(i) 2304. Here, we get remainder 2. There are \(500\) children in a school. 4489. In mathematics, a square root of a number a is a number y such that y² = a, in other words, a number y whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself, or y * y) is a. Ask your question. MEDIUM. EASY. \(AB = 6\;\rm{cm}\) \(BC = 8\;\rm{cm} \)  \(AC=\) ? Join now. Therefore 53 must be subtracted from 1989 to get a perfect square. How many children would be left out in this arrangement? Since remainder is zero and number of digits and left in the given number. karankumar8461 karankumar8461 56 minutes ago Math Secondary School +5 pts. For a P.T. 8. Square root of \(1825\) is calculated as follows. \({80^2} < 6412\)The remainder is \(12. He wants to plant these in such a way that the number of rows and the number of columns remain same. After that, the concept of Estimating Square Roots is also explained. Finding square root by division method This is followed by finding the Square Roots of Decimal, the topic is explained in 6 steps. Join now. Find the least number which must be subtracted from each of the following numbers so as to get a perfect square. How many children would be left out in this arrangement. To ask any doubt in Math download Doubtnut: https://goo.gl/s0kUoe Question: Find the square root of each of the following numbers by Division method. 1. Therefore, perfect square can be obtained by subtracting \(16\) from the given number. Find the square roots of each of the following numbers by Division method: (i) 2304 (ii) 4489 (iii) 3481 (iv) 529 (v) 3249 (vi) 1369. 4. \[\begin{align}&= {23^2} - 525\\&= 529 - 525\\&= 4\end{align}\], The required perfect square is \(525 + 4 = 529\). In this, first group the numbers into two starting from unit place, these groups are called periods. The square root of \(3136 \) is calculated as follows. Therefore 2 must be subtracted from 402 to get a perfect square. drill, they have to stand in such a manner that the number of rows is equal to the number of columns. (i) \(2304 \) (ii) \(4489 \) … \[\begin{align}\sqrt {4489}  = 67\end{align}\]. Square root of \(1989\) by long division method. If we subtract the remainder from the number, we get a perfect square. The remainder is \(41\).it shows that the square of \(28\) is less than \(825\) by \(41\). Join now. This chapter contains a total of 4 exercises. Square root of \(4000\) can be calculated by the long division method as follows. Find the square root of the following number by Division method. Let us learn here how to find the square root of numbers which … Here, we get remainder 1. Steps (i) The square root of \(2304\) is calculated as follows. Therefore, required perfect square \(= 1989 − 53 = 1936\), Square root of \(3250\) can be calculated by long division method as follows, The remainder obtained is \(1\). 4489 Concept: Finding Square Root by Division Method. Ask your question. 1. Area of the square = side of a square x side of a square, \[\begin{align}441\;\rm{m^2} = \text{(side of a square)}^2\end{align}\], \({\text{Side of a square}} = \;\sqrt {441}= 21\;{\rm{m}}\). Log in. Find the square root of the following decimal numbers. Find the length of the side of a square whose area is. The square root of \(900 \) is calculated as follows. Also find the square root of the perfect square so obtained. Find the length of the side of a square whose area is \(441\;\rm{m^2}\) . Find the square root of 4489 by Division method. We get a remainder 0 and quotient as 5 7 using division method. Therefore 1 must be subtracted from 3250 to get a perfect square. To find the square root of decimal numbers put bars on the integral part of the number and place bars on the decimal part on every pair of digits starting with the first decimal place. 67. Hence, the square root of 2304 is 48. A gardener has 1000 plants. Number of children would be left out in PT drill. What must be added to the numbers so as to get perfect square. 9. {\rm{A}}{{\rm{B}}^{\rm{2}}}\;{\rm{ }}&= \;{\rm{169}} - {\rm{25}}\;{\rm{ }}=\;{\rm{144}}\\{\rm{AB}}\;{\rm{ }}&= \;\sqrt {{\rm{144}}} \;{\rm{ }}= \;{\rm{12}}\;{\rm{cm}}\end{align}\]. Hence, the square root of 4489 is 67. use the largest number whose square is equal or less than the first period number. (iii) 3481 Rough107 × 7 = 749108 × 8 = 864109 × 9 = 981Therefore, √3481 = 59Ex 6.4, 1 Find the square root of each of the following numbers by Division … Square root of \(525\) is calculated by long division method as follows. B. The square root of \(3481\) is calculated as follows. Square root of \(6412 \) is calculated as follows. \[\begin{align}{\rm{A}}{{\rm{C}}^{\rm{2}}}\;{\rm{ }}&= \;{\rm{A}}{{\rm{B}}^{\rm{2}}}\;{\rm{ + }}\;{\rm{B}}{{\rm{C}}^{\rm{2}}}\\{{\rm{(13)}}^{\rm{2}}}\;{\rm{ }}&= \;{\rm{A}}{{\rm{B}}^{\rm{2}}}\;{\rm{ + }}\;{{\rm{(5)}}^{\rm{2}}}\\{\rm{169}}\;{\rm{ }}&= \;{\rm{A}}{{\rm{B}}^{\rm{2}}}\;{\rm{ + }}\;{\rm{25}}\\ drill they have to stand in such a manner that the number of rows is equal to number of columns. If number of rows and number of column are equal then number of palant has to be a prefect square. Log in. C. 73. Find an answer to your question Square root of 0.4489 by long division method 1. The remainder is \(16\). Join now. Find the square root of the following number by Division method… (vii) 5776 (viii) 7921 (ix) 576 (x) 1024 (xi) 3136 (xii) 900. But the square root of 3, √3, is not easy, as 3 is not a perfect square. Answer. A gardener has \(1000 \) plants. Therefore, perfect square can be obtained by subtracting \(53\) from the given number \(1989\). It shows that \({(22)^2}\) is less than \(500\). 3. A. The square root of \(1024\) is calculated as follows. Find the minimum number of plants he needs more for this. Find the number of digits in the square root of each of the following numbers (without any calculation). (ii) 4489. The square root of \(2304\) is calculated as follows. Ask your question. The square root of \( 4489\) is calculated as follows. Here, we have to find the number which should be subtracted from total number of children to make it a prefect square. Log in. Hence number to be added to \(1000\) to make it perfect square, .\[\begin{align} &= {32^2} - 1000\\ &= 1024 - 1000\\ &= 24 \end{align} \], Thus, the required number of plants \(=24\). Here, we get remainder 53. If number of rows and number of columns are equal then number of plants has to be a perfect square. Answer. Hence, we then use long division method. We will use long division method. Answered Square root of 0.4489 by long division method 2 See answers karankumar8461 is waiting for your help. We know that, if we subtract the remainder from the number, we get a perfect square. MEDIUM. Find the least number which must be added to each of the following numbers so as to get a perfect square. For example, the square root of 16 is 4, because 16 is a perfect square of 4, such as: 4 2 = 16 and √16 = 4. Find the number of digits in the square root of each of the following numbers (without any calculation): (i) 64     (ii) 144 (iii) 4489   (iv) 27225   (v) 390625. Find the square root of the following decimal numbers: (i) 2.56     (ii) 7.29   (iii) 51.84     (iv) 42.25   (v) 31.36. Log in. Answer. For example, 4 and -4 are square roots of 16 because 4² = (-4)² = 16.

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