Is it the same everywhere? The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Or, you might consider how the address(es) did or didn't relate economics to race, gender, region, religion, or other dimensions of our experience. University of California Press. expected to attend all class meetings (attendance will be taken) Course Description: This course introduces students to the issues, methods, and concepts of economic anthropology. April 27 (F): Discussion with Carla Freeman (via Skype). March 30 (F) and April 2 (M): No class, Easter Break. Essential Trade: Vietnamese Women in a Changing Marketplace. An introduction to economic anthropological theory and methodology. How can ethnography help us to understand the current state of our economy, what has caused it, and what we can do about it? Elizabeth Guzman (official Democratic response, Spanish); Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT (independent response); Rep. Maxine Waters, D-CA (independent response); former MD Rep. Donna F. Edwards (Working Families Party). Duke University Press. All response papers for this class must be submitted in electronic form by email so that they may be permanently stored. Economic Anthropology ATH 125A (60130)/Econ 152A (62395) Fall … This week, we turn our ethnographic gaze directly on the center of capitalist economics: Wall Street. 2) What do we mean by capitalism, economic development, globalization, and neoliberalism? Liquidated: An Ethnography of Wall Street. your studies or my research. Or, you might consider the issues of financialization, shareholder value, and employment - how were they discussed? Please check it frequently and feel free to pass along Penguin. ISBN: 9780822345992. periods will be used for lectures, with the additional meeting SEA and C&A Virtual Conference Call for Papers, Anthropological Perspectives on Global Issues, Anthropology of Exchange, Money, and Markets, Culture, Political Economy, and Leadership, Economic Anthropology and Studies on Indigenous (“Tribal”/”Adivasis” Ethnic) Communities, Decolonizing/decanonizing Economic Anthropology. Or, you might focus on how a notion of "the economy" is constructed and measured. As a student, you are responsible for reading and knowing the College Policy on Academic Integrity, as stated in the College Catalog and available here: Does It Have a Life of Its Own? What you discuss is up to you; just be sure to relate the address(es) substantively to something we've been exploring in class lectures, discussions, or readings. The topics included in this subject are related to human evolution, social structures, cultural evolution and development. If you would like to suggest additional resources, please email Kristin Phillips ( or Bram Tucker ( If you have a syllabus or web site that you would like to add to the resources page, please send an email to with a PDF of your syllabus. information: syllabus, lecture handouts, writing assignments, Read: Polanyi, "The Economy as Instituted Process" (Moodle article) 2) What do we mean by capitalism, economic development, globalization, and neoliberalism? Max Weber presents a cultural account of the rise of capitalism in Western Europe. an assigned topic for each unit. Is capitalism a cultural phenomenon?,,, email before class to Professor Leshkowich, Prof. Leshkowich highlighted in the progam. Read: Mauss, The Gift, Chapter 2, February 23 (F): Movie: Ongka's Big Moka Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, fabrication, cheating, and collusion, violates these fundamental principles. to discuss specific issues arising from the course, as well as to University of Hawai'i Press. Syllabus. Earlier this century, economic anthropologists used their studies of non- or partially capitalist societies to question economic assumptions about human behavior. Sahlins, "The Original Affluent Society" (Moodle article), February 5 (M): Discussion W.W. Norton & Company. ISBN: 9780520277397 In coming to Holy Cross, students and faculty have joined an intellectual community dedicated to learning together through the open exchange of ideas. Course Website (, The website for this course is a center for important Freeman, Carla. ISBN: 041525406x It is expected that you will have textbooks and other required class materials in order to achieve academic success. We will explore such diverse topics as gift exchange on a tropical Pacific island, tea plantations in India, the rise of a culture of capitalism in Western Europe, spirit possession among female employees in a Malaysian electronics factory, rites of worship to the devil in a Bolivian tin mine, and the culture of Wall Street. Read: Ong, Spirits of Resistance, chapters 7, 8, 9, and conclusion, April 11 (W): Class canceled due to illness, April 13 (F): Discussion Read: Mintz, Sweetness and Power, chapters 1 and 2, March 21 (W): Dependency and the World System With our reading of Weber, we considered how the capitalist economy is connected to specific cultural and moral values. Writing Assignment #4 due by email before class to Professor Leshkowich, March 14 (W): Midterm Exam Review Session, The Beginning of Globalization and the Spread of Capitalism, March 19 (M): Economic Development, Globalization, and the Spread of Capitalism Class Discussion and Participation (15%). Writing Assignment #6 due by email before class to Professor Leshkowich, April 6 (F): The Impact of Economic Development on Women

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