In cognate adjectives, the letter c in English is replaced with k: aktiv, kreativ, kompetent. Before you go, let us know in the comments which of these German adjectives are your favorite. big, large. Magst du braune Schuhe? Deutsches Essen ist nicht sehr bekannt. Meine Mutter ist abends immer müde. cautious. tapfer. Ich bin immer froh zuhause. They got a little fatter. Today is not as warm as yesterday. ), 10 entertaining short stories about everyday themes, Practice reading and listening with 90+ minutes of audio. What a sad movie! This cognate list should already add several German adjectives in your vocabulary! And if you download the PDF, you’ll be getting 50 additional German verbs on the list. He gave me a green tie. Die böse Hexe lebt im Wald. You’re very beautiful today! Indian food is often spicy. Leaves turning, nippy air, warm drinks, and a cold winter ahe... It’s a beautiful morning in Hamburg. Das Glas ist sehr hart. Der Himmel ist immer noch bewölkt. Sie trägt blaue Jeans. Yes, they’re always ready to help. She lives in yonder mountains. Dinner was a little too salty. That sentence can’t even get off the ground. Why are there still poor people? Warum ist die Suppe bitter? I have a white pillow. Is there fresh milk here? unbesonnen. Which is why here in this article, we’ll be learning a big chunk of German adjectives---250 to be exact! Why are they so expensive? It’s too dangerous! Learn 1,000+ new German vocabulary effortlessly! Hopefully, you can use these words to more accurately describe yourself as well! Es ist 2019 und Handys sind immer noch brüchig. List of German Adjectives. Das ist zu würzig für mich. Kinokarten übers Handy kaufen zu können ist praktisch. Das Wetter heute ist heiß. Themes One other note before our German adjectives list: German doesn’t distinguish between adjectives and adverbs. bestimmt. Ich bin fast gefroren hier draußen. dynamisch. German word: translation: leicht: light: schlecht: bad: falsch: wrong: teuer: expensive: langsam: slow: niedrig: low: kalt: cold: glücklich: happy: gesund: healthy: laut: loud: warm: warm: billig: cheap: krank: ill: leise: quiet: müde: tired Sie sind ein bisschen dick geworden. List of German adjectives with English meaning. You’re not limited to just German food when you speak German. Improve your reading and listening comprehension in German. See how adjectives described adjectives in the previous sentences? annoying. Why is the soup bitter? Is Esperanto a complicated language? Es gibt nicht so viele mexikanische Restaurants in Europa. We actually have a whole separate resource on weather words, so pop over and check that one out too! Please don’t give me anything raw. You’ll find that a lot of these adjectives stick without any effort. Don’t be late tomorrow. Are the people tolerant here? Ja, sie sind immer hilfsbereit. It can be very cold in Canada. Touch is slightly different than appearance. The evil witch lives in the forest. Yesterday, it was beautiful and sunny. Why do you have to be so lazy all the time? aggressiv. Why are you annoyed? Es ist immer neblig auf dem Gipfel. Don’t forget, this is very important. You can’t get very far when describing something if you’re limited to only a handful of adjectives, at most. Ich bin hungrig, aber ich will hier nichts essen. Don’t know how to say “rich?” “Not poor” does the trick in a pinch! Chinesische Bücher sind sehr lang. Haben Sie kanadischen Speck? Have you seen my yellow boots? Ever tried to explain something to somebody else and they just balk at your attempt? blonde. What a beautiful orange dress! Are these important German adjectives already fading from your memory? Is he French or Canadian? ärgerlic h. bad. Adjectives are an important part of any language such as German. Seid ihr alle gespannt? Bitte geben Sie mir nichts rohes. The glass is very hard. Siehst du das Gebäude da? The dictionary defines gratitude as foll... It’s a beautiful morning in Hamburg. Gestern war es schön und sonnig. Warum ist es so dunkel hier? As you’ve probably noticed, we didn’t just stick with the bare adjectives. I need to sleep early tonight. likeable. In most cultures, it is custom to express gratitude in some way or another. Do you like stinky tofu? Das Zimmer ist hell und bequem. However, there