In fact, the, 9. Required fields are marked *, Your Rating If you think this product will help you to lose weight you are totally wrong because Herbalife Distributors give the same nutrition for Weight Loss & Weight Gain so what is the difference. Some of the products taste okay, but most people aren’t that impressed by what they’ve tried and often “boost” the shakes with berries or other flavors (increasing sugar and calories). She said that she would take care of it but nothing happened so, I reached out to her again a week later, but she never responded. Check out the Amazon reviews for Prolessa Duo I located to see more. 11. in 2016 Herbalife was forced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to pay over $200 million to thousands of Herbalife distributors. Overall the products are of good quality. ). I think my hormones may have been messed up due to this product. 16. She seemed more interested in selling me more products than anything. Herbalife is a multilevel marketing corporation that supplies dietary supplements to independent distributors. As such, we looked into possible side effects that people had experience and found the following: Small instances of hepatotoxicity (liver damage) Increased frequency of urination. It seemed harmless and did work to curb my appetite. Result my Weight is Maintain. And one other note: Of the 1-star reviews, of which there were just 25, most complained of problems with the product and listed side effects… Some people are thrilled, and others are much less so. For example, of the most recent 5-star reviews, more than a dozen have the exact same headline: “Five Stars!” I found that odd. The formula one, which is your meal supplement, taste more like a smoothie than a diet shake. In fact, the FDA has publicly ordered Herbalife that they must change any impressions they give in their marketing that the FDA approves their products as the FDA does not. Their overall rating is two stars out of five, so that doesn’t suggest a lot of customer goodwill. How do I know I can trust these reviews about Herbalife? However, they said they would reach out to the distributor themselves and if they couldn't get a hold of her within 3 days they would reach back out to me and move forward with the process but they never did. Very Poor. In May of 2017, Herbalife voluntarily recalled its Peanut Butter Protein Bar due to contamination by a fish allergen. As a company that proudly markets itself as a maker of healthy products, you’d expect that their products contain the very best, wholesome, organic ingredients. Herbalife markets itself as “a global nutrition company whose purpose is to make the world healthier and happier.”. Thanks. To me, those product doesn't work for me, I just say that my body can't absorb. Herbalife nutrition focuses on the micronutrients and macronutrients you need to thrive each day. Read reviews about Herbalife, including the program options, formula taste and quality, personal results and more. We’re not sure as the only success we’ve seen is from those who already practice restricted calorie diets. A link has directed you to this review. There is no published information on where the other 42 percent is manufactured. Herbalife offers meal replacement shakes, weight loss programs and skincare products for dieters to manage their weight, care for their health and jumpstart a healthy lifestyle. Then I decided to give it another shot and tried the shake. Due to the high soy, dairy, and high-fructose presence in many of its products, it would. Thankfully, there were no adverse health issues connected to the product. If you take as recommended you should have results. The contents of this site may not be republished, reprinted, rewritten or recirculated without written permission. Herbalife markets itself as “a global nutrition company whose purpose is to make the world healthier and happier.”. There are more negative reviews than positive reviews on this product. But today it has more than four years I am using this nutrition Products and feel Extremely Energetic. YOU CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELF IF YOU MUST & if you have problems then write a review based on your experience. Customer service has been so rude and has yet to assist in my request, I have been hung up on numerous times.
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