We also know that fluoride may affect circadian rhythms and sleep, as well as a number of neurotransmitter levels. Additionally, consuming fluoride via tap water and other sources leads to many dangers, including fluorosis, cancer, brain/central nervous system damage, and various disease risks. Fluoride comes from fluroine, which is a common, natural, and abundant element. However, there is little to no research supporting its purported ability to prevent cavities when ingested. "@type": "Organization", Although, you should note: No type of toothpaste, fluoride or not, is meant to be swallowed. "@id": "https://www.harmonydentalbeaverton.com/blog/pros-cons-fluoride-toothpaste/" The review states, “Industrial fluoride ingested from treated water enters saliva at levels too low to affect dental caries. Young children may unintentionally swallow way too much toothpaste and experience serious negative side effects, from fluorosis to toxic poisoning. Be aware of exactly the type of filter you’re using: activated carbon filters or other common types likely don’t get rid of this particular toxin. Fluoride … They have very low bacterial activity because they’re eating foods that heal cavities naturally and prevent tooth decay. "image": "https://www.harmonydentalbeaverton.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/harmony-dental-fluoride-toothpaste-pros-cons.png", In animals, fluoride accumulation in the brain alters neurotransmitter levels including epinephrine, histamine, serotonin, glutamate, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and dopamine. "dateModified": "2019-01-29" Colorado Springs had a great deal of naturally occurring fluoride in the ground and well water that led to this conclusion. Fluoride toothpaste should not be swallowed and therefore not used for toddlers or anyone cannot sufficiently spit all of the toothpaste … The single best way to find out if you need fluoride toothpaste is to ask your dental provider. To whom it may concern: "@type": "ImageObject", Sodium fluoride is the most common form of fluoride added to toothpaste. Blood levels during lifelong consumption can harm heart, bone, brain, and even developing teeth enamel.” (22), It’s nearly impossible to track an individual’s fluoride consumption because it comes from so many sources. Cavities and oral disease occur because of a lack of proper hygiene and diet as well as mouth breathing and some genetic components. "@type": "BlogPosting", The earlier children are exposed to fluoride, the less likely they are to develop cavities. Kidding…no supposed health treatment should be added to the entire water supply especially when it’s a known poison; the reason behind it is deeper than oral health (which it clearly does not help with) when the majority of folks perpetuating this myth have had rotted out teeth/cavities. "description": "Have you asked your dentist if fluoride toothpaste is safe to use? The reason babies and toddlers don’t need fluoridated water is the same reason that teenagers, adults, and even the elderly don’t need fluoridated water: It’s not the key to preventing or reversing tooth decay. As you read, each toothpaste, fluoride vs. fluoride-free, has its pros and cons. McKay found that fluoride supports the process of remineralization but could also lead to mottled teeth, now known as dental fluorosis. Sign up for our free newsletter for updates on the latest fluoride developments. Just because it is a naturally occurring component of the environment does not mean it is good for us to ingest. (6, 7, 8, 9). Genetics even play a part, which is why some people will simply be more prone to tooth decay than others, making it all the more important to follow the best practices overall. Now, I recommend nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste for children who need to remineralize cavities—there’s no danger of swallowing, so even younger children can use it safely. As a result, a fetus can be harmed by fluoride ingested pregnancy. Additionally, there are several natural toothpastes that I recommend for my average patient without cavities. A derivative of silicon dioxide, hydrated silica is a mild abrasive that works synergistically with calcium carbonate to remove plaque. Calcium is good for our bones and helps maintain our teeth with a strong, healthy structure. (1, 2, 3, 4). Fluoride can sometimes be beneficial, but with safer alternatives available, it’s just not worth the risk. Studies have shown that the benefits of fluoride are achieved only with topical application — not from ingestion. While I used to recommend it to certain patients, the development of nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste has completely eliminated the need for even prescription-strength toothpastes and varnishes. (54, 55, 56). The most important ingredient to look for when choosing toothpaste is fluoride. So if you’re looking to increase your fluoride … We can schedule you a free consultation with Dr. Bruno da Costa and determine if you would benefit from fluoride toothpaste. For example, calcium fluoride is found in well water and soil all over the world in varying degrees, with people who drink from wells in Texas being exposed to higher-than-average levels. It’s to dumb the general population down and nothing else. "url": "https://www.harmonydentalbeaverton.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/harmony-dental-logo.png", Fluoride benefits both children and adults. (39) Various human studies, including some conducted by Harvard scientists, suggest that significant fluoridated water exposure is associated with up to a 7-point drop in IQ scores. At the end of a child’s teeth cleaning, the dentist or hygienist will typically apply a fluoride varnish, then suction any additional liquid and advise the child to avoid eating or drinking for at least 30 minutes. This is why fluoride toothpaste containers have a warning to contact poison control if ingested.

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