If presenting some of your information or just stopping by to chat and drink sounds interesting let me know. Also, like in China, tea is a crucial part of daily life in this country. No further info on this. El Salvador has been growing tea in small quantities for many years.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'teahow_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_18',140,'0','0'])); Bhutan produces tea outside Trongsa. Here’s our next section containing the top 11-20 tea producing countries. Their most notable tea growing regions, include Shizuoka Prefecture, Kagoshima Prefecture, Mie Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture, Miyazaki Prefecture, and Fukuoka Prefecture. While the country originally produced much more coffee, it switched over to tea after a blight wiped out their crops. Mainly production of black tea which serves the capital. Political instability meant that during the 1970s the production of tea – which was comparable to Kenya (currently in fifth position) dropped considerably – along with quality. China is also home to the historic Great Horse Tea Roads that snaked their way through China to Tibet and beyond. Heading across the Indian Ocean we find ourselves in the Middle East, in the unlikely tea producing country of Iran and the Caspian sea region of Gilan, which produces just under 75,000 tonnes of tea. The focus is on the production of superior quality green, yellow and white tea. I’d be glad to collaborate or get some feedback from a fellow tea lover! Just outside Truro, England is the recently formed (at least in Tea history) Tregothnan tea estate, England. Focussed around the areas of Kwazulu, West Transvaal, Transkei, Natal, and Zululand. Now, tea is the country's main foreign exchange with other countries, and tea production accounts for 2% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). For more information on the methods of manufacture see my other article on How Tea is Made. Tasmania is home to the most southern tea plantation in the world. More than half of the tea produced in India remains in the country for consumption, effectively making this a country of a billion tea drinkers. | Copyright© 2018-2019 teahow.com. China has been producing tea for centuries for its medicinal value as a beverage. With other areas producing the arker grade teas. Enhance your tea skills with my beautiful and easy to learn 110-page tea sommelier course! There is also a vibrant culture around tea-drinking with careful attention paid to the taste and the environment in which it is consumed. At around fifteen hundred tons, Mauritius is the thirty-second largest grower of tea in the world. Mainly Black tea CTC. India produces 1.2 million tons of a tea, and over half of it remains in the country to be consumed by its citizens. Known for producing a very aromatic tea with minimal tannins. Holding 9th position, hard to ascertain if this includes the growing of Yerba Mate plantations alongside them too – which is the countries main beverage of choice. I’ll be sure to keep it updated to reflect changes. It is possible to produce tea under suitable conditions in many other countries. With Shizuoka being the most prominent green tea producer.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'teahow_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',114,'0','0'])); Well that’s our Top Ten so far. Though most people don't think of Kenya immediately when it comes to the topic of tea, it is, in fact, the world's largest exporter of black tea, and there are over 500,000 small-scale Kenyan farmers growing tea in the country. The full list of the top tea growing and producing nations in the world. Rounding out the top five is Vietnam, with a total of 214,300 tons of tea produced. The 11 Top Tea Producing Countries in the World (According to UN Food and Agriculture Organisation statistics for tea production globally in 2017.) India has been growing tea since 1823. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'teahow_com-box-4','ezslot_8',110,'0','0'])); Famous for its Darjeeling and Assam amongst other areas, which together form the largest single region for growing tea in the world. Plantations are positioned around the higher altitude in the North and Central mountainous areas where growing conditions are ideal. For example, some organisations want to understand Tea export figures, others want to know tea production, some on consumed quantity and others on output per capita etc. Well that’s it. Most notable for its production of Rooibos. The third largest producer of tea in the world and the largest tea producer in … Brazil is the thirty-seventh largest producer of tea in the world. As is accustomed with this region alongside its neighbors Tanzania, Burundi, Uganda and Rwanda. The tea market in India is huge with tens of thousands of tea gardens spread around the nation, including such popular varieties as Darjeeling and Assam. This small nation, Laos keeps within with the top 50 producers of tea in thirty-fourth place globally.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'teahow_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',137,'0','0'])); A modest output of tea since 1877. The most notorious plantation being the Samcholing Tea Estate. Image By Vikramjit Kakati – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0. Although quality can vary depending on the time of year. Around 1994 Russia was producing 8,481 tons per annum, this has now reduced to just 90 ton. Required fields are marked *. Also, from Nairobi, north, and west through Limuru and Kericho to name a couple of large estates. At this point we begin to get down to those nations with a small output of fewer than 40 tons, some of them new to the tea-growing sector and all worthy of mention. I can only presume this does not include their huge appetite for Yerba Mate. Producing mainly black tea since 1950 and to some degree having been affected only by political and military unrest. Earning them a respectable 11th position globally and hot on the heels of Japanese output. The Agricultural Research Council of Pakistan claims the suited areas for growing tea are the districts of Mansehra, Swat, Battagram, and AJK. Teahow.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. With a small but consistent output. Turkey. Despite immense difficulties with famine in the last 50 years or so, Ethiopia still boasts 24th position in the tea growing hierarchy.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'teahow_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_11',135,'0','0'])); Being a recent tea adopter in global terms, Papua New Guinea have been quietly growing tea since 1964.
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