Metric Ton. Biological control of Phytophthora root rot of papaya with virgin soil. Specific causal agent of papaya dieback disease was yet to be identified at that time and a pathogen cocktail was used to induce the disease. “Molecular response of tolerant and non-tolerant papaya plants to dieback disease: a proteomics approach,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Plant Genomics Congress, London.
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3112662-2"); 16, 95–100. Growth of E. mallotivora can be arrested and consequently delays or inhibits the development of dieback disease. Badrun, R., Abu Bakar, N., Redzuan, R. A., Baharom, J., and Ahmad, A. Zaidan, M. W. A. M., Hamid, M. H., and Wee, C.-Y. Proteomics studies were also embarked to gather more information on host–pathogen interactions at the protein level, which may close the gap in illustrating specific gene function in a biological system. “Identification of quorum quenching N-Acyl homoserine lactonases from Bacillus sp. The transgenic fruits remained firm for additional 4–8 days at room temperature (25 ± 2°C) after achieving the full maturity index (Index 6), whereas the non-transformed seed-derived fruits lost their firmness after 2 days. Tropical Fruits. Papaya dieback in Malaysia: a step towards a new insight of disease resistance. 110, 77–81. Mat Amin, N., Rahim, M. Y. N., Redzuan, R. A., Tamizi, A. Johor was the first affected state, followed by Perak and other states. “Pests of papaya,” in Tropical Fruit Pests and Pollinators: Biology, Economic Importance, Natural Enemies and Control, eds J. Pena, J. It is a challenging path to venture, and it must be tread with caution. (1993). However, these systems may not be suitable for validating defense-related genes in response to papaya dieback disease since they are not the hosts for the dieback causal pathogen. Thereafter, efforts were targeted at sequencing the genome of the pathogen (Redzuan et al., 2014). Nevertheless, until another variety can surpass its aesthetic and quality fruit characteristics, Eksotika will remain an important papaya variety with export value that can contribute significantly to the world papaya varieties and Malaysian economy. 1, 47–73. : "http://www. The search for an alternative strategy to cope and overcome the disease efficiently is urgently needed. (2007). (2016). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. pEAQ: versatile expression vectors for easy and quick transient expression of heterologous proteins in plants. Infected leaf proteome was also analyzed to acquire insights of the global cellular responses (Supian et al., 2017). Noted were enhanced activities of the antioxidant enzymes and elevation of proteins involved in energy production and stress response indicating the initiation of early defense response once the plant was infected. Anim Agriculture Technology PAPAYAS (Carica papaya) in Malaysia, before the advent of Eksotika, were very inconsistent in yield and generally had very poor eating qualities. Cucurbit powdery mildew on papaya. Researchers had begun to turn their attention to plant innate immunity to combat pathogen attack such as the plant Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) mechanism and application of microbial consortium to enhance papaya resistance against dieback. Virus diseases of the papaya in Florida. Krishnen, G. (2017). This means that Malaysia will increase in self sufficiency level (SSL) for fruits from current 117% to 138% by 2010. In coupling with bioinformatics analysis, five differentially expressed proteins, cysteine protease, phosphoribulokinase, leucine aminopeptidase 3, peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase CYP20-2 and PRH26 protein, were annotated as defense and stress response proteins. 12, 39–45. GE technology has a huge potential to ensure a continuous supply of food. Papaya cultivars are usually distinguish based on the number of leaf main veins, types of stomata, color of the leaf petiole, number of lobes at the leaf margins, leaf shape, and structure of the wax on the leaf surface (da Silva et al., 2007). Rashid et al. Conover, R. A. The journey of Eksotika papaya research (summarized in Figure 4) is without doubt tough but still rewarding. Int. USD per Metric Ton. Queensland J. Agric. J. Syst. Conrath, U. doi: 10.15171/ijb.1139, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Bunnik, E. M., and Le Roch, K. G. (2013). ’Eksotika’ Using RNA Interference and Antisense Technologies. Nevertheless, the papaya industry, as a whole, has its share of the good and bad times. Nevertheless, the storage-life could be increased to 14–21 days when stored at 10–12°C under modified atmosphere (Rohani et al., 1993). Until now, there is no effective way to control the disease once the pathogen gained entry into the plant. “NHO1 as a potential vascular related defense gene against papaya dieback disease,” in Proceedings of Regional Conference on Science, Technology and Social Sciences, Selangor. Oxon: CAB International. pageTracker._initData(); This event changed the outlook of papaya planting from a smallholder crop to a plantation crop. Numerous attempts had been made through conventional breeding and manipulation of postharvest approaches but the issues were yet to be solved successfully. Ling et al. Subsequently, a potential defense-related gene, zinc finger protein, was selected for further characterization (Wee et al., 2011, 2014b; Zaidan et al., 2011).
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