Even though first responders do some of the most important and dangerous work in the country, funding is often insufficient to meet their needs. Training to first responders on how to respond to opioid overdoses will be provided. For 18 years, retired Fire Chief Larry Sexton, EMT-B, rallied his company to tackle structure fires or deploy hazmat teams. This grant is an expansion of the highly successful NARCAN Nasal Spray Distribution grant started in 2018 and supporting 18 select counties in Southern Illinois. The administration of Narcan, in an emergency drug overdose, will be primarily used to treat opioid overdoses. Narcan® is an FDA-approved naloxone nasal spray supplied as a single 4 mg dose of naloxone hydrochloride in an 0.1 ml nasal spray device. Online Overdose Education and Naloxone Administration Training for First Responders. A recently announced a Narcan Grant will make the antidote available to all first responders in Hampden County. Budget shortfalls can be a constant challenge and departments must become creative in finding the resources they need simply to do their jobs. Today, he works for Montgomery County Alcohol & Drug and Mental Health Service as a Project Save director in Dayton, Ohio, managing grant funding to provide first responders access to the lifesaving drug Narcan. The objectives and corresponding measurables are as follows: OBJECTIVE #1: Each year distribute 1,500 NarCan® to first responders and representatives of key community sectors (KCS). Annual unduplicated services are: Year 1: 450; Year 2: 50*; Year 3: 50*; Year 4: 50* (*First Responders and KCS are expected to need refills in years 2-4.) The Book on Narcan: Grants Train Librarians — Unlikely First-Responders — in War on Opioids June 25, 2018 June 15, 2020 grantnews 963 Views 0 Comments business , grants What sounded like snoring led security guards at the Penrose Library in Colorado Springs to a stall in the men’s restroom, where a spoon, lighter and needle left on the floor told them something was wrong. cost through the Naloxone for First Responders Program (NFRP). For those first responders who have gloves and facial protection, intranasal naloxone should still be considered. Intramuscular Naloxone: If law enforcement or first respondersfeel the use of intranasal naloxone poses too great a risk, there is another lower risk option. The four-year, $3.2 million project will focus on 14 rural counties, including Blount, Cullman, Etowah, Fayette, and two urban counties, including Jefferson and Tuscaloosa . Module 1: Addiction as a Brain Disease (30 minutes) Module 2: Overdose Signs, Symptoms and Responses (15 minutes) Module 3: Narcan Administration (10 minutes) Module 4: Risks and Legal Landscape (15 minutes) Module 5: Field Reporting and Obtaining Narcan (20 minutes) Thank you for your assistance … The number of first responders carrying prescription opioid overdose antidote Na laxone (also known as Narcan) is increasing.
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