Learn about negation and negative words in Spanish with fun practice quizzes. Learn about negation and negative words in Spanish with fun practice quizzes. A mí también me gusta ir a la playa. K Correct. Q Tools. Learning Spanish should be fun. 1/40. - In Spanish, verbs are affirmative unless they are made negative through the use of "no," or a negative expression. English en. In Spanish it is perfectly normal to say something like: "I don't want nothing neither". In either case, you useindefinite and/or negative pronouns, which are very common in Spanish. Practice use of negative and indefinite words in Spanish. Hundreds of Spanish worksheets from which to choose. X The most salient is that negatives do not cancel each other. Los indefinidos y negativos en español (algo, nada, ni, etc.) C 2. NO, YA NO LA BUSCO. Login Register Free Help; Start; Explore. La más notoria es que los negativos no se cancelan entre sí. 4. Answer: Yes. Burr. When you say that you don't like 'any' outdoor activity you are speaking in general about outdoor activities. You can place the negative word before the verb, or you can place no before the verb and the negative word after. ¿Quieres hablar con alguien? 5. ya no . G There are two ways to form negative sentences in Spanish. Q. 0. W Answer: No, no vino NADIE a la fiesta. V T Z. 1. nada . Send e-mail; This activity was created by a Quia Web subscriber. have many parallels in English, but there are some important differences. Free resources to help you enjoy learning Spanish quickly. 3. N Combinación de indefinidos y negativos (Assorted indefinite and negative words), See a more detailed explanation / Ver explicación más detallada. 0. B Login. Indefinite and negative adjectives, pronouns or adverb s -los indefinidos in Spanish- are types of words that refer to persons, animals, things, etc., which are not specific or clearly defined, e.g. 1/40. Write the opposite of the following negative words. Answers 2 Popular Phrase: free spanish language course | Conjugated Verb: memorizar - to memorize [ click for full conjugation] Members. Y Tags; Games; Playlists; Tournaments; The Wall; Badges; Leaderboard ; Create. Similarly, when you say that 'nobody' has the key to the office door, you generalize instead of naming, one by one, the people who could have the key but do not have it. Negative & Indefinite Words. R Write the opposite of the following negative words. Correct. In this case, you do not specify 'hiking', 'skiing', etc. Use our free online Spanish test to estimate your level of fluency. 3. ninguno . D Spanish indefinite and negative words (something, nothing, neither, etc.) alguien (somebody), algo (something), alguna (some). M J L 0. U You can place the negative word before the verb, or you can place no before the verb and the negative word after. H O P presentan muchos paralelos con el inglés, pero hay diferencias importantes. The most salient is that negatives do not cancel each other. á é í ó ú ñ ¿ ¡ Check answer. ¿Oíste el ruido también? Games and activities featuring high-quality images and audio. However, the Spanish language calls them pronombres indefinidos(indefi… Answers 1. Example: No. Quiz 2. Given positive sentence, provide negative version. Questions. F There are two ways to form negative sentences in Spanish. 2. nadie. 1. Negative and Indefinite Words - Quiz 1 Negative Indefinite Pronouns; Quiz 1. Questions. have many parallels in English, but there are some important differences. E 4. nunca . Copy this to my account; E-mail to a friend; Find other activities; Start over; Print; Help; Sra. as things you don't enjoy. ¿Todavía buscas la clase ideal? Answer the following questions in the negative form. NO, NO QUIERO HABLAR CON NADIE. - Unlike English, double, or even triple, negatives are permitted. 0. We offer free self-study courses for students of all levels. 6. ni ...ni . - Indefinites are words that refer to persons, things or periods of time that are not defined or not specific. Incorrect. Incorrect. I Ningún, algún, cualquier (None, some, any), 4. A Nunca, nada, nadie (Never, nothing, nobody), 2. This online quiz is called Indefinite and Negative Spanish Words language, spanish, learn-spanish, espanol, negative, indefinite. Práctica de indefinidos y negativos en español Spanish indefinite and negative words (something, nothing, neither, etc.) Full list of teacher resources here. In Spanish it is perfectly normal to say something like: "I don't want nothing neither". NO, NO LO OÍ TAMPOCO. S
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