See detailed licensing information. Business owners not only aim to provide customers with the goods and services they want and need, they need to convince them to make a purchase and come back for more. We also examine how banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, affect the ability of businesses to obtain financing. Every day, business owners make financial decisions that will affect every phase of the business operation, such as payroll, cash flow, and projecting future growth. We … The management practices that a business adopts will inform how well it is able to achieve its goals and respond to changes in the workplace. In this unit we explore various forms of ownership (sole proprietorship, partnerships, and corporations) which affects how businesses are taxed, how profits are distributed, and what regulations must be followed. Role of Business. By delving into the five units of this course, you will fine tune your direction and choice of career in business. Take this exam if you want to earn a free Course Completion Certificate. Introduction to Business. This course is eligible for college credit through Saylor Academy's Saylor Direct Credit Program. orients students to the shifting business landscape and prepares them for success in business program curriculum and the workplace. We review the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, how small businesses impact the economy, and the role of the Small Business Administration in the United States. The latest edition of Waymaker Introduction to Business includes improvements and enhancements. This Introduction to Business course develops students’ understanding of business fundamentals with learning design structured around timely, real-world case studies and examples. Easy access to course materials in your LMS (Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, and Moodle) plus automatic grade return. Start with curated, outcome-aligned OER and supplemental instructor resources like quiz banks, assignments, slide decks, etc. They include text, images, videos, assessments, directed feedback, practice questions, simulations, and other interactives that invite students to apply their knowledge, improve their understanding, and perform better. Completing this unit should take you approximately 16 hours. Technical, conceptual, and interpersonal skills are essential to the management process. salient characteristics. Unit 2: Entrepreneurship and Legal Forms of Business. This course will expose you to business terminology, concepts, and current business practices. Ready-to-adopt open educational resources (OER) include text, videos, simulations, self-checks, and other interactives. In this unit we examine some techniques business owners use to analyze profitability. If you were running a small business with limited funds for information technology, would you consider using cloud computing? Click the buttons below to learn more about why we are THE GOLD STANDARD in Introduction to Business. Then, enroll in the course by clicking "Enroll me in this course". We will examine how the business models other countries adopt often reflect their most
In this unit, we explore how successful business management involves teamwork, communication, creating a clear corporate mission and culture, following good business ethics, and making a commitment to social responsibility. Why It Matters: Role of Business. Additional contributions were created by Tina Lance at Germanna Community College, Wendy Wright at Cerritos College, Betty Fitte at Tidewater Community College, Bob Carroll & Andrea Foster at Montgomery Community College, and Charlene Barker at Spokane Falls Community College. We will examine the financial meltdown of 2008, including the government bailout of AIG and General Motors, and the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which provide teachable moments in economic policy and business cycles. Your feedback will help us make our courses better, and we use your feedback each time we make updates to our courses. Lumen Learning, Candela, Waymaker, Lumen Online Homework Manager (OHM), and the Lumen logo are trademarks of Lumen Learning. Key topics include the role of business, the global economic and legal environment, ethics, marketing, accounting and finance, and managing processes and operations. Once you pass this final exam, you will be awarded a free Course Completion Certificate. See OER pioneer David Wiley’s overviews of Lumen courseware. acquire these skills by the reading materials, exercises, and research assignments that simulate today's workplace. Saylor Academy and® are trade names of the Constitution Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization through which our educational activities are conducted. You will
First, read the course syllabus. This course was written by Linda Williams (Tidewater Community College) and Lumen Learning, with contributions from Nina Burokas (Mendocino College, Saddleback College) and Robert Danielson (Saint Mary’s College of California), and is supplemented by content from OpenStax Principles of Economics, Boundless Business, and videos from multiple sources. They help you create students who are prepared to impact the world! These improved and new modules both include practice opportunities for students to enrich their learning. If you come across any urgent problems, email or post in our discussion forum. It discusses the key topics in each unit, walks through the learning outcomes, and lists important vocabulary. You’ll be able to customize the course and integrate with your Learning Management System (LMS). Take this exam if you want to earn college credit for this course. Please take a few minutes to give us feedback about this course. We investigate financing options, how to analyze credit, and the time value of money. Nickels/McHugh/McHugh, Understanding Business and Understanding Business: The Core do more than help you teach the Introduction to Business course. You will learn about productivity, the business cycle, the impact of business on society, economic trends and policies, and elements of global business. We have fully revised Module 8: Entrepreneurship and added a new module, Module 17: Using Technology to Manage Business Information. Freedom to tailor course content to fit your learning outcomes and instructional approach. The form of ownership you choose corresponds to the growth, taxation, and future of your company. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Watch a faculty roundtable video, 812 SW Washington St.Suite 1200Portland, OR 97205. learning tools improve success for at-risk students with personalized study plans, automated study tips and nudges, and early alerts to identify and help struggling students. Your grade for this exam will be calculated as soon as you complete it. Linda Williams, Tidewater Community College, Nina Burokas, Mendocino College and Saddleback College, Robert Danielson, Saint Mary’s College of California, Bob Carroll, Montgomery Community College, Andrea Foster, Montgomery Community College, Charlene Barker, Spokane Falls Community College, “Since using Waymaker, student learning has improved since they engage with the material at a deeper level using critical thinking skills.” – Kathryn Rhodes, Roane State Community College, “Since using Waymaker, I have had better conversations in the classroom.” – Mary Stucko, Lansing Community College, “Waymaker is an intuitive experience that allows each student to work at their own pace.
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