What volcano exploded in 1883 with the force of 200 megatons of TNT? – विषुवतीय प्रदेश, दक्षिणी अमेरिका का मध्य चिली किसका उदाहरण है? 48. yangtse, 68. It is the eliptical path of earth’s revolution round the sun. – शुक्र, शुमेकर लेवी-9 धूमकेतु किस ग्रह से टकराया था? Northern &Southern hemi-spheres. Death Valley, 82. Answer: A large volcanic depression more or less circular in shape with exceptionally large diameter. The man who first assessed the mass of the earth? Indus River, 84. 12. 6. Which Mediterranean island is considered an independent Asian country? Which stretch of water separates the Isle of Wights from mainland Britain? (approximate). 90oC. 39. What causes seasons? Nepal, 92. Snows and glaciers. Which country is the third largest producer of electric energy? Gradual wearing away of portions of earth’s surface by rain, snow and wind. What is the difference between Isobars and Isotherms? The smaller the wavelength the wider the scattering. 11.Where is the lowest point of Earth’s land surface? – पूर्वी अफ्रीका में, पृथ्वी पर समुद्रतल से सर्वाधिक नीची झील कौनसी है? – मृत सागर, सरगासो समुद्र किस महासागर में स्थित है? Oxygen, 19. Turkey, 57. The force which attracts the bodies towards the centre of the Earth. Name given to the widened river mouth found at the point a river enters the sea? – नाइजीरिया, जनसंख्या वृद्धि का सर्वाधिक प्रतिशत जिस महाद्वीप के देशों में देखा गया है, वह कौनसा है? Maldives, 91. Answer: Fountain like intermittent warm water coming out from the underground is called Geyser. 200 LATEST WORLD GEOGRAPHY Questions and Answers. Think a little, answer the question and then look if … Isothrms are lines on a map joining those places which have the same mean temperature. which atomic power station in India is built completely indigenously? Lapland is the combination of which countries? What is Pakistan’s longest river? Choose from 500 different sets of geography 200 flashcards on Quizlet. Honshu, 74. Old Trafford stadium is located near what major city? Which country is the leading egg producer in the world? Pakistan has borders with two countries of Asia. 99% of the crust of the Earth is composed of Which soil contains clay and sand in equal proportion? 28. – भारत, चाय के निर्यात में भारत को किस देश की कड़ी प्रतिस्पर्धा का सामना करना पड़ रहा है? Colorado River, 72. What divides Asia from North America? – भूमध्यसागरीय प्रदेश का, उष्ण मानसूनी प्रदेश का सर्वाधिक विस्तार कहां पर है? Your email address will not be published. Isobars are lines on a map joining those places whch have the same barometric pressure. Which river’s fertile delta in south China is known as the ‘land of fish, rice and fruit’? 17. What are Poles? – चीन, इजमिर की घाटी जो अफ्रीम की कृषि के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, किस देश में स्थित है? Sacotra, 65. What is common to Mauna Loa, Krakatoa and Stromboli? – पूर्वोत्तर भारत में, रबड़ किस प्राकृतिक प्रदेश की उपज है? – सिंगापुर, ‘ब्राजील का मैनचेस्टर’ कौन कहलाता है? It is the gently sloping region that lies on the seaward side of the continental slope and extends down to the Abyssal plain. – वरुण, सौरमण्डल का जन्मदाता किसे कहा जाता है? Which causes the difference of time between two places? 8. What strait divides Morocco and Spain? – अफ्रीका, एशिया महाद्वीप का सर्वोच्च पर्वत-शिखर कौनसा है? Rihand Dam Project provides irrigation to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar 153. This is called midnight Sun. What is the latitude of South Pole? – ऑस्ट्रेलिया, यूरोप के किस देश को ‘लघु यूरोप’ कहा जाता है? The surfaces of the Earth where most of the fresh water is accumulated – तृतीय, सार्क देशों में सबसे घना आबाद वाला देश कौनसा है? Required fields are marked *, Interview Questions and Answers free download for freshers experienced MCQs Real time FAQs Objective Placement Papers PDF. Israel. The Faeroe Islands is found in which country? Island Aviation Services is the Government run airlines of ? Iran, 70. In the arctic region the sun is visible even at midnight for some months. Manchester, 79. Khyber Pass, 77. – साओपालो, दक्षिण-पूर्व एशिया का स्थलअवरद्धु देश कौन सा है? Why is air surrounding the Earth moving forever? The UAE separates two parts of a country. – रीड, एयर बस ज्वालमुखी कहाँ स्थित है? भू-आकृति विज्ञान (Geomorphology) का जन्मदाता किसे माना जाता है? Who is known as “Father of white Revolution” in India? 13. Elements, 20. – 24 घंटे 52 मिनट, गंगा नदी का डेल्आ किस प्रकार का है? – बागवानी कृषि से, सघन खेती के लिए खेतिहर क्षेत्र किस तरह का होना चाहिए? Your email address will not be published. – बांग्लादेश, दक्षिण एशिया का सबसे घना बसा देश कौनसा है? Auli, Garhwal, Himalayas. The highest place on the Earth Everest. What well-known mountain pass connects Pakistan and Afghanistan? 44. Who published the Theory of continental Drift? – ल्हासा, किस शहर को ‘पूर्व का प्रवेश द्वार’ कहा जाता है? Maximum chemical weathering takes place in: The axis of the earth is tilted to the vertical at an angle of: How many degrees North and South are the Tropics? It is an imaginary line passin round the earth midway between the North and South Poles. Kali Gandaki Gorge (Andha Galchi), Your email address will not be published. In which country is the Hillary-Tenzing Airport situated? – अमेरिका, हीरा व्यापार का सबसे बड़ा केन्द्र कौनसा है? The Rotation of the Earth is not felt at The zonal soil type pf penisular India belongs to ? Which are the three main island groups in the Pacific? Three important rivers of the India subcontinent have their sources near the Mansarover Lake in the Great Himalayas. Of which country is Sofia the capital? – श्रीलंका, ट्रक फार्मिंग (Truck Farming) का अभिप्राय क्या है? – चीन, U-आकार की घाटी कहाँ पायी जाती है? – केन्द्र में, किस प्रकार की वर्षा बिजली की चमक एवं बादलों की गरज के साथ होती है? – इथियोपिया, सोमालिया, जिबूती, कौन-सा देश ‘प्यासी भूमि का देश’ कहलाता है? 180 Greenwich. – गेरून, जमशेदपुर शहर किन नदियों के संगम पर बसा है? 31. Which country? 4. Cosmic rays, 18. Which are the six layers in the atmosphere divided on the basis of the distance from the surface of the earth? India. Sicily, 88. What is the pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere at sea level? The permeable rock layer which retains water? – तुर्की, हॉर्न ऑफ अफ्रीका में शामिल किये जाने वाला कौन से देश हैं? Answer: The atmospheric pressure in a particular area. A Continent is a major land mass including both the region of dry land abovve sea level and the continental shelf.
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