... • Examples of secondary prevention include: – Public education to promote breast self-examination – use of home kits for detection of occult blood in the stool specimens – Screening programs for hypertension, diabetes, uterine cancer (Pap Smear), breast cancer, glaucoma and sexually transmitted diseases 53. There are 10 questions to complete. Answer D. Using a holistic approach involves consideration of all factors that may affect a client’s level of well being in all dimensions, not just physical health. ����q]�uE���ۇ�[���?NO���S�t�N�i8��3g���Tړ,���\�SwR���g1�&�,=�'�������'W�5�f#׊=$��@H�uD�NOV���@H#��V��/ڨ�+�>^��]��)wu�m�v:1D�&�1����Z��Z��%ǃ�Hs�PL�I�`�b*���t���h�8�����VbS� �J*_(A��_���S��t>b��*)��ѭg� �|�/�� ����y���gM�T)4�'m�L�M��I?��* ���o� ��O���f^�X�qry�o9�q��\�[]C��"�J�S��k�߱i���F��¾I���nK�=п��o�M��jJf�D� Also, this page requires javascript. Practice Mode Economic variable s may affect a client’s level of health by increasing the risk for disease and influencing how or at what point the client enters the health care system. Answer C. The effects of illness on the client and family have created change in family dynamics. The stronger they become, the more impenetrable they are to illness’ effects. The client is in the process of adapting to a change in: Good luck! Based on the levels of prevention, the client is receiving care at the: The secondary prevention level focuses on early diagnosis and prompt treatment as well as on disability limitations. Attempted Questions Wrong Text version of the exam. Risk factors are important to identify to assist the client, if possible, to respond and modify his or her lifestyle. My blood pressure has been high.” The nurse determines that this is an example of the client’s: Risk factors are anything that increases the vulnerability of an individual or group to an illness or accident. Which one of the following assessment findings indicates a lifestyle risk factor? Awareness is not just noticing what's going on around you, but what's going on within you as well. – Questions and choices are randomly arranged, the answer is revealed instantly after each question, and there is no time limit for the exam. You have 10 mins to finish this exam. 2. Active strategy Score In using the Stages of Health Behavior Change as a guide, the nurse recognizes that the client is most likely to begin to accept information on diet and exercise during the: During the contemplation stage, the client is considering a change within the next 6 months. Body image The client is a paraplegic and is in the hospital for an electrolyte imbalance. Physical wellness also includes developing body awareness and personal stewardship towards attending to your own health. Health Wellness & Illness Health defined in terms of the presence or absence of disease. This client is identifying the physical risk factor of genetic predisposition to heart disease.Question 9In the Health Belief Model, the nurse recognizes that the focus is placed on the:ARelation of perceptions and compliance with therapyBMultidimensional nature of clients and their interaction with the environmentCBasic human needs for survivalDFunctioning of the individual in all dimensionsQuestion 9 Explanation:  In the Health Belief Model, the nurse focuses on the relation between a person’s beliefs and health behaviors. Two overarching goals for Healthy People 2010 are (1) to increase quality and years of healthy life, and (2) to eliminate health disparities. But wellness is more than that. Health, Illness and Wellness Practice Exam. Exam Mode – Questions and choices are randomly arranged, time limit of 1min per question, answers and grade will be revealed after finishing the exam. Wellness refers to the state of being in optimal mental and physical health. You have completed Your score is 4 0 obj

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