Since verbs are all about action, use fun classroom games that get kids up and moving! When time runs out, the student holding the potato is subject to some lighthearted punishment. Play some fun music and have the class either pass the “potato” around a circle or at their desks. Tell students to organize themselves in a sentence in a line in front of the class, holding their papers out for their classmates to see. Make three big boxes (about 2'x2') and inside of them, write "helping," "action," and "linking," which are the three kinds of verbs. However, students are not allowed to repeat words. There are tons of great choices there when you’re looking for songs for in-class activities. Form a circle. At the end, they share their stories and the class votes for their favorite. And now that you have seen the power of ESL verb games, it’s time to enjoy the creativity and even make some of your own! Have students write verbs on scrap paper or make your own list. Have a volunteer from the first team draw from the slips of paper. Print out and make the dice provided. This is a great chance for your students to begin a discussion of what a verb is and how it functions in the sentence. All Rights Reserved, 10 Fun Verb Games and Activities for Kids. Have fun and happy teaching! It’s perfect for in-class activities, group projects and solo homework assignments. They have the option of writing as an extension. You need a blackboard, chalk, and two fly swatters for this verb game. Break the room up into two teams. For an extra challenge, have students list one verb per letter of the alphabet. So for the dog example, D-O-G, the student can say, “Draw, Order, Go.”. The class then gets to vote for the “Most Creative Story.”. The first player takes a card with a verb they have been working on printed on it. The bag will be passed to the next student in the circle who will pick a card, repeat the teacher’s sentence, and form another sentence that contains the verb on his/her card. They whisper it back up the line, and the first “conductor” who has the correct answer scores a point for their train. For extra fun, make sure the verbs are especially zany! Sep 13, 2018 - Explore Pinning Teacher's board "Noun/Verb Activities", followed by 3842 people on Pinterest. Give the student 30 seconds to act out the written word for their team. Directions: Have a list of level-appropriate verbs ready before the game, and divide up the students into two teams. Give that team a point, then have the next team try to create another sentence with the same verb. For example, you could say, “For this round of Hot Verb-Tato, we can only say verbs begin with a, b and c.”. Keep giving out points until either a team can’t think of a new sentence or teams get tired of the initial verb. No verbal clues should be given. As the pointer, the student in the center will count to five, point at someone, and ask him/her to spell a three-letter word (For example, “Dog, D-O-G”). Each fish should have a word written on it. Want to work from home? Directions: Explain the meaning of “rhyme” to your students and start practicing with nouns. For us ESL instructors, teaching students about English verbs requires creativity that may often take us beyond conventional classroom activities, into the wonderful land of ESL games. Suitable for 2-4 players. Help your students learn to spot a noun, verb, or adjective on sight with these common nouns games! Try these games that teach about verbs in a way your students will love. When you integrate games – such as ESL verb games – into your lessons, students are invited to take part in personalizing new English verbs by putting them in meaningful contexts. There is a fun bonus activity if you collect 10 scoops without getting any nouns or verbs incorrect! Students love the game because it challenges their language skills and linguistic creativity. Verb games can help teach all about how to use verbs in a sentence. Adding verbs between “fluffy cat,” “sneaky mouse” and “yummy cheese” immediately lets us enjoy the colors and energies of both language and imagination in full action: “A fluffy cat saw a sneaky mouse eating some yummy cheese!”. Make a positive impact? Students sit in a semi-circle. Have them each hold a fly swatter in hand. (Each sentence is one round of the game). a beach ball, a stuffed animal, a small pillow). Visual verbs is a great verb game to help ESL students practice different verb forms. Then the pointer will sit down and the student who just answered the pointer will continue the game by choosing a new three-letter word for someone to spell. At the end of the game, each team will send a representative to the front of the class to read their story aloud. Parts of Speech Sort Game - Common Nouns, Abstract Nouns, Proper Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives. The student who guesses the verb correctly for their team will have to come to the front of the class and fill out the three forms of the verb in the columns. Younger learners may enjoy a creative, hands-on game that encourages them to choose the correct part of speech. Celebrate your breakthroughs and the creative ways you are using our resources in your classroom. Early elementary children learn the concepts of nouns in kindergarten or first grade, and build on that knowledge to encompass noun phrases as … Then the student in the center will slowly count to ten, and then point at a different student and say “Snip!” The selected student must name three verbs that start with the letters spelled in the previous word. These grammar games, both those that are online and those that can be played in the classroom, will improve students’ attitudes toward grammar study as a whole. Rotate the first student to the back of the line and try it again. For more engaging language arts ideas, check out a list of grammar games that are great for any age.
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