5. In beyond the Phoenix project there is a discussion on how bottlenecks tend to shift after improvements and what to do about it. In this episode, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to “The Phoenix Project” and “The Unicorn Project” author Gene Kim (@RealGeneKim) about #DevOps, his experience of the industry, IT organizations and a MILLION TRILLION other things.I’d listen to this one first! As a company, we read the Phoenix Project several years ago, and we could not wait to dig into the Unicorn Project, by Gene Kim for our first book discussion of 2020. Update: Now the “sequel” to this book is out, it’s called “The Unicorn Project” and you find my review here. It’s written by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford and was originally released in 2013. A friend of mine, who also happens to be an agileist, suggested that I should read the book ”The Phoenix Project”. His books include The Phoenix Project, The DevOps Handbook, The Visible Ops Handbook, and Visible Ops Security.. Kevin Behr is the founder of the Information Technology Process Institute (ITPI) and the general manager and chief science officer of Praxis Flow LLC. The Phoenix Project; The Unicorn Project Thanks to a growing insight into Lean, Agile and DevOps concepts, Bill and his team gradually evolve their way of working. Using the new knowledge that Bill and we learned from the first half, the system is designed with operational requirements in mind. Now a WSJ Bestseller! Faced with the conflict of Project Phoenix requirements against firefighting and competing projects, Bill and his team enter a spiral of problems, mistakes, gloom and despair. I expected to fall in love with this book, like I did with The Phoenix Project and The Goal. The Unicorn Project is a book that I immediately bought, once I heard of its existence. The Unicorn Project. Unicorn is showing the story from grunts point of view. Using movie terminology Unicorn project is Spin-off of the Phoenix Project, action happens roughly at the same, difference is perspective while Phoenix is of manager dealing with teams and department. Is there more info about this somewhere? I loved The Phoenix Project, dug deeper by reading a lot of Goldratts books and subsequently also enjoyed The DevOps handbook and Accelerate. The Phoenix Project was told through the eyes of Bill Palmer, the Head of Operations, whereas The Unicorn Project is told through the eyes of a … For seven weeks, we met on Fridays during lunch with 12+ devs, a project manager, and QA to talk about org culture, software team practices, how we related to the story, and how we didn’t. The Unicorn Project. Hi, Spring fans! Gene Kim is a multi-award winning CTO, researcher, and author.He is the founder of Tripwire and served as CTO for thirteen years. The second part of the book deals with project Unicorn, a new project that is organized differently by Bill based on his new understanding of operations. This highly anticipated follow-up to the bestselling title The Phoenix Project takes another look at Parts Unlimited from the perspective of Maxine, a senior lead developer and architect, as she is exiled to the Phoenix Project.

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