Yesterday at 7:31 AM Elmas e Zielinski negativi al Covid-19! Lo stadio Ciro Vigorito è uno stadio ubicato nella città italiana di Benevento. Hotels near Stadio Ciro Vigorito: (0.61 km) Hotel Il Molino Benevento (1.35 km) Emme80 (1.34 km) B&B Domus Traiani, Benevento (1.43 km) De Nuce Maga Bed&Breakfast (1.32 km) La Dimora di Iside B&B; View all hotels near Stadio Ciro Vigorito on Tripadvisor Stadio Ciro Vigorito (fost Stadio Santa Colomba) este un stadion multifuncțional din Benevento, Italia. Stadio Ciro Vigorito, initially called Stadio Santa Colomba, officially opened on 9 September 1979. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) During the tour we will stop for lunch at a restaurant full of history, with great attention in preserving the taste and atmosphere of past eras. Yesterday at 11:22 AM | I convocati di # BeneventoNapoli # ForzaNapoliSempre. Info . Le stade Ciro-Vigorito (en italien, stadio Ciro Vigorito) est un stade de football situé à Bénévent, en Italie. In addition to the basic facts, you can find the address of the stadium, access information, special features, prices in the stadium and name rights. SSC Napoli. Si vous disposez d'ouvrages ou d'articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l'article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section « Notes et références ». În prezent este folosit în principal pentru meciuri de fotbal și este stadionul pe care își joacă meciurile de pe teren propriu echipa Benevento Calcio. more, Top Selling Tours & Activities in and around Benevento. Inauguré le 9 septembre 1979[1] avec le nom de stadio Santa Colomba, il s’agit en termes de capacité du plus grand stade de la ville et du 3e plus grand en région Campanie après le stade San Paolo et le stade Arigis. Lo stadio Ciro Vigorito è uno stadio ubicato nella città italiana di Benevento. Info . Inaugurato il 9 settembre 1979 con la denominazione di Stadio Santa Colomba, è (in termini di capienza) la maggiore arena scoperta della città d'appartenenza e la quarta della regione Campania dopo il San Paolo di Napoli, l'Arechi di Salerno e il Partenio di Avellino. Depuis le 2 novembre 2010, il porte le nom de Ciro Vigorito, un dirigeant sportif de Bénévent. Stade Ciro-Vigorito Le stade Ciro-Vigorito est un stade de football situé à Bénévent, en Italie.Inauguré le 9 septembre 1979 avec le nom de stadio Santa Colomba, il s’agit en termes de capacité du plus grand stade de la ville et du 3e plus grand en région Campanie après le stade San Paolo et le stade Arigis. Ciro Vigorito ©imago images. Stadio Ciro Vigorito (formerly Stadio Santa Colomba) is a multi-use stadium in Benevento, Italy. Comment ajouter mes sources ? We will discover the Grand Staircase of Honor and the marvelous rooms of the Royal Palace, the wonderful Royal Park, the fountains and the Carolino Aqueduct. Is this a romantic place or activity that you would suggest for, Are the prices for this place or activity, Is this a must-do if you are traveling with a, Is this a place or activity you would suggest for, Is this a place or activity you would go to on a, Via Santa Colomba, 82100, Benevento Italy, Hotels near Basilica della Madonna delle Grazie, Hotels near ARCOS - Museum of Contemporary Art in Sannio, Hotels near Area Archeologica Del Sacramento, Hotels near Basilica di San Bartolomeo Apostolo, Hotels near Chiesa del Santissimo Salvatore, Hotels near Museo Diocesano e Percorso Archeologico Ipogeo, Hotels near Museo del Sannio - Permanent Exhibition Iside la Scandalosa e la Magnifica, Museo del Sannio e Chiostro di Santa Sofia - Patrimonio UNESCO, ARCOS - Museum of Contemporary Art in Sannio, Monumental Complex of St. Hilary in Golden Gate, Points of Interest & Landmarks in Benevento, Centro Storico di Benevento: Tickets & Tours, Arco di Traiano (114 d. C.): Tickets & Tours, Museo del Sannio e Chiostro di Santa Sofia - Patrimonio UNESCO: Tickets & Tours, Hortus Conclusus Paladino: Tickets & Tours, ARCOS - Museum of Contemporary Art in Sannio: Tickets & Tours, Basilica della Madonna delle Grazie: Tickets & Tours, View all hotels near Stadio Ciro Vigorito on Tripadvisor, View all restaurants near Stadio Ciro Vigorito on Tripadvisor. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home stadium of Benevento Calcio. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. Upon completion, the stadium could hold 25,000 spectators, but over the years capacity got reduced due to safety reasons, first to 18,500 and in the last few years to around 12,000, also because the Curva Nord stopped being used. Stadionul poate găzdui 25.000 de spectatori și a … If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Inauguré le 9 septembre 1979 avec le nom de stadio Santa Colomba, il s’agit en termes de capacité du plus grand stade de la ville et du 3 e plus grand en région Campanie après le stade San Paolo … The Royal Palace of Caserta, Luigi Vanvitelli's masterpiece, revolutionized world architecture., Portail de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme,, Article manquant de références depuis juillet 2019, Article manquant de références/Liste complète, Page avec coordonnées différentes sur Wikidata, Portail:Architecture et urbanisme/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. En pratique : Quelles sources sont attendues ? What restaurants are near Stadio Ciro Vigorito? The stadium is able to hold 25,000 people and was opened in 1979. Our tour will accompany you to discover the largest Royal Palace in the world. Please choose a different date. Stadio Ciro Vigorito (formerly Stadio Santa Colomba) is a multi-use stadium in Benevento, Italy. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 26 avril 2020 à 18:18. In addition to the basic facts, you can find the address of the stadium, access information, special features, prices in the stadium and name rights. This page provides you with information about the stadium of the selected club. Hotels near Stadio Ciro Vigorito: (0.38 mi) Hotel Il Molino Benevento (0.84 mi) Emme80 (0.84 mi) B&B Domus Traiani, Benevento (0.89 mi) De Nuce Maga Bed&Breakfast (0.82 mi) La Dimora di Iside B&B; View all hotels near Stadio Ciro Vigorito on Tripadvisor
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