God has revealed Himself to us through His creation. Conclusion. So stop searching and seek God. Would life still be worth living? He is the only source of true happiness. The less we need the Lord the less we will be happy. – Wait on the Lord and put every life decision at His feet. – Teach your children the ways of the LORD. 1) Be vulnerable. Now, what if all those things were stripped away from you, could you still be happy? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! We are going through a dark time with my nephew right now, and knowing that God uses your daughters circumstances to bring her to the Lord gives me hope. That side of me feels so inaccessible. That seed was the lie that we need something other than God to be happy in this life. Video. Even our parents, spouses, and children will never be able to give us true happiness in life. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Video. – Seek to be reconciled to those who you have hurt. True happiness cannot be found apart from God because pleasure apart from Him is never contended and is always concerned. and to find out "How do you get it?" But if our happiness is found outside of God, then it must be found in the world, our circumstances, or ourselves, and these things are fragile, fleeting, and often fraudulent. Sometimes I think I’ve got this, other times, I fall woefully behind. Yes, we delight in the gifts He gives us, but what makes this gifts so special is not the thing given but the One who gives it. That is my current goal. Cookie Policy, Privacy, Disclosure, Submissions Agreement, Terms. Happiness is truly a gift from God and in Him ONLY can it be found. Jesus delights to forgive you. Some tell you to think happy, think positive, or make more friends or pursue new interests or hobbies. The answer to the question: How to find true happiness in life forever is directly related to your relationship with Jesus. He is the cause of true happiness, and he is happiness itself. These laws are meant to bring us joy. Yes, we delight in the gifts He gives us, but what makes this gifts so special is not the thing given but the One who gives it. Using true wisdom logically brings happiness (Proverbs 3:13, 18). This is God and God alone. I enjoyed this post ..It makes you realize so much about the ups and downs and how God is always there no matter what. How can I find happiness in Jesus if the closest I can get to him is to read about him or hear about him? “He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he” Proverbs 16:20. So grab some friends and join us or journey with us solo…..either way you are welcome here! My question is, we are all a victim of our circumstances. – Do not stress or worry, but trust in Jesus for all your needs. God has always provided the answer. In other words, surrender your life to God and in that act of surrender true joy can begin to well up inside of you. Who do I put my hope in, to feel happy? But God is faithful and opened her eyes to see him as her personal Savior. Rebyor, I hope and pray that you come to faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone. To answer your question, we can find happiness in Jesus by accepting who Jesus is: that Jesus was fully God and fully man, that He lived a perfect and sinless life, that He died and resurrected, so that whomever believes in Him shall not eternally perish but have everlasting life. – Be a good example to your spouse and children. – Rejoice in times of sorrow and hardship knowing that God has everything under His control. – Twitter The answer to the question: How to find true happiness in life forever is directly related to your relationship with Jesus. – Spend time with your family and pray together daily. Once you have God in your life, your relationships with your family will get better and stronger.

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