Although it is often possible to establish the structure of a compound on the basis of spectra alone (IR, NMR, etc. Example 1: "An unknown labeled as letter G was given out by the lab instructor. Place each unknown solution in a well plate and place Ph paper. The solution that causes the Paper to turn red is identified as an acid (Hydrochloric Acid HCL). About 1.00 ml of Molisch reagent then 1.00 ml of concentrated H2SO4 was added to each sample. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Be specific, but do not re write the lab manual. In this experiment, the student will determine if a chemical reaction has taken place when two solutions are combined, describe the chemical reaction, and use this information and logic to determine the identity of ten unknown solutions. Place the solution that was found to be Hydrochloric Acid to each solution to find any at all reactions that would prove what solution is a carbonate. Identification of Unknown Organic Compounds Introduction The identification and characterization of the structures of unknown substances are an important part of organic chemistry. Lab Report Sheet: Alkaline Earths and Halogens Part 1: Solubilities of Salts containing the Alkaline Earth Cations (3 points) 1. Qualitative analysis is used to identify and separate cations and anions in a sample substance. Any pure substance has a specific density at a specific temperature. The test was observed for any change and was recorded. To write balanced molecular, complete ionic and net ionic equations for reactions that occur between known solutions. Using background knowledge and research, determine the actual identities. Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to determine the identity of an unknown liquid by measuring It’s density and boiling point, and then comparing the results to the values for known substances. x��ZYo�H~��И' In this experiment you will carry out several qualitative tests that will allow you to identify functional groups in organic molecules. 2 0 obj
CHEM 1405 - Identifying Six Solutions Lab Report (Version B) Objective: To identify six unknown solutions by comparing their reactions with those of six known solutions. $$�OU�G�-H�%P�W�x�Ob����Jm�����rK�PD��)\��)�URViF�@� �ׇH�9C=���Q�u��DZ���%��3�����t�롲@�Xhz��� qE8�"t��
tBl�Y�M��(q�K�{��1������ָ!��L���iQ֦����6��)_�u ۄP����mY��A�ㅦ���b�?�)�. 2H2O. The tests that were done to determine the identity of the compound include qualitative solubility tests, quantitative solubility tests, measuring solution conductivity, anion and cation test, flame test, and formation of precipitate. endobj
Introduction When given an unknown substance, there are only a few ways to determine what it is. methods were used to identify it? See example 1. <>
Advice from a Chemistry Tutor: Identifying the Unknown Solutions Lab. A. OBJECTIVE The main objective of this experiment is to carry out qualitative analysis to identify metal cations in unknown solution 1. Any substance that turns yellow as a result of the previous step is proven to be a nitrate form and the darker of the two is a result of silver nitrate. endobj
Posted by The Chemistry Lab on 11/27/12 9:26 AM. �������c:�䓈��b^�m�^�>^==>bl���+��״u�y#jq��pO��km��D_c��#* +�Z�9z�wr3�BDX�N���Y��=�O� To write balanced molecular, complete ionic and net ionic equations for reactions that occur between known solutions. The purpose of this lab is to test different solutions for macromolecules as well as to identify an unknown solution. The purpose of this experiment was to identify the unknown compound. Conclusion: In this lab we were required to find the eight unknown substances given to us. You should submit an Unknown Preliminary Report as soon as you have completed the experiments described below: For the solid unknown, you will take an accurate mp, an IR spectrum using the KBr procedure, solubility tests and, based upon an analysis of this information, do specific functionality tests as described in the manual. �uߩCb����g����f�2X���C۴}�C���ja��r}�e���ښ@ c���9@��\� 1680 Words 7 Pages. 1. <>
We were given a table that allowed us to see what would happen if two chemicals would combine, whether they would turn to a solid or do nothing. We were able to figure out the substances by taking steps and figuring out the certain substances. %����
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Abstract. lab report qualitative analysis for identification of metal ions. in my chemistry class we did a lab in which we were given 6 different solutions and had to mix all of them with each other and test the pH of the pure substances. We were able to find the carbonate by combining the acid with all the other substances and see which one bubbles. You will then apply what you have learned by ... solutions that give an acidic response (pH < 7) when tested with litmus paper. (c) What would you mix the unknown solution with? 4 0 obj
Background: In this experiment you will react each of six known solutions with the other five known solutions. As you can see by the tables the first step we took was to find out the acid by using the PH paper. <>>>
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