Great collection of 20+ stories for you. As per the Government statistics 10,749 individuals died, 5,640 went missing and 2.79 million people were affected by the wave. High flood inflicts untold human misery. Short Essay on a Flood Scene. While some of them are ways by which we can prevent the implication and aftermath of flood, a few of them would help in preventing its occurrence as well. Destruction of property and infrastructure negatively affects the economy of the region affected and economic activities are at a standstill due to disrupted livelihoods. Very often the course of the river changes. I love it. It results in more and more flood as the excess rain water finds obstacle in being let out into the sea. The energy of the water can be used to turn and power propellers that can be used for the generation and creation of electricity. Hurricanes and storm surges on the sea or ocean can cause minor, moderate or major floods. Flood is not just the excess rainfall we talk about. There is loss of life of humans as well as animals. Before publishing your Article on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Flood occurs when it rains heavily. Article shared by. Flood is one of the recurring natural disasters which is an outcome of above average rainfall and accumulation of excessive water in every living area. The most decimating surge in Bihar’s history happened in 1987, when an avalanche obstructed the Bhote Kosi River, making it surge and crush more than 1.7 million homes. We call it high flood. There is overflow of water on the banks in the river. Rivers and other water bodies can overflow sometimes and this leads to a situation that is flood like in the areas nearby. Thus epidemic attacks the people in flood affected area. This is another important reason for excessive flood. Rivers are the only outlets of the rain water. is a free service that lets you to preserve your original articles for eternity. The recent floods in Kerala are another perfect example of how human activities have led to calling of nature’s ire in different forms such as floods. If the dams get broken sometimes, it is likely to lead to flood. But it was an ordinary flood. This can happen if the quantity of rainfall is a lot more than the capacity of the drainage system. Rivers are the only outlets of the rain water. When it rains heavily, the river bed swells. Dams are constructed to be able to hold the water that is flowing downwards from an area of land that is higher. Article Shared By. Coastal areas of Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Orissa witness such floods every year. For the overflow of water to be classified as flood, the area of land affected has to be mostly dry. Some of these are the Gangetic plains, coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, Brahmaputra valley and South Gujarat. People are cutting down trees and destroying the forests. They can also be a result of breaking of dam which can flood the nearby areas. Is it helpful to you? In fact, some regions are sure to be flooded with the onset of monsoon season. If the area receiving the water does not have a proper and good drainage system that will help in getting rid of the large quantity of water, there is going to be flooding. Global warming is an adverse effect of environmental pollution that causes a rise in temperatures on the earth’s surface. Let me know what you think about this article. These changes in climate contribute to flooding. 5. They do not get any work arid earn nothing. It is also responsible for increase in sea level because of melting of ice caps and glaciers. The dam can sometimes break when they can’t hold a large quantity of water and this causes the areas nearby to experience flooding. Buildings, roads and bridges are heavily damaged. The Machhu Dam-II flopped on Aug. 11, 1979, discharging the full power of the Macchu River on the town of Morbi. Flooding can also happen as a result of water overflowing from bodies of water like lakes, oceans and rivers. Scarcity of food and basic necessities arises. There are several events that can lead to a flood. The passage of the river gets blocked with heavy deposit of soil on the mouth. Disclaimer Financial constraints are experienced due to the rehabilitations from flood destructions. There is a lot more to it. Many thatched houses are washed away in flood. The kind of destruction which can happen is whopping. Prevention of floods that result from natural causes is a challenge. Countless homes and cattle get washed away. By choosing to cut the level of air and water pollution and minimizing the use of non bio-degradable products, we may be able to directly or indirectly help in controlling the problem of flood and its aftermath.

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