Each year thousands … White wing stripe visible in fast, direct flight. Grey Plover is also named Black-bellied Plover. It is pale grey above with fine mottling, a whitish forehead and eyebrow and a strongly barred white tail. Underparts white with black on face, throat, breast, and belly. Upperparts pale grey and white with black spotting and barring on back, wings, crown, and tail. Grey Plover: Pigeon-sized shorebird. Follow our shorebirds' journey from the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary to the Arctic. It is greyer and chunkier than other plovers. The black axillaries only visible in flight, allow identifying this bird outside breeding season. The Grey Plover is a medium-sized, long-legged plover, with a large head and large dark eyes, and a heavy black bill. Two Grey Plover shorebirds that spent their summer fattening up north-west of Adelaide have recently been tracked in China on their way to their northern breeding grounds in the Arctic.. Andrew is a journalist who wanted to follow the trial of the flight path of a small, unassuming bird known as the Grey Plover. The Grey Plover colour-ringed by Pavel was spotted by David Melville, who has done a great deal to fill gaps in knowledge about the vast flocks of waders that use the Yellow Sea, including significant numbers of passage Grey Plover. It is the only one to have a … The underparts are whitish grey with diagnostic black wing-pits in flight. Also has dark grey bill, legs, and feet. One of the wonderful features of Flight Lines is the way that it turns names into characters. Large head and strong bill also add other differences. Grey Plover is the largest of these birds.

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