Kale Smoothie Nutrition (for the whole batch): Calories: 293, Fat: 9g, Carbohyrdates: 56g, Fiber: 8g, Protein: 4g. It not only helps … When you’re using kale in your smoothie recipes, you may note that it can be a bit tough to blend up. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Kale is very high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that the body can turn into vitamin A. Kale is high in minerals, some of which many people are deficient in. A single cup of raw kale actually contains more vitamin C than an orange. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Whole foods are the best sources of nutrients. All rights reserved. Adequate potassium intake has been linked to reduced blood pressure and a lower risk of heart disease (25). Antioxidants are substances that help counteract oxidative damage by free radicals in the body (3). It also contains a indole-3-carbinol, another substance that is believed to help prevent cancer (19). The best time to drink a green kale smoothie is at the start of your day. Kale is one of the world’s best sources of vitamin K, with a single raw cup containing almost 7 times the recommended daily amount. It also contains 3% or more of the DV for vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), iron and phosphorus. Kale also contains quite a bit of potassium, a mineral that helps maintain electrical gradients in the body’s cells. Mayo is a popular condiment for sandwiches and often used as a base for salad dressings and sauces. The leaves can be green or purple, and have either a smooth or curly shape. Kale is actually loaded with compounds that are believed to have protective effects against cancer. This recipe is a good solid start: 8-12 oz of water, coconut water, almond or soy milk Ready to find out more? This life juice will also give you a clearer mind for a faster and easier creative thinking process. Eating plenty of magnesium may be protective against type 2 diabetes and heart disease (24). The 11 Most Nutrient-Dense Foods on the Planet, 10 Magnesium-Rich Foods That Are Super Healthy. 15,287 Views. This might lead to a reduced risk of heart disease over time (11). These recipes turn the tried and tested salad green on its head. The most common type of kale is called curly kale or Scots kale, which has green and curly leaves and a hard, fibrous stem. Kale is high in lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that have been linked to a drastically reduced risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. The benefits of kale smoothies are proven to be effective not only for weight loss but also encouraging good health from intensified energy, skin improvement, enhancing your immunity and more. 1/4 cup of pineapple If you are crinkling your nose at the thought of kale, don’t forget that you can always use spinach or swiss chard and when fruit is added it doesn’t taste like “greens,” but you still get the benefits and then some. Your email address will not be published. Kale, like any other leafy greens contains lots of phytonutrients. Green smoothies offer pure nutrition. in Blog, Green Smoothie Recipes, Information, Smoothie Recipes Share on Pinterest. It is very low in calories but still provides significant bulk that should help you feel full. One study found that drinking kale juice every day for 12 weeks increased HDL (the “good”) cholesterol by 27% and lowered LDL levels by 10%, while also improving antioxidant status (12). Here are 21 healthy and delicious vegetables that are low in carbs. Fortunately, there are several nutrients in the diet that can help prevent this from happening. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Think of it as a way to get many nutrients in a concentrated form that will satisfy the body. For a lower-sugar smoothie… Large spoonful of yogurt (optional) Kale is loaded with all sorts of beneficial compounds, some of which have powerful medicinal properties. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is actually high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that the body can turn into vitamin A (22). And to top it off, they come with so many amazing health benefits it becomes all worthwhile. Kale has several properties that make it a weight loss friendly food. Eating plenty of foods with a low energy density has been shown to aid weight loss in numerous studies (29, 30). It is a cruciferous vegetable like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens and Brussels sprouts. Of all the super healthy greens, kale is king. Posted by: Kary A popular snack is kale chips, where you drizzle some extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil on your kale, add some salt and then bake in it an oven until dry. Kale Is Among The Most Nutrient-Dense Foods on The Planet. Eating more kale is a great way to dramatically increase the total nutrient content of your diet. Kale contains very little fat, but a large portion of the fat in it is an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha linolenic-acid. If you want to dramatically boost the amount of nutrients you take in, consider loading up on kale. This article takes a close look at the old proverb and…. Required fields are marked *. This is ideal for breakfast when you are just starting your day. It is absolutely critical for blood clotting, and does this by “activating” certain proteins and giving them the ability to bind calcium. But despite its looks, the green smoothie is really not bad at all. The liver turns cholesterol into bile acids, which are then released into the digestive system whenever you eat a fatty meal. One of the most common consequences of aging is that eyesight gets worse. The truth is, kale is actually one of the world’s best sources of vitamin C. A cup of raw kale contains even more vitamin C than a whole orange (10). Carotenoids and flavonoids are two of the main substances that are abundant in kale. They have powerful heart-protective, blood pressure-lowering, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-depressant and anti-cancer effects, to name a few (6, 7, 8). For example, it is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, the most abundant structural protein in the body. One of the top health benefits of kale is that it’s a natural detoxifier. I like to use whatever is fresh at the time, so feel free to be creative and play around with fruits and veggies that you like and enjoy. Blend this kale smoothie to boost your energy levels, heal your digestive system and kick start your wellness journey. Kale is often claimed to be high in vitamin A, but this is not entirely accurate. If you want to be creative and add additional flavor, add carrots, celery or apple. Because of the daily vitamins and minerals it contains, your body will soon stop craving for sugar, processed food, wheat products, and high carbohydrate foods, which are the source of most weight gain. For optimal health, it is a good idea to choose the foods that contain the most nutrients. A lot of people also add kale to their smoothies in order to boost the nutritional value. This reduces the total amount of cholesterol in the body. Kale, like other leafy greens, is very high in antioxidants. It is a good plant-based source of calcium, a nutrient that is very important for bone health and plays a role in all sorts of cellular functions. Vitamin K is an important nutrient that is involved in blood clotting. When all the fat has been absorbed and the bile acids have served their purpose, they are reabsorbed into the bloodstream and used again. Detoxification. The form of vitamin K in kale is K1, which is different than vitamin K2. Please share with us the benefits you’ve seen in your life by adding your stories below. Although there is no study directly testing the effects of kale on weight loss, it makes sense that it could be a useful addition to a weight loss diet. Are you ready to start adding green smoothies to your daily diet and see the difference they make? Kale is a popular vegetable and a member of the cabbage family. Maybe you haven’t heard of a kale smoothie and the thought of swallowing down a glass of “green” drink, makes you hesitate. Kale is extremely high in vitamin C, an antioxidant that has many important roles in the body. 1 banana According to one study, steaming kale dramatically increases the bile acid binding effect. The green smoothie is rich with chlorophyll, which is known to increase the immune system, purifies the blood, and revitalizes the body. Here are the 11 most nutrient dense foods on earth. From vegetable-based ideas to berry-packed varieties, try these tasty smoothie recipes to up your intake of vitamins and antioxidants. I chose … Handful of frozen or fresh strawberries or any combination of berries In addition to reviews, SmoothiesandBlenders has great recipes available and lots of information about produce/fruit selection, preparation, storage and most importantly health and weight loss benefits by adding whole food drinks to your daily routine. These healthy drinks are known as the “Plant Blood” or “Life Juice”, many have confirmed its effectiveness in losing weight and ultimately transforming lives. A single cup of kale contains 7 times the RDA for vitamin K. Cancer is a terrible disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells. Green smoothies are like energy boosters. It tastes absolutely delicious and makes a great crunchy, super healthy snack.

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