Belt/6 in. Central Machinery. This sander seems identical under another brand name. Review: Harbor Freight 3x21 belt sander This is the Harbor Freight 3x21 Belt Sander model #69859. WEN 6515 at $65.98. The belt sander features rubber feet for minimal vibration, a dust collection chute for easy clean-up and a durable die cast, aluminum construction for optimal performance. I own many things that I’ve had to return once or more before I finally got one that worked and this applies universally to American and Chinese manufacturers. This particular belt sander works very well, that is why I gave it a good review. This is my third try at an HF belt sander. 1 in. The table at the 6" disc is aluminum and had a slight bow in the middle , but I ran it thru my wide belt sander a few times which solved that problem. 1 in. Disc Sander $ 74 99. Save $74.01. $18.40 $ 18. NEW DRIVE BELT MADE IN USA FOR Harbor Freight 4 x 36 belt sander / Disc sander. Add to Cart Add to My List. Add to Cart Add to My List. 40. Central Machinery. Belt/6 in. 4 in. I do buy some of my bigger tools from there, like my Mini-Lathe, which I will do a review on at a later date. Compare to. I noticed that sander model disappeared completely. x 30 in. A year ago I had a similar problem with their 4 x 24 belt sander and returned 2 of them. x 36 in. Save 24%. Harbor Freight refuses to publish my critical 3 star , recommend buy, review, as "offensive". Search Results For "Belt Sander" 188 Items. To get everything lined up and square though, I had to perform a fair amount of reassembling. Belt Sander. 4 in. Other options New from $18.20. Disc Sander. Compare to. The castings are a little rough as one would expect from a Harbor freight tool, but it works well. I noticed it was on sale and remembered Mikey telling me that a belt sander is a better tool for grinding lathe bits than a bench grinder. FREE Shipping. So I checked the customer reviews for it on their web site and they were generally very good. Ryobi BD4601G at $149.00. x 30 in. This is a review of the Harbor Freight 1×30 belt sander, model #2485.. Belt Sander $ 49 99. The review was for the belt sander, not for Harbor Freight the company. Bauer. I am not a huge fan of Harbor Freight in general, most of their tools are not worth buying. 2.3 out of 5 stars 2. With adjustable belt tracking and an easily adjustable tilting table, this outstanding belt sander also includes a removable back plate to allow sanding on curves or odd-shaped stock. x 36 in.
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