The game allows you to create a party of four characters (chosen from warriors, monks, thieves, black mages, white mages, and red mages) and go on a quest to activate the four crystals and restore peace to the land. Before even attempting to fight in this area, you should get the Cure2 and Steel spells, and the best weapons and armor you can buy from Pravoka. It's impossible to see every aspect of Final Fantasy 1 in a single game, because only a maximum of four different classes out of six can be chosen at the beginning of the game. Running without one of this class is not recommended for beginners, and the strongest parties will contain two warriors. Final fantasy mmo classes - Der absolute Vergleichssieger unserer Redaktion. However, they have rather moderate HP and defense. Unfortunately for this class most parties will not reach that high of a level, but for a player that does a lot of leveling-up late in the game or wishes to maximize out your party, a high-level master is the strongest character by far. Most of their equipment is very inexpensive. The 2 x 2 section that makes up the edge of the peninsula has enemies from the continent across the strait. Warriors become knights, monks become masters, thieves become ninjas, black mages become black wizards, white mages become white wizards, and red mages become red wizards. The warrior is the overall strongest class by far. Final Fantasy Jobs & Classes. However, for the ideal party configuration, you'll have to determine if it's worth giving the Masmune to another character. However, in many situations, it will be magic that ends the fight quickly and your fighters will simply act as a buffer between the magicians and the enemies. The Protect Cloak offers additional protection at low weight which can be beneficial against enemy attacks. Their lack of need for armor and weapons make them a very inexpensive choice. However you can only find 1 set of Armor. A listing of the six base classes and six advanced classes of Final Fantasy (FF, FF1, FFI, NES, … Having someone able to cast Thundara who ordinarily cannot will be of great advantage. Once you acquire it from the chest, you have to take it to Bahamut's Cave in the Cardia Islands, the chain of islands between the North Eastern and North Western continents. The characters of Final Fantasy 1 have no preset names, they are just known as the Four Heroes of Light. The cost of keeping them (especially Knights) up to date with the latest equipment makes having more than one rather expensive. Since Red Wizards and Knights cannot cast Life 2 or the more advanced Cures, you will have to rely on items for healing if you don't have a White Wizard. Unsere Redakteure begrüßen Sie zu Hause auf unserer Webpräsenz. A jack of all trades, master of none, they are not as physically strong as the fighter classes, nor are they as powerful with magic as the other magician classes. The Red Mage is also relatively versatile when it comes to equipment and can use many swords as well as a number of protective devices usually forbidden to mages. Especially in the NES version, this could be an opportunity for your Red Wizard to hold an extra item, like the Zeus Gauntlet. They work well with any class and unlike most of the other classes, they are still effective when you have more than one in your party. However, they still have the highest magic power and can cast some very powerful spells, including the most powerful spell, Flare. The incredibly low HP will be the biggest problem of a Red Wizard, and will be a handicap early on, so they should be moved to the third or fourth slot, even behind a White Wizard. Since the Ice Shield protects against fire, it's the one to keep. This page has been accessed 289,209 times. The Ribbon is the obvious choice for this magic user. Each character also has an ideal Weapon and Armor configuration once you've obtained the class change and searched every area. Final Fantasy | Table of Contents | Walkthrough. They get less HP in comparison to many other classes, and less MP than other mages. High Speed and Luck stats. In the beginning they are as strong as a Warrior and can use most spells, so new players might be tempted to go with four Red Mages. Upgrade now provides improved unarmed bonus and magic defense per level, Significantly better defense than either of the two other wizards, about on par with a. No magic at all.

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