium-term plans. ing this important role, Zambia embarked on the development of a National Financial Sector Development (FSD) Policy to grow and transform the financial sector. Educating our future -National Education Policy (Zambia) 1. The current National Development Plan (7NDP) for the period 2017- 2021 aims to make Zambia “a diversified and resilient economy for sustained growth and socioeconomic transformation driven, among others, by agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and mining” We support countries in achieving the SDGs through integrated solutions. Albert Tembo. Increase effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural Research and Development 3. Notwithstanding, Zambia has enacted the Zambia Statistics Act of 2018, with the view to address data challenges. ABOUT THIS RESEARCH This brief summarises "Discourses of Climate Change and Development Policies in Zambia", a University of Edinburgh master's degree dissertation, available at https://www. expert and policy dialogue meetings, and are published in a range of high-quality products for the research and policy communities. The Mineral Resources Development Policy which is a revision of the 1995 Mining Policy draws heavily on the Vision 2030 for Zambia which provides the blueprint for achieving accelerated growth aimed at raising the standards of living of the people of Zambia. However, poverty levels … Speaking at the launch of the media development policy and the government communication policy, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services who is also Chief government spokesperson Dora Siliya says, “the media development … Zambia. The paper traces how industrial policy development has evolved during the period 1964 to 2009 in the context of industrial‐ plan formulation and implementation on one hand, and actual results on the other. The Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) for the At The Launch Of The Economic Recovery Programme 2020 – 2023. Zambia has experienced a decade of strong economic performance, driven by renewed investment and high prices in the mineral sector. An Analysis of British Aid to Zambia, 1964-1989, Leeds African Stu- dies Series No 11, Centre for Development Studies, University of Leeds, UK, 1991. The Policy strives to offset benefits against harmful use of

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