Well I start killing them and notice not a single one drops a shell? Hey Guys, was hoping someone might be able to help me out by confirming the following; I have installed Xisumavoids More Mob Head pack, as well as the Hermitcraft Advancement pack [ https://xisumavoid.com/moremobheads/ ]. Once I fixed the JSON issues, it worked for me. Shulker Shellsarean item added as part of 1.11. Of just paste into the world save and it's good to go? Affected Platforms: PlayStation 4. Shulkers not dropping shells. doMobLoot = true and doEntityDrops = true (if that makes a difference). For other articles related to Shulkers, see Shulker (Disambiguation). Log In. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Whilst I truly enjoy these additions to the game, Shulker's are no longer dropping any Shulker shells in the end (or if summoned via command / egg in a creative world). Once they have donethis, they can choose to kill the Ender Dragon first to make the next step easier. I have corrected the json, tested it, and uploaded the fix to pastebin: https://pastebin.com/LvwWcHc6 - for anyone who's facing the issue. the other heads are working fine (got a few from dungeons and both hostile and passive mobs). Resolution: Works As Intended Affects Version/s: TU46/CU36/1.39/Patch 15. Thanks! Shulkers not dropping shulker shells? Does yours need something similar. XML Word Printable. So I just beat the ender dragon and went to find a end city so I can get my wings of speed and some shulker shells. Shulker shells are items dropped by shulkers that are used solely to craft shulker boxes. A community for fans and members of the HermitCraft Minecraft Server! Thanks a ton! Download the most recent version and use that one in your world. edit: I tried it in a singleplayer world, other heads work (just like on the server). I saw a post about the same thing earlier but the response doesn't really make any sense: link I also tried reverting the drop chance back to default with the help of this post here but shulkers still aren't dropping any shells. Log In. doMobLoot = true and doEntityDrops = true (if that makes a difference). The loot table for shulkers has JSON syntax errors in it. Whilst I truly enjoy these additions to the game, Shulker's are no longer dropping any Shulker shells in the end (or if summoned via command / egg in a creative world). This was a bug fixed in the most recent version. The maximum can be increased by 1 per level of Looting, which is 0-4 shells with Looting III. My MC (java) version is 1.12.1 (latest). Description. the other heads are working fine (got a few from dungeons and both hostile and passive mobs). XML Word Printable. turns out someone forgot to put ""-s in the shulker file on line 46 fixed line: "tag": "{display:{LocName:\"Shulker Skull\"},SkullOwner:{Id:\"cda568d7-46da-4468-a46a-4c1ed73faf53\",Properties:{textures:[{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMWU3MzgzMmUyNzJmODg0NGM0NzY4NDZiYzQyNGEzNDMyZmI2OThjNThlNmVmMmE5ODcxYzdkMjlhZWVhNyJ9fX0=\"}]}}}", Maybe Xisuma should fix the download link so people will be able to get shulker shells?? Type: Bug Status: Resolved. They usually spawn on the walls of the city and on end ships. Shulkers spawn during the generation of end cities, which are located on the outer islands of the End. 0 shells should be a not less percentage of happening, because it is too much trouble just to get there and grab nothing. I'm gonna give yours a shot - just one thing do I need to do anything to activate it? Xisumas one doesn't start until you place a crafting table. ?? Fix Version/s: None Labels: None. I literally just use texture packs. When a loot table is broken, the mob won't drop anything, including XP. 1 Obtaining 2 Source 3 Uses 4 Crafting To find the shulkers to make the shulker shells, a player has to enter the End dimension. Turns out this was the issue for me too, even after I downloaded the updated version. 1 Obtaining 1.1 Shulkers 2 Usage 2.1 Crafting ingredient 3 Data values 3.1 ID 4 History 5 Issues In Bedrock Edition, shulkers drop 0-1 shulker shells. I think that it only makes sense that the shulker drops two shell the most often

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