Second, the flashlight comes with a hardened, aluminum casing which can be used to strike the attacker if needed, so you can get away. Once incapacitated, you have plenty of time to get away and go for help. The entire concept of non lethal weapons is based on minimizing civilian deaths in regards to policing. Though the uses for these weapons appear important and effective, there have been multiple problems with police over using tasers and using them at times that others may deem unnecessary. "Non Lethal Weapons - a Controversial Debate" When someone is shot and killed, (2009, 11). The gun or baton is easy to use as you simply press it against the attacker while pressing the activation button. Military advantages. 11, 2009. Also, a strobe light may be used to disorient the assailant as well. Retrieved 11, 2009, from Be sure to go … Lethal Tools of Our Past- Weapons of The Frontier A starving man paves his own highway with the calloused soles of his hunger. Before you go running to the nearest store or online to purchase a non-lethal weapon, you should first assess your specific needs, capabilities, and budget to ensure that you are purchasing the right one for you. JPX2 Pepper Gun With Laser Personal Defense Bundle, JPX2 Pepper Gun With Laser and Paddle Holster. These weapons are meant to cause no permanent change to the person, whether that should be physically or mentally. There are pros and cons for both sides of this issue; the non lethality of these weapons, and how potentially dangerous they actually are, are constantly questioned. You should also consider that you can purchase more than one type depending on your needs. However, many states and localities have laws which prevent the carrying of lethal weapons such as handguns for self-protection. The Pros and Cons of Pepper Spray Guns for Self-Defense arma 100 , bean bag shot gun , bean bag weapons , Home Defense Weapons , Non-Lethal Home Defense , Nonlethal Weapons Warnings to Consider When Choosing the Best Home Defense Weapon for Your Needs What is the Best Non Lethal Self Defense? Police officers are repeatedly forced to respond appropriately to calls, make quick decisions, apply the techniques they have learned through training, and use the tools issued to them. Be sure to go over the options first before making your final decision. With the creation of weapons such as the taser, rubber bullets and bean bag bullets, the officer can successfully complete their job from a distance, and cause as little harm as necessary to incapacitate the offender. A benefit that is rarely associated with non lethal weapons is their ability to uphold the image of the Police in a community. Pros: When the charge is delivered properly, the assailant will be incapacitated as no person can withstand the effect of the electricity. Instead of shooting the man when he refuses to drop the weapon and presents an immediate danger to the officer, the officer can use the taser and effectively incapacitate the offender, without ever using lethal force. Description: This is a gas-powered device that hurls a small bean bag up to 135 feet per second which is designed to knock the wind out of the attacker. One of the first widely issued forms of a non lethal weapon was pepper spray. The good news is that there are many non-lethal weapons available on the marketplace. In situations where this close range was not an option, the only other long range weapon, their firearm, was lethal. It also doubles as a standard flashlight, helping you see in blackout conditions. These types of weapons are critical to law enforcement officers because they can effectively subdue a person that is a threat to not only the officer, but to the public without attempting to take them down and physically fight them and without having to use extreme force and potentially kill them. Is it something you want to carry on your person, in your pocket or purse, or can it be carried in your vehicle? Pepper Spray for Sale – Refuse To Be a Victim! Non-lethal weapons have seen increasing use in the police forces and, more recently, the military forces of various countries around the world. Pros and Cons of The 3 Most Popular Non-Lethal Self-Defense Weapons Life today should be safe. This means that you will need to replace the spray or cartridges from time to time. In your home, on your person when traveling, or perhaps in your vehicle? 11 2009. You’ll need to answer these questions before going to the next step. Cons: Less effective in full daylight conditions and you must be close to strike the attacker. Cons: The bean bag gun is larger than most non-lethal defense weapons and may not be practical for many situations. Plus, there are many people who do not want to use a handgun for self-protection, preferring a non-lethal variation. However, you will have to choose the best non-lethal weapon for your use. 2009. Sgt. Pros: There are several advantages, starting with its effectiveness as you only need to hit the attacker in the chest and the pepper ingredients will do the rest. FLAT RATE SAME DAY SHIPPING! Take Action & Gain Peace of Mind! Allen Treadaway, the police union president of Birmingham, Alabama said that "there are so many instances where without the Tasers we would have had to escalate all the way up to using lethal force, our sidearms" (Wright). Initially, pepper spray allowed an officer to subdue an offender or someone resisting arrest, but the problem was the range. Out on, “An Ambiguous Narrative about a Controversial Debate” “Hills Like White Elephants,” is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway about a very controversial subject in, Less than Lethal Weapons by Clayton Moss Less than lethal weapons were developed to provide law enforcement, corrections, and military personnel with an alternative to. Some consider these weapons life savers while others think of them as torture tools. By: Mike  •  Essay  •  2,042 Words  •  November 27, 2009  •  1,395 Views. What follows are four of the most common self-defense weapons outside of guns on the market today. Refuse To Be a Victim! Mace vs Pepper Spray  – What is the Best? At present, less-lethal weapons are a fact of life. A person of limited mobility may want a self-defense device that keeps an attacker at a distance. The entire concept of non lethal weapons is based on minimizing civilian deaths in regards to policing. Where are you intending on using the device? Pros: The first advantage is that the tactical flashlight offers a powerful light which temporarily blinds the attacker. Those who call for further development and deployment of autonomous weapons systems generally point to several military advantages. Some members of the defense community advocate autonomous weapons because of military advantages. "Non Lethal Weapons - a Controversial Debate." Accessed 11, 2009. The debate rages over whether or not it is a good thing that police have these weapons in their arsenals and if they should be able to use these on the public or not. Non lethal weapons are designed to incapacitate people or disable equipment with effects that are only temporary and completely reversible. Non Lethal Weapons - a Controversial Debate. You can keep a potential assailant at bay, providing you enough time to get away. Description: The gun or spray includes a mixture of pepper along with other chemicals that causes temporary blindness when it strikes the attacker.

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