The reseeding aspect got to be more trouble than the plant in bloom was worth. Yes, I trim Sweet Autumn Clematis often, that is whenever it gets out of control. Prune the vines back to within 12 inches of the ground using pruning shears in winter, usually in February. Left unpruned, any growth (and new flowers) will remain confined to the tops or ends of the vines. Back in the late spring, I mentioned in passing that I wanted to plant a Sweet Autumn Clematis in my back yard garden that runs along my neighbor’s fence. Herbaceous Clematis. It was near enough to my garage to catch the roof on fire and the heat was intense enough, the dried clematis vine sprang into flames. Pruning Sweet Autumn Clematis - I'm Doing It Now! Prune sweet autumn clematis after flowering finishes in the late fall. Also includes easy to understand information on pruning. Prune the growing vines back as needed during the summer. It was beautiful this year! Have trimmed in every season and it always comes back. Prune the vines back to within 12 inches of the ground using pruning shears in winter, usually in February. I pull shoots all the time and they just grow back. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Jun 21, 2018 - How do you know what kind of pruning a clematis needs? The seed heads are feathery in appearance. This deciduous, late-flowering twining vine with deep green leaves and profuse, fragrant white flowers is easy to grow and will thrive and bloom in shade. So I am pruning it to about three feet tall NOW, just after blooming, and I will report the results in the spring. Sweet Autumn Clematis, officially known as Clematis terniflora or Clematis paniculata, is a gorgeous perennial vine which produces an abundance of sweet-smelling flowers late summer into early autumn. It only took about 15 minutes to go out and take the whole thing down. This gives you some extra time between trimmings. The key to success is figuring out which of the three pruning groups your clematis belongs to. Those I will wait and cut down when they are frozen brown by the weather. This is the 3rd year I have taken it pretty much down to the ground after the flowers have faded. This plant may be less frequently damaged by deer than other clematis species (hybrids). Oh my, what a terrible lesson with that fire. I have made a video to show you the Sweet Autumn Clematis as it has been growing this year. (or anyone, you never know when a fire could occur.). Hold the vines in one hand, and cut through them with pruning shears about 12 inches shorter than your desired length. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Pruning Sweet Autumn Clematis - I'm Doing It Now! Cut the vines back to 12 to 18 inches from the ground the following February to ensure a strong flower production the next summer. What Kind of Plants Go in a Cottage Garden? It seems to come back even better/bigger after trimming every time as I am in Zone 6a. I am so glad to hear that since this will be the first year I have taken it down after blooming. This one self-sows from the little seedlings that are blown around the garden and it can spring up all over. But I wanted to address pruning this type of clematis. So lush and pretty no matter what you do. Native to Japan, it's Latin name may be given as Clematis paniculata,C. These seeds seem very tiny fuzzy whirly-gigs. It is considered invasive in some areas of the county, and it is popping up in my garden and I am pulling it each week. Glad you were not injured or worse.Sounds like best to trim in fall for you. So true! All clematis are heavy feeders; give them a low-nitrogen fertilizer, such as 5-10-10, in spring. Discard the cut vines. Clematis terniflora. This fear is unwarranted, as pruning simply comes down to when your clematis blooms. Seeds blew as we did this so I know I will still have a lot of sprouts. Sweet Autumn Clematis is easy to grow and can become invasive due to a rampant growth habit in addition to self-seeding. She earned a BA in communications from Jacksonville State University. Unsure of which pruning group If you are unsure or forget which group your clematis fall into, observe the flowering time on your plant and use the following simple guide; It's a vigorous grower, but pruning it once a year is usually all you need to keep it contained. You should come share at the Facebook page. This gives you more choices on where you can plant it in your yard. When do you prune yours? Sweet Autumn Clematis. Decision made. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Sweet autumn clematis (Clematis terniflora), which grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 11, gives you a brilliant cascade of white flowers in late summer and early fall. And I won’t have the brown bush on the fence all winter. By identifying the group and following the instructions, the task will seem much less daunting. This is my effort to keep it from invading the rest of the garden and curb its tendencies to go everywhere. She was even wrapped around the cable wire! Sweet autumn clematis. The vines go dormant in the winter, so you'll be trimming vines with no leaves or flowers.

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