These allow you to deal with modal concepts, which are contingent or necessary truths. The negation of Sam likes green eggs and Sam likes ham is Sam does not like green eggs or Sam does not like ham. Q: When purchasing a gift for someone, why do I have to create an account? From these and other cases of cognitive bias where our instincts work against sound reasoning, you begin to see how logic is a marvelous corrective that protects us from ourselves. I should add, however, that this course made me work a lot harder than most of the courses I’ve taken from TGC. In this lecture, focus on four fallacies to avoid in inductive reasoning: selective evidence, insufficient sample size, unrepresentative data, and the gambler's fallacy. In case after case, Professor Gimbel explains how to analyze an ambiguous sentence in English into its component propositions, expressed in symbols. Sign In to access your account information and digital media. When the recipient clicks on their email and redeems their eGift, you will automatically receive an email notification. Wind up the course by considering where you've been and what logic is ultimately about. But beyond these very practical benefits, informal logic—the kind we apply in daily life—is the gateway to an elegant and fascinating branch of philosophy known as formal logic, which is philosophy’s equivalent to calculus. Great minds think alike! You may have seen logical arguments expressed with these arrows, v’s, backwards E’s, upside down A’s, and other inscrutable signs, which can seem as bewildering as higher math or an ancient language. This approach addresses the behavior of truth-functional connectives, such as not," "and," "or," and "if" —and that is the basis of computer logic, the way computers "think."". In the second, it denotes a specific dog. Second, I think the written materials could use some closer editing. And, if you’re studying the subject, exam tips can come in handy. Then see how to identify the structure of an argument, focusing on whether it is deductive or inductive.". Let's wff and proof it together. Follow the work of Hilbert, Cantor, Frege, Russell, and Godel to prove that the logical consistency of mathematics can be reduced to basic arithmetic. Ideal for students with no background in logic or philosophy, Simple Formal Logic provides a full system of logic adequate to handle everyday and philosophical reasoning. Logic is intellectual self-defense against such assaults on reason and also a method of quality control for checking the validity of your own views. Given that this is a text on formal logic, the main currency of which is expressions in formal (rather than natural) languages, this can't be considered a significant drawback. I have had this course long enough now to be to the sixth lesson. Enjoy. I found I had to first read the written materials and work the examples before I listened to the lecture in order to really get a handle on what he was saying. Deepen your proficiency with this technique, which has almost magical versatility. Don’t think so, but maybe. You can access your courses and account information here using the same Email Address and Password that you have always used. This step leads to new and useful types of reasoning called multi-valued logic and fuzzy logic. Trace the origin of deductive logic to the ancient geometrician Euclid. Award-winning Professor of Philosophy Steven Gimbel of Gettysburg College guides you with wit and charm through the full scope of this immensely rewarding subject in An Introduction to Formal Logic, 24 engaging half-hour lectures that teach you logic from the ground up—from the fallacies of everyday thinking to cutting edge ideas on the frontiers of the discipline. From the very first lesson he is able to capture attention and hold it through even the most complex of ideas. It's called Introduction to Logic. Course was well presented and I will need to go back and do several lectures given the depth of the subject matter. This is a crisp, clear, and concise introduction to first-order classical logic, suitable for undergraduate students in philosophy, linguistics, and allied fields. I would continue to purchase your very fine courses. See how all that you have learned in the course relates to mathematics-and vice versa. Consider five fallacies that often arise when trying to reason your way from cause to effect. It not only explains the ideas simply, but also extremely well for beginners. Complete the system of natural deduction by adding a new category of justification-a justified assumption. But beyond these very practical benefits, informal logic—the kind we apply in daily life—is the gateway to an elegant and fascinating branch of philosophy known as formal logic, which is philosophy’s equivalent to calculus. This website uses cookies to improve userexperience. To ensure that the pricing on the website is the same as what is in your catalog or advertisement, please enter the priority code provided. Review these procedures and then try several examples. The method of expansion has no such requirement. Ad hominem attacks try to undermine the arguer instead of the argument. A course with a surprising breadth and depth of applications, An Introduction to Formal Logic will appeal to: Professor Gimbel begins by noting that humans are wired to accept false beliefs. Neither provides absolute proof in its field of analysis, but if faults such as those in Lecture 7 are avoided, the conclusions can be impressively reliable. Example 10. Both say “A dog is x” and seem to differ only in the property ascribed to the dog. In social science, it identifies patterns of behavior and uncovers societal blind spots—assumptions we all make that are completely false.

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