The Chromatic Scale is a scale made up entirely of half-steps. Besides allowing the production of low B, the B foot also facilitates the emission of some higher notes, most notably of the high C way above the staff (C Your problem with remembering all the notes is probably caused by you not knowing the order of the notes on the keyboard or a piano. So there's a total of five whole steps (you can count them). The scale has 13 notes from the lowest note to the top octave (if you play one octave). The lowest note, the B below the staff (B 3), is only playable on flutes with the so-called B foot. Be picky about correct fingerings. I play the clarinet and my chromatic scale (three octaves) is starting on the lowest note in the range and going up half steps til I get to that same note (in my case it's an E) three octaves up. It starts and ends on the same pitch, for a total of 13 pitches. You can start on any pitch, and end on that same pitch. Chromatic scale 1 oct. That’s the ‘chromatic’ scale, in other words you have ‘all of the colours’. This footjoint, which is not usually found on student models, is a bit longer than the classic C foot, and features two rollers instead of one. CHROMATIC SCALE-- FLUTE What is the Chromatic Scale? If you find yourself straining in any way, just fill in the larger leaps with longtones, glissandos, or scale notes. I hope this helps. When you play a chromatic scale, you don't skip any semitones like you do in a major or minor scale. A handy resource that visualises the relationships between the 12 notes on the chromatic scale, their relative major and minor scales and their key signatures is called the ‘Circle of Fifths.’ (Google to have a look, but we won’t cover that in this article). One of the skills of playing harmonic minor scales in thirds is being able to effortlessly leap a minor third to the raised seventh note of the scale. Try this: Variations on flute scales Instead of straining and guessing for the top notes … The simplest major scale to write or play is C major, since it's the only major scale that requires no sharps or flats. By the way, these notes that fall in between the notes of a scale without belonging to it are called chromatic notes. A chromatic scale on any instrument is just going up and down half-steps. We use SHARPS for note names ASCENDING the scale, and FLATS for note names DESCENDING. You need to know where all of the notes are on your flute. All the notes are a semitone or half tone apart. If there’s one thing that you must learn, it’s this. Good luck with your musical pursuits.
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