9.3“… the Klein-, On page 212 in the penultimate paragraph of section 9.2 “The creation and annihilation, On page 224 in the first sentence “Klein-, On page 235 footnote 7 “Klein Gordan” shoould read Klein-Gordon. The same formatting issue appears in Eq. |_{\theta=0} \theta + \frac{1}{2}\frac{ d^2h}{d \theta^2 } |_{\theta=0} \theta^2 + … = \sum_n \frac{1}{n!} (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert), On page 207 below Eq. |_{\theta=0} \theta^2 + … = \sum_n \frac{d^n h }{d \theta^n }\big{|}_{\theta=0 } \theta^n . 3.121 (Thanks to Joey Ooi), On page 179 in the equation after Eq. The errata list in the first edition can be found here. 3.27 is not fulfilled. ), On page 20 sidenote 18: should be “can be though, On page 21, in the first paragraph, “A translations means” should read “A translation means”. spontaneously broken symmetry. 3.157,3.158 aren’t satisfied. Godfried Pimlott on Errata – 1st Edition. (Thanks to Fabian Waetermans. ), On page 78 it should read “In this text we” instead of “In this text”. (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert). (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert), On page 261: “Because of $sin(0) = 0$ every term with. In addition for $R_z$ the minus sign should be in front of the $\sin(\theta)$ in the upper right corner  instead of in front of the $\sin(\theta)$ in the lower left corner. 3.17 the minus sign should be in the top-right corner: $\begin{pmatrix} \cos(\theta) &  \sin(\theta)\\ – \sin(\theta) &  \cos(\theta) \end{pmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{pmatrix} \cos(\theta) & – \sin(\theta)\\  \sin(\theta) &  \cos(\theta) \end{pmatrix} $. (Thanks to Alexander Zeng), On Page X: “Depending on the readers experience” should be “Depending on the reader, On the Acknowledgments Page: “… for for many” should be “for many”. 8.3 we will take a closer look …” (Thanks to Alexander Zeng), On page 125 “e.q. Thanks. 3.89 it should read “Given a matrix $R$” instead of “Given a matrix $D$”. universality class. $J^2 v_k = ( \frac{1}{2}( J_+J_- + J_-J_+) + J_3^2) v_k \rightarrow J^2 v_k = (  J_+J_- + J_-J_+ + J_3^2) v_k $ (Thanks to Dr. On page 56 in Eq. Your email address will not be published. 2.24, the $\eta^{00}(x_0)^2$ term should instead be $\eta^{00}(dx_0)^2$. The gure has the north pole on top and the south pole below, reversed from the analogous gure in the Revised Edition. 3.186 the B should have subscript $\phi$ instead of $\theta$ and there should be a dot between the vectors in the exponent. (Thanks to Jonathan Hobson. 3.149 the $1$ in the upper-left corner of the matrix should be a zero $J_x= \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\, On page 65 in Eq. (Thanks to Alexander Zeng. The same typo appears at the beginning of page 195. $= \frac{1}{2} (j+k)(j-k+1) + \frac{1}{2} (j-k)(j+k+1)v_k + k^2v_k \rightarrow \frac{1}{2} (j+k)(j-k+1)v_k + \frac{1}{2} (j-k)(j+k+1)v_k + k^2v_k $ (Thanks to Dr. On page 62 in Eq. ), On page 177 in the two equations at the beginning of section 8.3.1 should read $3.2$ instead of $3,2$ on the right-hand side. 7.69 the first term on the last line should read V1(phi1) instead of V1(phi2). (Thanks to Rohit Chaki. 3.176  the B should have subscript $\phi$ instead of $\theta$ and there should be a dot between the vectors in the exponent. 7.19 (Thanks to Marco Smolla), On page 142 in Eq. }$ is missing: $h(\theta)=I+ \frac{ dh}{d \theta }. 3.112 the factor $\frac{1}{2}$ is wrong in the first row. 3.160 $\theta$, $\phi$, $J$ and $K$ should be $\vec \theta$, $\vec \phi$, $\vec J$ and $\vec K$ and a dot is missing to indicate the scalar product. 3.7.7” and above Eq. I was thrilled when I understood that most of them have a common origin: Symmetry. (Thanks to Manuel Diaz), p.149 at the end of the calculation for 7.65 there is a g/i missing when you bring back the W (Thanks to Konstantinos Tsagaris), Also from equ 7.62 up to 7.66 there are numerous index mistakes on the W_\mu\nu (Thanks to Konstantinos Tsagaris), On page 163 equation (7.129) some psi’s are still capitalized when they should all be lowercase psi’s since they are all Dirac spinors inside a doublet and the capital psi is reserved for the doublet itself. fields and quanta. In addition, in Eq. (Thanks to Jonathan Hobson. phenomenology. (Thanks to Marcus Pernow), On page 70 in Eq. 4.12 a $dt$ is missing in the second term: $ \int dt \mathcal{L}\left( q,\frac{dq}{dt},t\right) – \int \mathcal{L}\left( q+ \delta q,\frac{dq}{dt}+ \frac{d \delta q}{dt},t\right) \rightarrow \int dt \mathcal{L}\left( q,\frac{dq}{dt},t\right) – \int dt \mathcal{L}\left( q+ \delta q,\frac{dq}{dt}+ \frac{d \delta q}{dt},t\right)$ (Thanks to Dr. On page 102 right after equation 4.30 it should read $J_i = \frac{1}{2} S_{jk}$ instead of $S_i = \frac{1}{2} S_{jk}$. (Thanks to Jonathan Hobson. The same correction must be made in sidenote 11. The digital version of Physics from Symmetry has been released. In addition, the $=$ at the beginning of the last line should be a $\neq$ and there shouldn’t be a checkmark. (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert), On page 42, Eq. This error is continued throughout the complete section. This is a textbook that derives the fundamental theories of physics from symmetry. (Thanks to Manuel Diaz), On page 171 on equation (7.156) the T^C has an upper index consistent with the structure constant having all upper indices. (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert), On page 212 Eq. (Thanks to Rudy Blyweert), On page 225 in the first Equation there should be an $a$ on the right-hand side, too. It's not about just LHC physics. 4.46 it should read $T^{00} x^i – T^{i0} x^0 $, i.e. phenomenology. Dear Prof. Schwichtenberg, 7.5 a period is missing at the end of the sentence“…because the product rule produces an extra term, On page 144 “”We have then..” “ should read “We then have”.

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