Women have been depicted as particularly vulnerable to confinement in asylums. Author information: (1)Birmingham and Solihull College of Nursing and Midwifery, England. A Gazetteer of Historic Asylums and Mental Hospitals in England, 1660-1948 There are many lists on the web of psychiatric hospitals, former mental hospitals or lunatic asylums. It lists hospitals and/or asylums that… Half a century ago every British city had at least one mental asylum on its outskirts, but these were rapidly closed down and sold off, often to become luxury flats or the site of a supermarket. Yet in the eighteenth century male admissions to private asylums tended to outstrip those of women, and, according to Roy Porter, ‘Georgian asylum admissions lend no support to the view that male chauvinist values were disproportionately penalizing women with mental disorders’. The Royal Earlswood Institution for Mental Defectives in Redhill, Surrey was cruelly known as The National Asylum for Idiots Credit: Rex Features. Today, the vast majority of patients in mental health institutions are there at their own request. This paper explores the origins of insane asylums in 19th century England by comparing the official 'received' medically dominated perspective with an alternative sociological perspective. Wikimedia. A large mental asylum. Case Books of Ticehurst House Asylum, 1845-1890’, Psychological Medicine Supplements, no.21 (1992); J. Crammer, Asylum History: Buckinghamshire County Pauper Lunatic Asylums – St John’s (London, 1990); W. Parry-Jones, The Trade in Lunacy: A Study of Private Madhouses in England in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (London, 1972). The second reason for the closure of the mental hospitals was the passing of the Mental Health Act 1983 – this saw the people being committed to the large asylums being given back their full rights and having the ability to appeal their certification; it also saw the mentally deficient being moved back into the community under the care in community projects. Far from being a place of healing, mental hospitals of the early 20th centuries were places of significant harm. Doctors Sent Patients to Asylums for Non-Mental Health Reasons. 16. This particular list differs in that it is arranged chronologically; it also acts as an index to the hospital files at Historic England's Archives.

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