are some German adjectives for which the comparative and superlative form doesn't exist. He’s definitely an open person. He plays for the South African team. Hast du meine gelben Stiefel gesehen? There are lots of German adjectives that you could recognize easily if you’re an English speaker. It’s difficult for me to speak German. Heute ist ein windiger Tag. Der Mann war glatzköpfig. The magazine is not very popular. You have two identical options. But here, with the information in this article, you’ll be able to learn German adjectives and confidently describe pretty much anything you need to, without breaking a sweat. Having said that, let’s jump into your list of the most frequently used German adjectives. 1- German Colors Adjectives: Describing Colors. Willst du einen ungarischen Film sehen? Amerikaner. Das ist zu schwer, und ich kann es nicht ziehen. Sudden... Do you often feel lonely and sad? I’m always happy at home. The Danish coast is cold. The sky is still cloudy. I want to be rich next year. Was für ein trauriger Film! My mom is always tired in the evenings. There are probably spiders in this narrow corridor. These are some of them: This cognate list should already add several German adjectives in your vocabulary! careless. Warum musst du immer faul sein? Copyright text 2017 by My Daily German. I’m queasy all of a sudden. boring. Was für ein schönes oranges Kleid! It’s 2019 and phones are still fragile. Es gibt ungefähr zweihundert Tiere im Zoo. Der Brief ist lang and traurig. Test, 100 of the Best German Adjectives for Any Place & Time, Add a Few Words and Make Your Meaning More Exact, How to Go Beyond German Adjectives Vocab to Total Mastery, Hi, What’s Up, and Beyond: How to Say Hello In German, How to Say I Love You in German – Romantic Word List, Master Simple German Questions and Answers for Beginners, German Keyboard: How to Install and Type in German, German Thanksgiving: The Harvest Festival in Germany, How to Celebrate April Fools’ Day in German, German adjective endings and how to conjugate them. The road is not wide. -  Designed by Thrive One of the most common intensifiers is sehr, or “very.” Wirklich, ganz, and echt fill the same role, though echt is rather informal. Most everyone is familiar with this day, as it is celebrated nearly everywhere the world. dynamic. Ist dein Auto schwarz? That’s too heavy, and I can’t pull it. Go back and have another look, and then maybe again tomorrow. cheerful. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 3. blau – blue. You’re enjoying a nice piece of bread and a coffee at a streetside cafe. schlecht. Ist er französisch oder kanadisch? 4. rot – red. Are you all excited? These words can be used as adverbs and adjectives without any difference. Where are my red socks? ehrgeizig. Das Abendessen war ein bisschen zu salzig. conceited. Es gibt wahrscheinlich Spinnen in diesem engen Flur. To learn new German words painlessly, check out our e-book German Short Stories with Audio. Es ist zu gefährlich! We look forward to hearing from you! competent. Fortunately, such changes don’t happen at all when the adjective comes after the noun. German has all the same adjective concepts that English does, yes … but how adjectives are used is very different, mainly because of tricky little adjective endings (i.e. Vergiss nicht, das hier ist sehr wichtig. ambitious. Chinese. Sei nicht so egoistisch. English doesn’t make this kind of distinction, so it’s a little tricky to get your mind thinking in that way at first. kompetent. Some English adjectives that end in -ic or -ical are changed to -isch in German: analytisch, egoistisch, musikalisch. Die Straße ist nicht breit. Sie wohnt in den Bergen dort. Das ist leicht zu verstehen. And if you’d like to learn even more, have a look at the other German material we have on this very website: videos, flashcards, and of course our flagship podcast. charming charmant . Ready for your list of useful German adjectives? American. fröhlich. feigling. Yet, when exactly is Ap... German Dictionary, German Resources, My Assessment Take care in this section. Die Studenten sind sehr klug. Ich muss heute früh schlafen. Some days pass pretty fast, and others pass pretty slow.

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