to copy, represent, figure; to portray, illustrate, picture, form; delineate; to describe; illustration; diagram; image, figure; picture;, portrait, portraiture; representation, depiction; reproduction, copy; to break off, snap; to demolish, dismantle; to pull down; to interrupt, discontinue; to stop (short), abridger (of documents, etc); abbreviator, to abbreviate, shorten a word with a sign. London, aphasia; language loss, loss of the faculty of speech, Acta Pontificii Instituti Biblici (et Orientalis). Stuttgart, Archiv für Kirchengeschichte von Böhmen-Mähren-Schlesien. a policy of action to achieve a political or social goal. evening prayer, bedtime prayer; vespers; evening devotion; Occident, European; the West, western world, full communion; open communion; intercommunion. [7] August Ludwig Hülsen, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Gottlob Ernst Schulze, Karl Leonhard Reinhold, Salomon Maimon, Friedrich Schleiermacher, and Arthur Schopenhauer also made major contributions. [25], Frege, Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle, Rutherford (1998) is a detailed scholarly study of Leibniz's. Phenomenology began at the start of the 20th century with the descriptive psychology of Franz Brentano (1838–1917), and then the transcendental phenomenology of Edmund Husserl (1859–1938). Here he meant that reason and freedom had reached their maximums as they were embodied by the existing Prussian state. Working in the metaphysical framework of Schopenhauer, Philipp Mainländer sees the "will" as the innermost core of being, the ontological arche. to annoy; to provoke; to anger, make angry; offense; annoyance; stambling block; anger; scandal, unsuspecting, unsuspicious; guileless; simple, artless; naive; innocent, harmless, Allgemeiner Religions- und Kirchenfreund und Kirchen-Correspondent.
), to read off (speech). By Franz Joseph Dölger. Later in the 19th century, Dilthey began to see possibilities for continuing Schleiermacher's general hermeneutics project as a "general methodology of the humanities and social sciences".[21]. innate, inborn, inherent; natural; congenital; hereditary; to approach, to apply to; to be related to; to begin, commence; to grow; to vow; to promise (solemnly); (refl) to vow or or promise oneself to get married, Angelos. geraten (geriet, geraten) to get into sth., to take after so. Leibniz is also known for his theory of monads, as exposited in Monadologie. Roma, apophantic as; (the) apophantic assertion (, apparatus, equipment; research material; reference books, American Philosophical Quarterly. to point out; to hint (at); to indicate; to suggest; to insinuate, imply; appropriation (Marx); assimilation (Jaspers); Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament. mention, state, give, supposed; reputed; alleged; ostensible; pretended; supposedly, ostensibly, reputedly. Halle, axiomatcs; axiomatization; study of axioms, Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums. In effect, apparent flaws that can be identified in this world must exist in every possible world, because otherwise God would have chosen to create the world that excluded those flaws. [citation needed], Since the 1960s the Frankfurt School has been guided by Jürgen Habermas' (born 1929) work on communicative reason,[23][24] linguistic intersubjectivity and what Habermas calls "the philosophical discourse of modernity". revolt, rebellion; riot; insurrection, uprising; mutiny; to rise; to ascend; to climb (up); to mount; to set up erect; to draw up; to organize; to assemble; to make out (a list, to surface, appear; to emerge, come into view; to arise, to appear; to be found; to act, perform; to come forward; to rise (, to show, exhibit; to have; to show, present; to produce, to count up, to enumerate; to call off; to list; to itemize, to raise, to bring up (children); to hoist; to arrange, plan (festival); to march, to extend; to build up; to improve; to complete, finish; to develop; to elaborate, to mend, repair, fix; to patch up; to restore, to train; to instruct; to educate; to develop; to form; to cultivate; to shape, to spread; to extend, spread (out); to expand; go into details, outbreak, eruption; escape; outburst, ecstasy, to extend; to expand, widen, enlarge; to stretch (out), spread, explicit(ly), express(ly); intentional(ly); emphatic(ly), movement expressing thought or feeling; (facial) expression; gesture, statement calculus, calculus of expressions, manner of expression; mode of expression; way of speaking, to explain, discuss; to make clear; to analyze, discussion, debate; analysis (of); examination (of); argument; conflict, picked, selected, select; choice; exquisite, to choose; to select, pick; to designate; to destine; to earmark (, to take out (for a drive); to break out; to come out, drive out, falling out, loss, deficit, deficiency, shortage, losses, casualties, result, sortie, attack, to search out, explore, investigate, inquire into; to question (a person) (, to carry out; to lead/take out; to explain; to execute (a plan); to put into effect. grammatical accent, accent(uation) sign or mark; conditions of acceptability, acceptability conditions, Allgemeine kirchliche Zeitschrift. Monatshefte für geschichtliche und theoretische Missionskunde. New York, American Jewish Historical Quarterly. to erect, build (up), construct; to base on; to proclaim; to call up; to summon; to raise ; mobilized; to muster; to levy, to look or glance up; to raise one's eyes (, to irritate; to provoke; to enrage; to raise, uncovering; revelation' exposure; disclosure; discovery, detection, stay; sojourn; residence; abode; halt; delay, to impose, enjoin, lay ((up)on); to inflict (on); to lay down, resurrection (of Christ), rising from the dead; die, to raise (up) from the dead, restore to life, to ascend, rise; to pull/drive up; to array. Amsterdam, Allgemeine Literaturzeitung zunächst für das katholische Deutschland. act of turning away; withdrawing; renunciation; alienation; estrangement; backsliding; to wring off (gen.) to snap off, to crack off, to bend off, to shorten; to abridge; to abbreviate, to lessen, curtail, condense; to be a short cut, to cease; to end; to let go; to drain, empty; to decant; to tap; to leave off, to refuse, turn down; to reject, decline; to repudiate, inferability, deductibility, derivability, to pick off, to read (map, etc. He believed this task to be urgent, as he believed a form of nihilism caused by modernity was spreading across Europe, which he summed up in the phrase "God is dead". Divinity Faculty of the University of Chicago. to locate; to make out; to determine; to come to; to settle, agree; to agree; to take out, disembowel; gut (fish); to except, exlude, impress; coinage, mintage; stamping; stamp, to be enough, sufficient; to be satisfying, to straighten, align, adjust; to do, carry out, execute; to accomplish; to fulfil; to succeed (in); to tell; deliver, statement; utterance; declaration; proposition; affirmation; testimony; assertion; message, propositional function, statement function, to state, declare, assert; to testify; to affirm; to give evidence, to eliminate; to separate; to remove; to exclude, rule out; to discharge, to exclude, shut out; to except; to lock out; to rule out; to suspend, expel; to excommunicate, to digress; to wander; to indulge in excess; to lead a dissolute life, excess; intemperance; debauchery; loose living; digression (in speech); aberration (of mind), to look; to appear, seem; to have the appearance (of), to set out; to disembark; to lower; to launch; to release; to expose; to fail; to pause; to stop; to break off; (, to spread (out); to stretch, expand; to relax; to slacken, to express, state, say; to pronounce; to declare; to utter, to get out; to get off, disembark; to land, to issue; to expose; to exhibit, to display, to push or knock out; to exclude; to excommunicate; to banish; to exile, to reach out, extend, hold out; to stretch forth; (, to select; to search; to choose; to pick out, dispensation; distribution; administration, to blot out, erase, eradicate, efface, destroy (completely).
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