ADD YOUR PHOTO. I make a lot at once and I put mine in the fridge for 3-4 days then transfer all but one to the freezer. A simple recipe for plain ol' Homemade Horseradish. READY IN: 15mins. The Catholic ritual of fasting on religious feast days, introduced to Poland about 900 a.d., has had a strong influence on Polish food traditions. INGREDIENTS Nutrition. With today's food processors, homemade chrzan is a snap to make. UNITS: US. I also recommend … Polish Horseradish (Chrzan) Recipe by John 11-44. MAKE IT SHINE! Christmas Eve (Wigilia) and Lent are just two times when no meat is eaten, explaining why fish has such a key role in Polish heritage cooking.This dish works well with any flat, white fish fillets such as sole, flounder or perch, or tilapia. YIELD: 2 cups. lb horseradish root, peeled and grated . If you were to see a dish like this on a menu of a Polish restaurant it would read “sztuka mięsa w sosie chrzanowym” which means – a piece of meat in horseradish sauce.You could then ask the restaurant staff what meat is being served. SERVES: 16-32. The answer could be: turkey, pork, veal or chicken. 1 . Note: Prep Time and Servings depends on the amount of Horseradish you have and want to make.
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