N.P., n.d. With the given “q” values for all three identiies of the unknowns, one can compare the calculated heat of the reaction to the given value to identify the salt. Make a hole, place thermometer in the calorimeter. This is an outline of the required steps to undertake one of these methods. Such an error would cause a change in the temperatures of our solution to either increase or decrease. T1 Percent error= Theoretical yield-Actual yield x100, Therefore, the percentage error of our results was 7.58%. Solubility: The unknown substance is dissolved in water. Discussion: Avg Enthalpy= 0.256KJ/g Trail 2 In addition, a scoopula and a scale were needed to help us determine the exact measurements of the unknown salt needed. 2014. Avoid skin contact by using dropper bottles or by wearing gloves. The equation above allows us to determine the q, which is the quantity of heat transferred, which equals the mass (m), multiplied by the specific heat capacity (c), and multiplied by the change in temperature (∆T=T2 – T1 ). Observe and record the colour of any precipitate formed. Our main trajectory through this assignment was to determine what our unknown salt was, through experimental analysis. A 100ml graduated cylinder was used to determine the accurate quantity of water required. The yellow flame colour shows that Na, ions are present, and the white silver halide precipitate shows that Cl, . Web. From this chart above, we can see that we completed three trails to determine the exact value of the unknown salt, and to determine what the unknown salt is. 10 Apr. Cold packs are typically used in regards of medical treatment. The blue hydroxide precipitate colour shows that Cu2+ ions are present, and the white barium sulfate precipitate shows that SO42- ions are present. Reference this. In the mixed of completing the lab, we stumbled upon a mistake with determining the unknown salt. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Heat 13 Apr. The procedure of our lab is: Find out how UKEssays.com can help you! N.p., n.d. Weigh out about 0.100 ± 0.005 g of your unknown into a clean weigh boat. Possible solutions from stopping this problem from occurring includes, either keeping the salt in an isolated room, put a tad more of the unknown salt in the water, just to counter act for the ones that reacted. 174-76. These errors were recorded and explained to better help us prevent it from occurring again. The error in this measurement was for us to check with if it was exactly 25ml, and this may have resulted in either something less than 25ml or more than 25ml. in Chemistry. Facebook Due to the fact that the salt wasn’t dissolved and it didn’t participate in the reaction, the temperature we may have taken could have been only the waters temperature. Percent error= 0.277KJ/g – 0.256KJ/gx100 In addition, other background sources before starting the experiment included having previous knowledge of chemical formulas, understanding concepts learned throughout class and how a calorimetry works. Web. Print. Avg Enthalpy= Trail 1+ Trail 2+ Trail 3 Reddit *You can also browse our support articles here >. Add a few drops of dilute sodium hydroxide solution. Such an error would cause a change in the temperatures of our solution to either increase or decrease. In addition, we recorded our temperatures of the water before the salt was added (T1) and after the salt was added (T2). Print. The equation used to determine change in temperature and percentage yield are, ∆T= T1 – T2 and. ∆H=0.2438KJ/g Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2003. This makes it difficult to tell whether a precipitate is really white, or just cream or yellow that is too pale to be sure. “The Bohr Atomic Theory.”Nelson Chemistry 12. Repeat any tests that do not get clear results. Before measuring the temperature, shake the cup to insure the unknown salt reacted/ dissolved completely. Confirm that the gas is ammonia - damp red, Dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate solution added, Dilute hydrochloric acid and barium chloride solution added, Dilute sodium hydroxide added, then warmed, Smelly gas produced that turns damp red litmus paper blue, Salt A is sodium chloride, NaCl. Q=-0.7315KJ The equation above is the change in temperature, represented by delta (∆), which is the second temperature recorded subtracted by the first temperature recorded (T2 – T1). Q=mc∆T m∆H=-(q) It is important in this practical activity to use appropriate apparatus and methods. Weighing Boat=1.81 Grams 2. Add a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid. Identification and Synthesis of An Unknown Salt Resources 1. 13 Apr. Facebook Information recognized before starting the lab, were the materials needed, background information on the math required to determine the unknown(s). Trail 3 “DoChem 095 Heat of Solution of Magnesium.”DoChem 095 Heat of Solution of Magnesium. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. We determined the heat capacity using the equation q=mc∆T and the enthalpy using m∆H=q. Take the 25mL of water and place it in the two foam cups “DoChem 095 Heat of Solution of Magnesium.”DoChem 095 Heat of Solution of Magnesium. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. 22oC “The Bohr Atomic Theory.”Nelson Chemistry 12. Bibliography: N.P., n.d. Trail 1: This error that affected our results was the fact that our unknown salt 7, was exposed to air for a periodic time. Three Styrofoam cups, the cups helps make an insulator and create the calorimeter. 2014. Q= -836J View our services 3 In this lab we will focus on using Solubility Tests, Chemical Tests and Spectra Analysis to identify two unknown compounds. Due to this error, our results could have been incorrect because when massing the 3.0 grams, it could have reacted with the atmosphere, giving us 0.10 off, such as 2.90grams. After that we place the third cup, over the other two (acts like a cover) and put the thermometer through the top of the cup (This helps us determine the temperature of the water). The tests can be carried out in any order, and you may not need to carry them all out on a particular substance. To qualify for the discount, you must have paid at least 50% of your order cost by 23:59 on Wednesday 3rd of December 2020 (UTC/GMT). 2014. Kessel, Hans Van. Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2003. This includes the safe use and careful handling of substances. The mistake had an impact on final answer and wasn’t taken into account that it may possible have an effect on our final solution. N.P., n.d. Remove thermometer, add 3.0grams of unknown salt into the calorimeter. For example: Fran Scott demonstrates how to test for various ions and interpret the results. The nearest compound our enthalpy is at is ammonium chloride. You can view samples of our professional work here. Web. Our unknown salt was another source of material given by our teacher, and this allowed us to complete the experiment. After determining the value of that, we divide it by the theoretical value and multiply it all by 100%. Kessel, Hans Van. Take the 25mL of water and place it in the two foam cups. From that point we calculated the change in the temperature for each trail, with the equation, ∆H=T2 – T1. When taking the measurements of the temperature of both the water and solution, there could have been an error from what we saw and what we wrote.
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