I don't think we can justify calling it a scam, per se, as it does provide knowledge and training (that you admittedly could gain from any acting classes, or ya know, a passionate teacher) but it's up to you as an individual to do something with that knowledge. I thought is was a scam from the beginning. My daughter was in the mall with her dad and she filled out a card that was in one of the stores. The person auditioning could very well fit the LOOK of the trending market needs, but you need the SKILLS to book the job (they're a bit more loose with the young ones, it'd be crazy to think a 10 yr old should have an extensive resume'). Barbizon's tuition cost varies based on the location where you attend and the classes you take. Everybody has been very pleasant and very responsive. They do provide training, coaching, management, etc. Enrollees learn career-building basics such as resume development and interview skills. When I attended the first meeting/tryouts for Barbizon, the speaker filled everyone’s head up with all of these great things. I said all of that to say...Barbizon is AWESOME and Shelby, my 11 year daughter, is living proof of what can happen if you dream and believe. With the right school, the investment may be worth it, particularly if they can actually help showcase you to industry professionals. Thank you, you have successfully subscribed to our newsletter! With it, she came out of her shell and became more confident to do things that she wouldn't have if she hadn't done Barbizon. My wife got a call from a lady explaining that my daughter had filled out a form and was interested in modeling. Instructors include industry professionals with extensive experience in acting and modeling. BUT they do offer opps to get their feet wet and in some cases, pretty decent gigs considering how green the grads are.Just as any school, they can't promise you your child will get jobs once you graduate. My daughter wants to get into acting and signed herself up with Barbizon online. will be the ones that have that job. By entering your email, you agree to sign up for consumer news, tips and giveaways from ConsumerAffairs. Forever, I am grateful for that. As Albert Einstein failed several times in elementary school, it doesn't mean that the path of each physicist is the same. I always felt like they really wanted to make sure that I was part of the process, which I really appreciate as well. Don't be fooled by a story of a girl who was just found on the street or the ba. Barbizon was very well-rounded and very appealing to us. Looking forward to fantastic things! I was sent an email offering a scholarship for the rest of the classes but did not accept as the classes are inadequate at best. Barbizon works to build positive self-confidence in students in all of its programs. Barbizon is really what I would call....a scam agency. The company focuses on building self-confidence for young people while teaching them modeling and acting industry basics and knowledge. The first time when the school gave them the book to read, he was always looking for pictures. We have reached out to the local Barbizon in your area and they said that they have already spoken with you and requested a refund to be issued. - Barbizon Customer Service Team. They really seem to care about the kids and I really appreciated the support that they offered to both me as a parent and to my daughter as a participant. Adrianne is the one who's gonna be working with him for Passport to Discovery. Some Barbizon centers offer scholarships or payment plans. They stress if the kids don't have the grades, they don't work, which is very much part of us. Other than that, I'm happy about Caira's confidence level going up and that she's excited about modeling even though she hasn't done anything yet. Barbizon's Passport ** Discovery Contracted services have not been rendered as a result of the company canceling the event from 7-13 Aug. Barbizon Modeling offers modeling, acting and personal development coaching and classes for teens and preteens. We are processing your message. That's priceless and life-changing.If it is your child's dream to be in modeling or acting, you DO need training and polishing. She realized that she was doing some things correctly already, like when it comes to sitting correctly and the different types of make-up techniques. Barbizon has given her more confidence and has helped a bit with her posture. I am requesting a full refund of my $1000 due to the fact that I was given purposely false and misleading information concerning the entire program beginning with the very misleading "audition". In a lot of ways, it brought her out of herself. Barbizon was doing scouting on one of the local malls that my daughter was in. She was also able to complete another program and do an off-Broadway play. I have a 15- and a 10-year old now, and in the future, when it calls for something intensive, we’ll get there too. Sincerely, Serafima M. Thank you for attending an audition. If you need to, you just call and they could work with you. Review #882642 is a subjective opinion of poster. I don’t want something that is rushed and they forget their school. I do not consider myself to be a naive person...but these people are VERY PROFICIENT at what they do...this is a smooth polished ***... We were not given any attendance schedule or further information..My daughter was so happy and excited..I read in the contract that i would be refunded in full with no penalty if I wanted to withdraw from the contract within 3 Business days which is the law in NY State..so I signed the contract...and I paid them $1000 cash and I was required to give them my debit card information so that they could take out the remaining balance of $$3790 on Tuesday 10/4/16....at that time she said she wanted my daughter to attend another meeting that night (SHE DID NOT REFER TO IT AS A CLASS) and they wanted to give her a make over and take some photos so we could get the ball rolling immediately...again very high pressure...I had to change our train reservation to return home until later that night....We were then escorted into another part of the building..where some other parents and children were...I was surprised confused by how many (applicants) remained and were moving onto the next phase of acceptance.. ..there were probably 80 of them and they were all discussing how high the tuition was...they had ALL BEEN ACCEPTED....I felt my first tinge of terror...basically everyone who agreed to pay the thousands of dollars had been "accepted into Barbizon..this was very upsetting because I realized I had been lied to ...but my daughter was still so excited and I figured I had 3 days to back out...we were at that time (after signing the contract) told that she needed to attend 12 biweekly classes BEGINNING SATURDAY 10/5/16 at 9 am..and that I wouldnt be permitted to wait for her in the building..I was expected to wander around New York City for 6 hours each time....Had I known that, I would never had signed the contract...that would mean that we would have to leave Albany every other Saturday at 5:30 am to arrive in Manhattan by 9am for the next 6 months..they also never bothered to tell me that there was actually a Barbizon in my own home town....I also would have NEVER SIGNED THE CONTRACT IF I KNEW THAT THEY WERE LYING ABOUT SELECTING ONLY 5-6 APPLICANTS...this was all heartbreaking....I was asked to leave after that and could not sit in on anything that was happening...3 hours later I returned to pick up my daughter...her make over consisted of them putting blush on her ...her existing make up and hair had not been touched..they told me they would post 2 photos of her on their Face Book page on Tuesday...hardly the "professional photo shoot and head shots that were promised" On the train home I began reading horrific reviews all over the internet concerning Barbizon and this scam...today I broke the news to my absolutely devastated 17 year old girl..She is still crying..I called Barbizon and told them that I would like to exercise my legal right to with draw from the program...The employee immediately changed her tone of voice and attitude..she said I would not be receiving any of my $1000 payment back because my daughter had already attended her 1st class (only now they were referring to the "meeting" last night as a class) and the employee stated that our registration fee of $990 was NON REFUNDABLE) this fact is ABSOLUTELY not stated in the contract;;she was very rude.

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