Just find a good deep pot - that's important - because they've got deep roots and use a good strong frame. For the best displays and repeat flowering, it’s worth starting containers early in the year. I have been growing clematis in large pots with varied success for the past couple of years. Growing clematis in containers is possible when you choose the right plant, pot and space to grow it in. They’ll heat up too much in the summer and will not give any insulation. It’s preferable to use a ceramic pot, wooden pot or even concrete containers. Use them on the patio, stand them amongst other plants in the garden to create that instant impact, place them along walls or fences where no facilities exist for planting directly into the soil, or simply enjoy them in a glasshouse or conservatory. While selecting the right container is a matter of both taste and budget, virtually any containers are useful (thick plastic, ceramic or composite all work well). Several different clematis varieties have now been introduced that were bred specifically for growing in pots, making the job even easier. Choose a large enough pot and place a trellis in the pot or place the pot in an area where the vines have something to climb up on. Growing clematis in containers is a great choice for many gardeners who are looking for interesting and beautiful flowering plants for decks, patios, or even containers to place out within borders and gardens. So, when you’re selecting a container it’s advisable not to use a plastic pot. With the right care, they’ll last in containers for years, before being planted out in the garden. Containers. Clematis can also be grown in a pot. Growing Clematis in a Pot: If you live in a smaller space, you can also choose to grow clematis in a pot. If you’re going to grow clematis out on the deck, yard, or patio area the plastic pots have no insulation. Well grown clematis in containers are a welcome sight in any garden - big or small. When you don’t have the garden space to add these beautiful vines directly in the soil, pots are the next best thing. Some have done brilliantly well…even my clematis viticella ‘Black Prince’ did superbly in a large pot last year, scrambling up in to my wisteria..now it’s scrambling up a Silver Birch. Plant breeders have developed a range of compact clematis cultivars that are perfect for growing in pots.
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