Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, The second opening of the Chamber of Secrets. Amycus then revealed that they had been warned that Harry might try to get into Ravenclaw Tower, to which Minerva responded with confusion as Harry was in her house, speaking of this with pride in her voice, before scanning the room. The Marauders were four great friends: Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and James Potter. However, rather than punishing or expelling him for having broken Madam Hooch's order that no student would ride on their broomsticks and the risk he took, Minerva brought him to see Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, announcing that she had found their new Seeker. [3], Minerva directing students during the Sorting ceremony, Also in this year, Harry Potter, whom Minerva had been watching over for many years, would start his first year of education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, not knowing this, as he did not know that he was a wizard. Minerva McGonagall was an incredibly powerful and talented witch whom none should have ever underestimated. In 2007, Dame Maggie Smith was diagnosed with breast cancer and struggled through the filming of Half Blood Prince (2008) while undergoing the chemo treatments. when the girl continued to badmouth Leta. From August 2017 onwards, Maggie Smith is the oldest cast member still living in the series, after the death of, A younger Minerva McGonagall is portrayed by, It is also possible that she took a break in her career at some point in her life like. When the school year began in September, Minerva had to deal with the effects that the Dementors had on her students, such as Harry Potter. Looks like Professor McGonagall is the real star of the series. The only reason Minerva has never spoken ill of Sybill directly was due to her refusal to insult her colleagues. Nor was it the nagging sensation of some task left unfinished. McGonagall seems to have had a good relationship with his future wife, Lily Evans. The claim wasn't true, but Minerva was none the wiser. Nothing happened. He let his gaze sweep the room, frowning. [1], Minerva played for Gryffindor Quidditch team in her student years, in which she proved to be gifted. There at his feet was a kitten, black save for a white tip to its tail, with its round golden eyes fixed intently on him. This incident caused Harry and Hermione to have a row, because Hermione had alerted Minerva about the Firebolt. Lord Voldemort[7] When Snape became Headmaster of Hogwarts, she opposed him and his supposed minions the Carrows, without knowing Snape was secretly helping her protect the students from his fellow Death Eaters. (Be sure to check out Rae Gun Ramblings for LOTS more Harry Potter craft ideas, … Under the guidance of her inspirational Transfiguration teacher, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva had managed to become an Animagus; her animal form, with its distinctive markings (tabby cat, square spectacles markings around eyes) were duly logged in the Ministry of Magic's Animagus Registry. McGonagall was very angry by Crouch's teaching methods and shouted at him. By then, her parents lived on the outskirts of Caithness in the Scottish Highlands, in a village where mostly Muggles lived. Minerva saw this appointment as an affront to the school itself and did little to hide her disgust. [16], Professors Snape and McGonagall examining a cursed necklace, Minerva was present after Katie Bell was cursed by the Opal Necklace. When Minerva was attacked and sent to St Mungo's, Dolores was pleased that she at last had complete control of Hogwarts. [6], Despite her dislike for Trelawney and her teachings, Minerva was still disgusted when Umbridge unceremoniously and cruelly sacked Sybill. 9½", Fir, dragon heartstring[1] Still, darker times lay ahead. Mad and disappointed with them, she told them all off before punishing them severely; a loss of fifty points each, 150 in total, and detention with Malfoy. During Umbridge's inspections of McGonagall's class, Minerva tried for the most part to ignore Umbridge. Snape grabbed at it again, with the same result. At the end of the Tournament, Minerva accompanied Dumbledore and Severus Snape in the rescue of Harry Potter from the Death Eater that had spent the entire school year impersonating the Auror Alastor Moody, that year's DADA professor. When Harry became the fourth Triwizard Champion, Minerva adamantly defended Harry from the accusation of Olympe Maxime that Harry had been willing to die for the gold rewarded and even went as far as to try to convince Albus into not letting Harry compete, being utterly mortified by the fact that Snape and Dumbledore were willing to use Harry as a bait and often showed herself to be more protective of Harry than the then Headmaster. Information on Animagi … A notable example of this is when Leta hexed a fellow student with the dark charm Oscausi during her third year, after the other girl had been speaking ill of Leta behind her back. [Source]. You can make just one or two cat plates for a little display, or go full Umbridge and deck out an entire wall! “And what does that have to do with me?” Snape asked, a trifle impatiently. While McGonagall received Ginny's distraught parents in her office, along with a returned Albus Dumbledore, she was astonished to see Ginny herself walk in, accompanied by a slime-covered Harry, Ron and Lockhart, the ragged old Sorting Hat, Dumbledore's pet phoenix and the silver Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Affiliation He had a strange feeling of... what? She transformed Malfoy back into his human form and reminded Moody that they never use transfiguration as a punishment. In her gratitude for Harry accepting the position, she bought him a Nimbus 2000 for his first Quidditch game. Dolores Umbridge, her enemy and former colleague, Minerva disliked Dolores Umbridge right from the beginning when the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher began to invade Hogwarts with her Hogwarts High Inquisitor position and did everything she could in her power to circumvent Umbridge's authority without risking the loss of her job. Snape was able to stop the curse from spreading any further, but Katie was taken to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, where she spent much of that year recovering from the effects of the curse. [1], Later on in her career, Minerva rose to the position of Head of the Transfiguration department. [16], As the war continued, Minerva remained at Hogwarts, even when it was taken over by Voldemort. Surely he was imagining it. [8], For the most part, though, Minerva usually maintained great emotional composure, without being indifferent. This was shown when McGonagall was hit by four Stunners on the chest, as Maadam Pomfrey said that it would have killed most witches of her age. [27], Shortly prior to the beginning of the 2019–2020 school year, the Headmistress received owls from no less than three students in Ravenclaw House asking if they could receive their lesson plans early as not to fall behind in their studies, an exchange she noted that it was not uncommon for her to have with students of that house at the beginning of each term; noting that most students would be excited by the idea of an extended holiday.
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