Effect 5-ft.-diameter sphere. FAQ. | Swords and Wizardry SRD | 13th Age SRD You lose the connection if you do not have a clear path to the signal relay station. A flaming sphere rolls over barriers less than 4 feet tall. | d20 Anime SRD If a creature catches on fire, the DC to extinguish the flames is equal to the DC of this spell. The sphere must be supported by a solid surface, such as a stone floor. | Swords and Wizardry SRD Short range, can change targets each round. | Starjammer SRD Traveller SRD The sphere must be supported by a solid surface, such as a stone floor. It cannot push aside unwilling creatures or batter down large obstacles. A flaming sphere rolls over barriers less than 4 feet tall. On subsequent rounds, you can Sustain this Spell, leaving the sphere in its square or rolling it to another square within range and dealing 3d6 fire … | Dungeon World SRD Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Ross Byers, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, Jonathan H. Keith, Will McCardell, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Sean K Reynolds, Tork Shaw, Owen K.C. The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it (a move action for you); otherwise, it merely stays at rest and burns. Check out our other SRD sites! A flaming sphere winks out if it exceeds the spell’s range. It ignites flammable substances it touches and illuminates the same area as a torch would. A flaming sphere rolls over barriers less than 4 feet tall. The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it (a move action for you); otherwise, it merely stays at rest and burns. Flaming sphere is one of the absolute worst spells in the book. Character Sheets | GumshoeSRD Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance yes. A flaming sphere rolls over barriers less than 4 feet tall. It ignites flammable substances it touches and illuminates the same area as a torch would. | 13th Age SRD | d20 Anime SRD The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it (a move action for you); otherwise, it merely stays at rest and burns. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Flaming Sphere Spell 2. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Aegis of Empires 5: Race for Shataakh-Uulm (Pathfinder RPG), Aegis of Empires 4: Legend of the Burning Star (PF1), Arcforge Campaign Setting: What Lies Beyond. You create a sphere of flame in a square within range. | Design Finder 2018 | 3.5e SRD New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Second Edition), Aegis of Empires 5: Race for Shataakh-Uulm (Pathfinder Second Edition), Legendary Planet Player's Guide (Pathfinder Second Edition), Aegis of Empires 4: Legend of the Burning Star (Pathfinder 2E). It can be extinguished by any means that would put out a normal fire of its size. The sphere deals 3d6 fire damage to each creature in the square where it first appears; each creature must attempt a basic Reflex save. | Here Be Monsters School evocation [fire]; Level druid 2, sorcerer/wizard 2. This is our PF2 site, click here for PF1! | d20PFSRD Since the sphere moves in whichever direction you point, you cannot direct its movement other than pointing to an enemy, which causes the sphere to roll towards said target. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! If it's a matter of power, flaming sphere should be allowed simply because it's about the gimpiest thing you could possibly try to do from invisibility, and summon monster should be strictly and explicitly disallowed. Flaming Sphere The Sphere is not solid, and appears to be a sheet of flame bent around to be a sphere, he should have peed on it - About the Line of Effect, I guess you can think of it like a cell phone signal. New Pages This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Downloads | 5th Edition SRD | The Modern Path SRD The sphere deals 3d6 fire damage to each creature in the square where it first appears; each creature must attempt a basic Reflex save. | d20HeroSRD Legal Information/Open Game License, Fan Labs The save for zero hurts, but in longer fights or fights against many weaker creatures, I think it's probably a better spell than Acid Arrow. As part of this movement, it can ascend or jump up to 30 feet to strike a target. The sphere deals 3d6 fire damage to each creature in the square where it first appears; each creature must attempt a basic Reflex save. Traveller SRD The sphere must be supported by a solid surface, such as a stone floor. The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it (a move action for you); otherwise, it merely stays at rest and burns. | Dungeon World SRD School evocation [fire]; Level bloodrager 2, druid 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2; Subdomain arson 2; Elemental School fire 2, Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M/DF (tallow, brimstone, and powdered iron), Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Effect 5-ft.-diameter sphere Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance yes. It is less lethal than a summon monster I. As part of this movement, it can ascend or jump up to 30 feet to strike a target. Check out our other SRD sites! It ignites flammable substances it touches and illuminates the same area as a torch would. Components V, S, M/DF (tallow, brimstone, and powdered iron). It moves 30 feet per round.

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